Recent content by _北斗_

  1. _北斗_

    Epidemic/Scorch Need to be Capped

    Didnt see all the comments, so my opinions might have been said by others. I do believe scorch and epi have no problem, but, tools to modify points are abused. Like shields and spears, thunderbolt, tained ale and Eithne.... There are just too many flexible ways to arrange a huge scorch or epi...
  2. _北斗_

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Greetings Burza, some questions there. 1. How does the gwent team plan to change artifacts? They are too strong because of the flexibility. There are already many discussions and solutions pumped up, what do you think? 2. Golden froth is another problematic card. Now everyone is playing around...
  3. _北斗_

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Greetings Burza. First congrads for the great new Gwent and fantastic Thronebreaker. I love these two new games a loooooot. Well at the same time I must admit gwent is really unbalanced, not much better than the open PTR. Yes there are some changes of cost of some op cards, but still, problems...
  4. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    Well, IMHO, the problem is mulligan when facing Usurper. Some leaders mulligan 4 times without their abilities, others can merely mulligan 2 times. That's not fair. At least, set the mulligan the same, like 2 times when the enemy leader is Usurper. 1539236562 I love your concepts! You should...
  5. _北斗_

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Greetings Burza! A question on the new reveal system. Has gwent team finally decided to keep this mechanics? You said so but, later you said the team will listen to players. Obviously players don't like this RNG based reveal much. And also you said gwent is trying to limit RNG. I really hope I...
  6. _北斗_

    Why the person above you should be banned

    ^ Ban for being online when I comment.
  7. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    Like I said before, I totally agree with the direction new gwent will go, like adding the provision system, reducing the consistency of every games by the 2 bronze limit and removal of tutors. However, too many people are now criticizing the provision system ( at least in Chinese card game...
  8. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    Sorry for posting too many messages... But I believe what I am going to say might be important for a healthy gwent. Now drawing 3 and 3 is way too much, making one game boringly long, and also weaken the concept of card advantage too much. Why not change like this, draw 3 cards in r2, and only...
  9. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    Bug report Henselt can summon more than one unit while the description says he summons only one. As the picture shown, the enemy henselt summoned 3 cursed knights... Sorry for the blur because I was shocked by the huge swing
  10. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    The reveal mechanism is so terrible! I mean, the old reveal is great and creative, standing out from all other card games. That reveal attracts me and makes me believe that I am playing a unique card game. But look at the reveal system now....what a mess man, you can find similar systems in...
  11. _北斗_

    Open PTR feedback

    Though many criticize PTR and complain a lot about whatever, I personally really love the new game! I think some new mechanisms are really cool. Card abilities make more sense now and fit in the witcher world better. Not to mention the graphics, it is amazing! Well, I got some tips on...
  12. _北斗_

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hey, burza! Appreciate the great work of HC leeks from the gwent team. I love the graphic, the new frame of cards and the symbols of each faction. But I have a question for you here. Would you consider modify (enlarge) the power of bronze and gold units? As many worried, 5-7 point bronze is so...
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