Introducing a Limited Floppy Edition of Cyberpunk 2077!

No, I ask to keep the floppy disks just for me, the disk will just fit my consciousness and Hanako Arasaka can put me in the closet on a shelf! ))

Hanak Arasaka would love to do it, ones you finnish your miserable existence! ))
Make the floppy into a small carry box made hold 3 or 4 small usbkeys in the shape of a Biochip like the relic!


An idear of the data that the USB could hold:
  • A GOG version copy of the game standalone installer (with online copy for future update/DLC/ETC...)
  • A copy of the pdf of the Cyberpunk Red RPG books...
  • A copy of the animated series Cyberpunk: Edge Runner

The only payment i want for my idear is that you SALE me the first one! Bonus love if you get Mike Pondsmith or Kenu Reaves to sign it! :love:

I remember my first games where in floppy disks 5 1/4. Prince of Persia and Indiana Jones. I had to change floppies while playing because my 286 didn't have hard disk. Later, I got a 20MB hard disk and could play another games that required to be installed.
With 3 1/2 floppies I remember to install the firsts versions of linux (slackware came in 3 1/2 images) and I remember installing for hours because sometimes the one of the last floppies failed and I had to start over! Lol... Good times...
Hanak Arasaka would love to do it, ones you finnish your miserable existence! ))
I hope so, because it is the best way to stop this stupid game ))
"When there is no real hope we must mint our own. If the coin be counterfeit it still may be passed".
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I hope so, because it is the best way to stop this stupid game ))
"When there is no real hope we must mint our own. If the coin be counterfeit it still may be passed".

''Only if it is damn good counterfeiting? )
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I mean you COULD still put SOMETHING on a stylized floppy for us💁‍♂️ A lot of us are playing using cyberdecks and CRTs as it is, I'll connect a floppy drive!
Seriously, a game that constantly has problems and you're not ashamed to spoil it even more - it's garbage
I'm not sure about "Only if" )
And in fact, Only if is from programming languages. I don't like programming, although I like to play. :p

In fact, Only if is from Algorithm meaning Algorithm language. Also like to play) seams some smart people are hanging around! (y)
LOL...This actually had me for a few seconds. Very funny April 1st joke [did it work in places where April Fool's Day isn't a thing?]

In fact I _would _ like the game on physical media...but a DVD, por favor...
LOL...This actually had me for a few seconds. Very funny April 1st joke [did it work in places where April Fool's Day isn't a thing?]

In fact I _would _ like the game on physical media...but a DVD, por favor...
Might take more than one.

I still like the idea expressed in these comments about distributing it on a flash drive. That way, when something happens in the game that infuriates me, rather than throw my controller, I can re-flash the drive in a fit of rage.
We are now 1 month and 1 week later, I'm now at disk 42,456. Can't wait to play the game in June/July.

Almost there. My colleagues already asked me, "Why does your right arm looks so masculine compared to your left arm" I said "I'm installing Cyberpunk." Their response was "yeahhhhhh righhtttttt."

But it's definitely worth the experience guys.
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Are you a fan of sleeper gaming PCs?

Do you yearn for the retrofuturistic experience of the original Cyberpunk?

Do you miss the good ol’ days when game installation was a ritual of its own?

Whichever of the above describes you best, then you’ll love the Floppy Edition of Cyberpunk 2077!

Nowadays, in the era of digital distribution, most PCs come with no drives. However, we also heard many voices from people within our community who love the vintage experience of manual installation. We get it! After all, CD PROJEKT started by distributing games on CDs.

That’s why we’ve decided to explore something you’ve been asking us for since even before the original release — Cyberpunk 2077 on floppy diskettes!

Embrace the ritual of classic game installation using 97,619 3.5” diskettes. Make sure to invite friends over and schedule shifts, as our initial estimations indicate that it might take about 2 months of non-stop diskette-swapping to finish.

Sounds awesome, right? It sure does! Follow the link below to wishlist the Floppy Edition! Be prepared for a truck delivery though!

See you in Night City!
Heh if I remember correctly, you needed at least 1.5 ammount of floppy disks of the stuff you wanted to install, because some of them had errors and fail to read at all or had corrupted parts. So 97k * 1,5 or 2... that is lot of floppy disks.. bring it on! :-D
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