The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - An Open Letter

July 17th!?.... Anyway, atleast this gives me time to upgrade my pc with hopefully some new graphics cards...
I love that they have the balls to do that!! It proves that they really consider their games art and that the quality is above all else!! Rock on CDPR! Make W3 an example to be followed by the industry! I hope they polish the hell out of combat! And pray that the downgrade turns out to be false!
This is oddly similar to the delays of TW2. I don't know, it's a relief but a bit worrying at the same time. I wish You the best, CDPR.
I love that they have the balls to do that!! It proves that they really consider their games art and that the quality is above all else!! Rock on CDPR! Make W3 an example to be followed by the industry! I hope they polish the hell out of combat! And pray that the downgrade turns out to be false!

Balls? This was just a simple business decision.
Come on, nobody wants to play extensive RPGs in summer time. I'm usually out then, enjoying the good weather and the sun, doing the usual outdoor summer activities.... The dark and cold days of winter are perfectly suited for big video games. There is a reason why so few games are released during the sommer months and so many during the winter months...
Duke Nukem Forever...
They also owe it to everyone who preordered the game, don't you think?

They actually don't. It would be nice, but they aren't required to legally. You are not an investor, you are a consumer. The only thing they would have to tell you was if you the product is cancelled(it is not), if the release date is moved(which they did), or if the game was changed to a non-game item(Witcher 3 is now a cookbook). While people prefer transparency, it's not legally required and can cause major issues for the company trying to be good to their customers.

They've been good in the past, releasing EEs with re-recorded dialogue, upgrading the engines, etc etc, for free. I feel they've earned a bit of leeway in this case specifically because they HAVE put their money behind their product. When most games get "upgraded" it gets released as a GOTY and you have to buy it again. In this case, they gave it to everyone that purchased the game for free. Remember, the reasons behind why they did EEs was related to financials being weak prior to release. This time, they are doing the polishing ahead of time, and that's admirable. If it comes out a big, buggy mess and is never fixed, then in the future people will know not to trust them. Until that time, they've earned some respect from their consumers.
It's comforting they've bought themselves some more time now, after downgradegate. I don't care if it gets delayed to 2016, just make sure this will be a gem of a game.
Eighty days turn into eighty years, when would the nightmare end. I am just an old man now but here I stand, waiting, for the time to come, for my eyes to see, THE WITCHER 3.
Come on, nobody wants to play extensive RPGs in summer time. I'm usually out then, enjoying the good weather and the sun, doing the usual outdoor summer activities.... The dark and cold days of winter are perfectly suited for big video games. There is a reason why so few games are released during the sommer months and so many during the winter months...

i actually quite like playing video games in the summer as my hands don't get cold. in winter when i play video games my fingers get too cold to play properly.
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