Play as Lucy from Edgerunners? (possible spoilers)

Hello everyone, greetings from Argentina. I have an xbox series s. I started playing cuberpunk 2077. I wanted to know if I opened any mod or update to be able to create lucy the cyberpunk edgerunners character since he is the only one who survived in the anime and since it is after the game I would like to be able to play with that character. In the creation part you can create something similar but not the character itself.
I'm confused.

Are you looking for mods that would allow you to play as Lucy? In which case, search for Lucy on Cyberpunk 2077' Nexus mods and you'll find plenty that will allow you to create a character that looks just like Lucy. You're on Xbox though so that makes little sense to me since you can't use these mods.

Or are you asking for CDPR to produce a way to play as Lucy that you can actually use? If that's the case, the odds of that are zero.
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