Recent content by altaybek

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    GWENT Homecoming — see what's next for GWENT

    Took you 3 months to realize how bad your game has become and your teams are lncompetent? Personally I quit right after balance patch released (i was 1200+ hours in) and now I can see how good my decision was. 2 planned patches in 6 months (and one of them is just useless) equals leaving a beta...
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    How to lose Gwent's remaining NA Community in 10 minutes

    OK I will try to be more civil this time. 1. and 2. What part of "TWH Organisation team told that they were in communication with CDPR all along and CDPR knew exactly when it's going to take place. Rafal Jaki (CDPR dev) and Vladimir Torstov (Esports Manager of CDPR) even promoted the tournament...
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    How to lose Gwent's remaining NA Community in 10 minutes

    Well you don't have to know them to pick sides. It's irrelevant. I don't give a flying damn about the tournament. I'm not in NA, I'm not a pro or streamer-following guy but this attitude is disgusting. This just opposes anything CDPR said about their good will and so-called "we care for our...
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    How to lose Gwent's remaining NA Community in 10 minutes

    How to lose Gwent's remaining NA Community in 10 minutes Briefly: Our lovely CDPR management just managed to pull another Leeroy and scheduled their first Challenger qualifier on the same days(24-25 Feb.) with The Wild Hunt Tournament in NA. The Wild Hunt Tournament is a 64 player tournament...
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Ok I think I didn't use correct words and couldn't explain what I mean. The everlasting effect I was speaking about is not for game mechanics. Patches come and go, core mechanics change, games are made from scratch with same names blablabala. It's OK and it's nothing major. The problem here is...
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Because it wasn't a "one patch" thing: -Weather Update (13th of June) Some stable changes but no new cards. -Gold Immunity (4th of September) added 30 new cards which we still use and was a huge game changer update (and the best one imho) -Agile (29th of September) didn't add any new cards and...
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Always? When? Their only reaction to feedback is "Thanks for feedback it's appreciated <3". They started leaking more new cards just to create more problems even before they fix the ones already present. So far, they always bit more than they could chew. They even admitted this in their letter...
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Yep. Kinda serves him right.
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Well I don't even watch streams (low quota) but I just watch tournaments when I can. Seeing fan and company favourite people like them giving up on the game should be enough for everyone to understand how serious the problem is.
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    alexandr22 The game is really SOMETIMES fun and that's really bad OG.laloquaint Not the whole game only if they decide to take a more consistent approach instead of adding 100 cards every month and more "create" bs (even a more consistent "create" will do tbh) but there is no salvation for this...
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    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed

    Top streamer and caster M0gwai quits the game until it's fixed This goes to all people who thinking the game is fine and dorf decks are not that problematic at all and we should "just counter them". A pro-ladder player, a CDPR favorite caster and one of the most popular streamers QUITS the game...
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    Ronvid nerf

    I definitely agree and I run him occasionally. That unexpected RnR is a game changer most of the time. When it works, it's wonders.
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    Ronvid nerf

    Seriously I just made it up but seems viable. Would you look at that... I started a thread suggesting a Ronvid buff and ended up nerfing it more for the sake of lore...
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    Ronvid nerf

    That's why Henselt=Improvisation while having A-B-C plans :) Playing Henselt machines for i-don't-know-how-many hundred matches and last season it helped me reach 4400 (still sad about missing 4500) and this season I'm around 4100 with 55%-ish WR. It's definitely not a top tier deck or can push...
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    Ronvid nerf

    While I agree NR received almost nothing positively, I must disagree that Henselt machines needs any buff. Can't say anything for others but Henselt is more than OK. Maybe some small tweaks to Siege Supports so they won't be removed instantly. They're like hunt animals with a huge target sign on...
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