[Mod Request] E3 Hud

WalteriusMaximus;n8461360 said:
They show an image of "look what we can do!" but then they offer very little in terms of how to do it or to share what they've done. There is a name for this kind of behavior....

So far, erxv is most valuable person in this thread. Also, we haven't ask if he can share it, only if it is possible. Looking back at his posts, I think he might share it with is. Even if not, as he said it's extremely easy to do, so why not to it by ourselfs (I mean Hyadum )
Man you can make the Meditation screen transparent and integrate some kind of realtime meditation! Im pretty sure a mod on nexus has already done this but im not sure which one. I will have a look.
K4rx20;n8461470 said:
Man you can make the Meditation screen transparent and integrate some kind of realtime meditation! Im pretty sure a mod on nexus has already done this but im not sure which one. I will have a look.

There are other real-time meditation mods worth knowing about, from the mod author Wasteland Ghost: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2067/?

The feature from that mod is also incorporated in her more comprehensive Preparations mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/750/?

As far as i know, the vanilla mediation screen includes Geralt's meditation animation, but CDPR just decided to hide it (God only knows why). As was illustrated before, the background image can be made transparent to show Geralt's meditation animation, but for reasons unknown this person who did it is unwilling to simply share how to do it....so the rest of us is left to struggle with this, trying to figure it out.

Is anyone good at recoloring? like good, not just for the sake of trying. i can provide the textures
linaswas_001;n8461430 said:
So far, erxv is most valuable person in this thread. Also, we haven't ask if he can share it, only if it is possible. Looking back at his posts, I think he might share it with is. Even if not, as he said it's extremely easy to do, so why not to it by ourselfs (I mean Hyadum )

lol I appreciate the faith in me but I still know VERY little of jpexs. All that I have done was thanks to erxv , trial and error and some of my (sometimes good XD) guessing.

I'm still changing btw the HUD elements. I worked a little on the buffs (signs, burn, food, potions...). I moved them in the middle of the top half of the screen and made them transparent. It looks really cool imo but I also had tried to change the little ring (duration) of the buff to work as a semi-transparent background. It worked (kinda) but there's a little line in between since the game loads 2 half circles instead of 1 circle. Probably the textures have to be exactly precise so no idea if you guys like the idea maybe I'll try again some time later but no promises.


Also still messing with the health bar (was trying to make also the black blackground more see-through). Again kinda worked but again the texture has to be perfect, otherwise it looks strange.

Did some testing with enemy boss health bar and will probably have to mess with the oxygen/roach fear/stamina. No promises again though XD
Is there anyone still trying to go for the full e3 hud, or is that out of the question now? I like that we'll probably have a lot of unique hud variants from different people, but I'd like to see the e3 hud even more tbh.


Forum veteran
Hyadum;n8460960 said:
I tried it but I don't know how to get the default background image (the black and white trees image) out of the way so that my partially transparent texture can show what geralt is doing.

thats because every single game function calls menus like this: theGame.RequestMenuWithBackground('MeditationClockMenu', 'CommonMenu');
in there, the CommonMenu is the background and that is just a black screen... so to fix this, make a script like so:
exec function moddedMenu()
    theGame.RequestMenuWithBackground('MeditationClockMenu', 'MeditationClockMenu');

and put it into any script u want basically... but preferably just make a new script and new mod with this path structure: Mods/ModName/content/scripts/local/moddedmenu.ws

into that .ws copy the code i wrote, and then in game call the menu by entering moddedMenu into console...

as for depth, if u choose to Raw Edit on anything, there is a depth var there... and changing that will move it ontop or behind other objects depending on their depth value...
i cant remember right now which way it is... im kinda away for 2 weeks so i just got a phone.... but either the larger the number the further back layer it is on, or the other way around... just a quick look at some existing stuff will make it obvious....

also im pretty sure i said this about the CommonMenu background before but i guess i wasnt as explaining as i should have....

WalteriusMaximus;n8461550 said:
for reasons unknown this person who did it is unwilling to simply share how to do it....so the rest of us is left to struggle with this, trying to figure it out.

my eyes rolled so hard they almost came out of their sockets....
Evgdan95;n8462370 said:

mmm it that UI looks good but how will it look in the current game? who knows...
you can use e3 map as insipiration also...

OK great, I will see what I can come up with. The challenge is getting all the map tiles uniform and that artificial fog they added to it is not ideal, but I should be able to do something...
I will do a few tiles tonight and then we can cook it and see what it looks like in the game, then work from there.
erxv;n8462580 said:
thats because every single game function calls menus like this: theGame.RequestMenuWithBackground('MeditationClockMenu', 'CommonMenu');
in there, the CommonMenu is the background and that is just a black screen... so to fix this, make a script like so:
exec function moddedMenu()
theGame.RequestMenuWithBackground('MeditationClockMenu', 'MeditationClockMenu');

and put it into any script u want basically... but preferably just make a new script and new mod with this path structure: Mods/ModName/content/scripts/local/moddedmenu.ws

into that .ws copy the code i wrote, and then in game call the menu by entering moddedMenu into console...

as for depth, if u choose to Raw Edit on anything, there is a depth var there... and changing that will move it ontop or behind other objects depending on their depth value...
i cant remember right now which way it is... im kinda away for 2 weeks so i just got a phone.... but either the larger the number the further back layer it is on, or the other way around... just a quick look at some existing stuff will make it obvious....

also im pretty sure i said this about the CommonMenu background before but i guess i wasnt as explaining as i should have....

my eyes rolled so hard they almost came out of their sockets....

I'll try this thanks so much erxv !! I had an idea that the game would call the common background to every single menu panel but no wonder I couldn't do it since there's scripts involved and I know pretty much nothing about it (again can probably only guess what it does by reading it).

Yeah I had experimented with depth also but I forgot also which way it was. Some little texting will figure that out.

So basically I have to make a single mod just for the script you posted? And then use my HUD mod as usual?
Amazing work guys. I do not mean to be ungrateful, but I would also love to see the real/original E3 2014 hud. Or atleast as close to it.
Evgdan95;n8462440 said:
Hyadum how do you move shapes in jpexs? the only thing i can do is replacing )

This is how I did it: you have to mess with X and Y values in the editing part. Look for the sprite/frame you want to move and click on it. You'll see some "code" on the right. Check the matrix one. You'll see translateX and translateY (not sure if exactly like this but you'll see them) and mess with them. I noticed that it SHOULD work like this:

X = the higher the number the more it goes towards the right >>
Y= the higher the number the more it goes towards the bottom vv


Forum veteran
Hyadum well, you need to call the menu with that console command every time, or change every single vanilla script with what i wrote.... or you can just download my mod and use that :D

also in vanilla it pauses the game if u go into that menu... so even if u would remove the background it would still all be paused...
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