horse controls

horse controls

so, I was digging through the ini files and found these in bin/config/r4game/legacy/base/gameplayso, couple questions. If I edit this file, and set it to read only etc, will I screw up my game?Is 'car steer' on the horse settings what makes it impossible to look to the sides while riding, as holding down 'a' causes the horse to turn, not simply ride in that direction? Because I think I might turn that off if I can, I like looking around...And do we think the horse input cooldown is the cause of the delay in movement for roach? Because that too, is annoying and I would like to change it...[Horse2]CarSteer=trueState=falsem_horseInputCooldown=1m_horseSpeedCtrl=truem_horseSpeedDec=0.25m_horseSpeedDecCooldown=1m_horseSpeedInc=0.75m_horseSpeedStep=0.25m_horseStaminaCooldown=3m_horseStaminaDec=0.1m_horseStaminaInc=0.05
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