REDkit manual?

REDkit manual?

I remember that BANAN or someone else said that a manual for the REDkit will be released, he didn't gave any more info. I may be wrong and I had just made up that promise, if so please tell me. I f not, any news on that manual?
Oh well ! This forum is like a ghost town when you ask for help, except for a few good people who comes in the aid. And the wiki is quite empty, it has purely basic stuff in it.

I think I will have to experiment with REDkit
Oh well ! This forum is like a ghost town when you ask for help, except for a few good people who comes in the aid. And the wiki is quite empty, it has purely basic stuff in it.

I think I will have to experiment with REDkit
No harm in asking around, but I think we must expect todo most of the footwork ourselves. Unlike ex. cryengine or unreal, this is a proprietary engine, not relying on anyone outside the company to understand the in and outs. I guess you could say the same about skyrims creation kit, but its been around since morrowind.

But hey, finding out can be part of the fun aswell, tho I'd admit abit more time consuming :D.
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