Female Witchers


I'd still love to see a fully mutated female witcher, maybe as a villain. Would be pretty cool. Given the ambiguity in the books, I guess CDPR isn't going to go there. Anyone know if a dev has commented on this?

Fuck that, I'd absolutely love to play a female Witcher.

The industry is a total fucking sausage fest at the moment. Really annoying. We need more female protagonists up in this bitch. Too many dicks around and it's making me uncomfortable. White men in their thirties and with short brown hair are ludicrously overrepresented in this medium and it's getting tedious as all fuck, playing the same asshole over and over again.

So I would really love to play a female witcher. Won't happen though. Shame.
Fuck that, I'd absolutely love to play a female Witcher.

The industry is a total fucking sausage fest at the moment. Really annoying. We need more female protagonists up in this bitch. Too many dicks around and it's making me uncomfortable. White men in their thirties and with short brown hair are ludicrously overrepresented in this medium and it's getting tedious as all fuck, playing the same asshole over and over again.

So I would really love to play a female witcher. Won't happen though. Shame.

Just for you.

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The sorceresses are forced to choose, not as a matter of physiological impossibility, but as a decision forced upon them by the mistress of the Academy, to give up maternity as a cost of pursuing magical power.

Could you please quote the soruce of this information, becasue I believe you are in error here. As far as I understood the books wielding magical powers makes said wielder sterile without his/her choice in the matter.
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While that is often so, it is known to be not so for all, and specifically it is not so for enough sorceresses that an edict was made. Forced sterilization was a condition imposed by Tissaia de Vries during her tenure as headmistress of Aretuza.

"Some wizards -- usually women – attune to magic while still maintaining efficiency of the gonads. They can conceive and give birth – and have the audacity to consider this happiness and a blessing.... I demand all apprentices be sterilised. Without exception."

Blood of Elves, chapter 7, text previously quoted in full here: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/7703-Why-are-most-mages-sterile?p=326094#post326094
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Wasn't Geralt long lost mother a Sorceress? Sorry for spoilers there... :p

Yes, she was. Visenna was also a Druid. As long as we're into speculating, we may as well speculate that the Druid way of magic may have different. less damaging, physiological consequences -- and kept her away from the control freaks of Aretuza.
Visenna, yeah. I don't think this is heavy spoilers for anyone, considering the books have been out for decades now. And if it is ? Well, Darth Vader is Luke's father. Enjoy !

Theres plenty of people, including me, who just started reading the books. So yes, it's a spoiler. Let's not throw them around willy nilly.
While that is often so, it is known to be not so for all, and specifically it is not so for enough sorceresses that an edict was made. Forced sterilization was a condition imposed by Tissaia de Vries during her tenure as headmistress of Aretuza.

"Some wizards -- usually women – attune to magic while still maintaining efficiency of the gonads. They can conceive and give birth – and have the audacity to consider this happiness and a blessing.... I demand all apprentices be sterilised. Without exception."

Blood of Elves, chapter 7, text previously quoted in full here: http://forums.cdprojektred.com/threads/7703-Why-are-most-mages-sterile?p=326094#post326094

Precisely. And I'd like to point out that Ciri achieved exceptional magical prowess - easily on par with an archmage's - without losing, as far as we know, the ability to give birth. Unlike the witchers, the sorcesses are sterile because they (or at least the one in charge) have decided that's how they rolled.
The sorceresses are forced to choose, not as a matter of physiological impossibility, but as a decision forced upon them by the mistress of the Academy, to give up maternity as a cost of pursuing magical power.
While that is often so, it is known to be not so for all, and specifically it is not so for enough sorceresses that an edict was made. Forced sterilization was a condition imposed by Tissaia de Vries during her tenure as headmistress of Aretuza.
I agree with source, but I am not sure if they can choose. I always imagined, that is partly "natural" process during their magic life and when magic "fails", there comes Tissaia and others.

Like most female magicians, her ovaries are atrophied and it's irreversible. She'll never be able to have children.''Not all sorceresses are handicapped in this respect. I know something about that, and you do, too.'

„Jí nikdo nepomůže, je to nemožné. Je čarodějka. Jako většina čarodějek
má zakrnělé, nefunkční gonády. To se nedá vyléčit. Nikdy nebude
moci mít dítě.“
„Ne všechny čarodějky jsou v tomto ohledu postiženy. Něco o tom
vím. Ty to víš taky.“
„Ovšem,“ přimhouřila Nenneke oči. „Vím.“
„Nemůže být pravidlem něco, z čeho existují výjimky. Neodpovídej
Precisely. And I'd like to point out that Ciri achieved exceptional magical prowess - easily on par with an archmage's - without losing, as far as we know, the ability to give birth. Unlike the witchers, the sorcesses are sterile because they (or at least the one in charge) have decided that's how they rolled.
I would add one thing -
Ciri (just like her biological mother was) is not normal sorceress - she was born with her power, so that is different from 'normal' girls, which, I think, can loose their fertility during learning of magic.
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There better be. Wait, the Cat School accepted women if I remember correctly. They had a special mutation process that didn't work only on men. They even had elves.
I understand men usually are stronger but, in centuries of tries, it seems strange there was not a single witcher...ess? :)
Little girl in TW2: "Can gurls become witchas toooo?" :D
Just crossed my mind ;)
well.. sure but not typical i guess i dunno
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Female Witchers

After playing through the W2 on many different occasions and seeing many videos of the W1 being played, I found that there was an absence of female Witchers. Not only were there none in either game, but I do not remember any being mentioned. So, I am curious, is there such thing as a female Witcher? If so why were they not then integrated into the game?
dont' they already exist with Cyri?

Why would it matter so much to you?
Aside from Ciri and what I've learned from the books via summary videos, I don't think so...

I think there's probably an explanation, but I guess boys or sometimes men were mainly used for mutation to become witchers, due to their DNA compared to women, you know.
I don't know the exact reason why Sapkowski didn't create any female witcher, but it is easy to fix. Ciri has to start Lynx School and train girls.
By nature men are physically superior to women so I cannot see any girl passing the trials and training. There is ofcourse Ciri but she was never a full grown witcher. She was only beginning her training in the books and nobody can say if she would survive.
Sword of destiny page 344
Do you believe a Child of Destiny would pass through the Trials without danger?'

We believe such a child would not require the Trials

and the no women Witcher is not a no or a yes I think it is mentioned in the books that in some rare cases women are taken..

you can say the same thing with sorceresses and not being able too have children eg Geralt’s mum
You are forgetting that BOTH WITCHERS AND SORCERESSES ARE STERILE! And another thing is this forum is turning into a Sexist bigoted Flame War!
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