Interviews and Articles Part 2

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I really like the eyes of the Witcher 3's Geralt more than the Witcher 2' s model. In Witcher 3 he looks meaner and more determined as far as eyes go. If they make his face color look a bit paler and unhealthier and slim down his cheeks a bit, I think it would be the best. Also he looks too big and muscular. I think they should make him leaner.
I really think it's just the lighting, because in TW2 Geralt has the same face color and shape inside the bar/cutscenes.
The ingame Geralt model does look more pale in TW2, and his face of course is going to look a lot different now because it moves.
He has not shaved in a while, but I'm still alright with all the new stuff I'm seeing.
I just forget about TW1/TW2, and I think of TW3 as the first real Witcher game.
I view TW1/TW2 more like prototype demos that evolved into what it is now.
Devs said that TW3 is the witcher game they have always wanted to make/play from the start,
& I believe it;)
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Devs have promised us this on February 24th.
You asshole :)
you deserve one of these :)

Awesome. WE NEED DETAILS. DId you see gameplay?

It was the same 35 minutes gameplay shown recently but it was played live by Damian sister :) so it wasn't as scripted as the video hehe, he revealed few tiny details about world and monsters but nothing major. I will create a post maybe tomorrow at night with some pictures from #EGX. We have more then 100 miles to drive back home later today staying at my friends in central London.

One really interesting thing:

The Witcher 2 ended with a culmination of a lot of different choices that you make. Sparing Letho, killing Letho, options like that. How much of those choices will have an impact on The Witcher 3, and for players new to the series, say on Xbox One or PS4, that can’t import their Witcher 2 saves, what will the “default” beginning be?

There isn’t one. Even for consoles we came up with a system so that, I don’t want to spoil too much, but it’s really neat. Basically, it allows for you and even players totally new to the Witcher franchise, to decide how they had played the second one, how it would’ve ended. It’s not heavy-handed at all, it’s actually nicely designed. You’ll see. There are ways for you at the beginning to dictate all of those things as if you had moved your save game.

So even if you jump from say, Xbox 360 to PS4, you can still make sure that those choices you made are there in the game.

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Not quite sure how they're going to pull it off, I hope they're right and it doesn't feel 'forced' or 'heavy-handed', it'll be interesting to see.

Hopefully though importing saves still does something... It would be pretty annoying to have our old saves nullified because you can just make the correct dialogue choices during the Prologue and you're set, or even worse if you import a save and then some of your choices get changed or erased because of certain dialogue options in the Prologue.

'Tact' is the key word here, and I do hope CDPR have it with this.
Holy crizzap, he actually said REDkit might arrive at or before launch! This is an excellent move and I'd go as far to say it'd boost sales as well. Consider the PC TES fanbase, many of those people are so devoted to Bethesda because of the modding support. Just checked their hiring page:

The description under tools programmer seems to confirm priority has been given to the REDkit. Also, 230 people and still hiring.

For the fuck's sake can you people ask anything else except the same question about reactions but worded in different ways. :facepalm:

The whole panel was more like stand up Witcher comedy show and almost ZERO new stuff was learned today except that Witcher devs have very good sense of humour.

Honestly I'm pretty dissapointed.I mean C'MON they could at least ask how many different monsters and their variations are there since CD Projekt is constantly chaging their number and last time they said there are 80ish but they could elaborate on that one for example.

Agh.....I swear next time I'm gonna buy a ticket and ask some good questions for a change...
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Completely agree with you!!!!:sad::facepalm: But its mostly the peoples that asking the same questions over and other again. Starting remember Vas Insanity monologue with that. Seriously people what new answer you want to achieve ?
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For the fuck's sake can you people ask anything else except the same question about reactions but worded in different ways. :facepalm:

The whole panel was more like stand up Witcher comedy show and almost ZERO new stuff was learned today except that Witcher devs have very good sense of humour.

Honestly I'm pretty dissapointed.I mean C'MON they could at least ask how many different monsters and their variations are there since CD Projekt is constantly chaging their number and last time they said there are 80ish but they could elaborate on that one for example.

Agh.....I swear next time I'm gonna buy a ticket and ask some good questions for a change...

Actually there were some interesting tidbits in there, especially when it comes to how they approach player choice and so forth. That whole spawning system was interesting too.

As for Damien's humor, just what the presentation needed and I enjoyed it immensely, even though it was a bit heavy on the kittens.
I thought it went well, anyways that map size is Crazy Huge!
Well so much for playing any other rpg/video game for as long as we all live.
This game will take a whole life time to complete everything!
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