Witcher 3 News [LINKS & DISCUSSION]

Nvidia only? That doesn't sound interesting (even though I'm using Nvidia at present).

It just took me back to a game that Disney created in the '90s called Stunt Island. You had a mechanic where you could set up cameras for specific shots and cut short films. Wasted lots of time with that title, in all of its untextured, gouraud-shadowed glory! I've always wanted the ability to freeze time in a game and set up a camera angle just so. I know there's tech to do it now, but having it "built-in", so to speak, is really neat.
Marcin Przybylowicz shares his experience on audio production for Witcher 3

Would anyone be so kind who speaks Polish translate the linked video below, pretty please :)
Begins at around 2:27:40 - [video]https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Szkoa-Twrcw-Gier/Spotkanie-online-Szkoly-Twrcow-Gier-30042016[/video]
Thanks in advance!
I'll try to do it in the evening, maybe not a direct translation but a summary.
Thanks gregski! I've seen you offer to translate many times on this forum, I want you to know it's truly appreciated bro. Anything that you feel is noteworthy will suffice. That would be a lot of work transcribing the entire thing ::sweat drips down his brow, as his shaking hands attempt to translate the ancient manuscript once thought to be lost to time:: :thumbup:

On the improved visuals, I personally expect incremental improvements and nothing more.
Agreed. I'd rather rein in my expectations and be pleasantly surprised than expect a substantial change visually.

Other than the new grass, the only thing that sticks out to me in the images for BaW would be a slight improvement to draw distance, although it's hard to tell until we actually play. These were two popular topics concerning the graphics that I've seen a lot of gamers reference needing improvement. We also know CDPR listens to our feedback.
*Disclaimer* An improvement to the draw distance is not a fact, it's my personal opinion lest someone reads my comment and gets the wrong idea.

Not that I'm complaining. Truth be told, there aren't many developers out there like CDPR who would go the extra mile to improve visuals for an add-on. I'm referring to on a technical level, not artistically. Regardless, one thing is assured - Beautiful and masterfully crafted artwork. CDPR have some of the most talented artists in the gaming industry.
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Interview with
Senior animator Jamie Bury [who] shed a little blood and imbibed a lot of wine during the making of The Witcher 3’s most expansive expansion yet.


Interview with Karoline Stachyra about romance scenes in the Witcher 3.

[h=1]Writing Sex Scenes for ‘The Witcher 3’ Was More About Characters Than Carnal Kicks[/h]
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So apparently some Youtubers did get a chance to play the B&W expansion in Italy, so does anyone know if they are going to have some new footage or something like that?
I often get asked things like, 'What's the key to creating a good strong female character', as we have our share – think of Cerys, Ciri, Triss, Yen, Keira Metz and many more. And my answer is always: I don't know, because I don't think that way. When I write, I create a character. A flawed character, a magnificent character, a genuine character, you name it. But it's never a male or female character.

Ahhh, this right there shows how to be a "good" writer, quite simply :) If you write your characters as actual "characters", with high attention to detail and quality, no one will ever speak against your work; even if you "push an agenda" or whatever. As long as the work is genuinely good, mostly everyone will highly praise you. If you write them "just" to write them though... Then you'll be called out no matter what.

I think that quote shows how the writing team of CDPR differs from most, and why they are almost universally praised.
whelp these scenes still lack the diversity.
and by that i mean there are only 3 kinds animations. :wondering:

Shani's was the best, however impractical the actual boat scene was. It reminded me of the Flotsam scene from TW2. I'm surprised the interviewer didn't mention it.

I know I'm in the minority on this forum, but I would have rather seen the throwaway scenes with prostitutes removed, and more effort spent on the actual important ones, with Triss and/or Yen.
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Awesome video. Map of Toussaint screenshot below:


  • Toussaint.jpg
    140.6 KB · Views: 38

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First youtuber previews seem to emerge. Watch out for spoilers, obviously.

There are some minor story spoilers, if someone wishes to avoid them, skip to 12:50 when she talks about the mutations, new armors, vineyard, etc...
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