Recent content by Danpi

  1. D

    Добиватели и ваше отношение к ним

    Ненавижу проигрывать и не знать, какие карты остались у соперника. Выкладываю при победе все свои карты, чтобы противник знал, что у меня оставалось...
  2. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Yeah i know, thanks. But as someone say - it's a big luck if you will get them together in 1st round.
  3. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Yeah...but thread named "what is your favorite deck. Now there is no gwent online. So sure...question about gwent in witcher...
  4. D

    Your favorite deck?

    You didn't play gwent in witcher?
  5. D

    Your favorite deck?

    For now yeah.
  6. D

    How much time do you have to play Gwent?

    You need change / week to / day :D
  7. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Well, i never used them, because of this reaso. But with other cards easy win
  8. D

    (Suggestion) Unlockable music

    New music in B&W a cool when you play Gwent, want it to gwent online)
  9. D

    An idea.

    In RU section people discuss it, but it cause a lot of problems (with card getting) Like someone will have 23 cards and then lose 2 times. He will have only 21 cards and will not able to play anymore.
  10. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Well yeah, but NR is sooo simple. There is no passion :D
  11. D

    Your favorite deck?

    If you have the sun in monsters deck, so it's easy to win. Nilf and North rule because of spies only)
  12. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Waat. Skellige good in all rows, except monsters (they good only in 1st row) :angry2:
  13. D

    Your favorite deck?

    Your favorite deck? Before B&W i was playing Monsters only, but now my favorite deck is Skellige. SO what is your favorite deck?
  14. D

    Известные карты и другая информация о игре

    Всегда мечтал о такой карте.
  15. D

    ГВИНТ: Ведьмак. Карточная игра - FAQ

    Текущий дизайн гвинта - это окончательная версия, или в будущем возможен редизайн? Не поймите не правильно, играть будем и с этим...
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