Recent content by Feedar

  1. Feedar

    No Trauma Team armor set?

    To be fair they were in a tight spot - they already delayed the release like what, three times? Got a lot of flak for that and now imagine what would happen if they delayed again and this time it would happen right before christmas. They took a risk and decided to not delay no further and as a...
  2. Feedar

    No Trauma Team armor set?

    You will someday. If the devs don't add something themselves in the next patches/dlc you can always count on mods. Unless you're on console. Or cloud gaming. Their priotities however are fixing bugs and all that.
  3. Feedar

    No Trauma Team armor set?

    How did you get it? Console commands? Anything else you can dig up this way?
  4. Feedar

    The loot system is garbage

    The thing OP said about downed eneimes dropping absolutely random and unrelated pieces of clothing is the most devastating thing to me. I can tolerate the entire looting system having problems concerning weapons/upgrade materials and whatnot, but the way they advertised fashion in this game and...
  5. Feedar

    trauma team helmet

    You can't. It's not in the game for the player character to wear, unfortunately. I don't know why. The customization options are extremely lazy in this game - it's the same 15-20 pieces of gear recoloured to create a sense of variety. These Trauma Team vests? They're the same for militech - just...
  6. Feedar

    Mantis Blades visual glitch

    Have the nail glitch too. It also glitches the hell out whenever I crouch with them.
  7. Feedar


    Wait for mods. Whenever I used to play Fallout 3/NV/4 or even Skyrim I always installed mods that increased limb damage for both you and your adversaries. This way even the lowest level street gangster is as dangerous as say an Arasaka goon, cause no matter who you are, or your level of...
  8. Feedar

    Understand the Problem with Cyberpunk, Request Suggest features/game balance and be positive!

    Problem: - I only have a problem with character customization in this game. Not being abled to change the looks (even haircut/beard) of your character throughout the entire game after the beginning is an astoundingly dumb descicion. Then there's the issue with a huge lack of apparel. The...
  9. Feedar

    The lack of 3rd person view

    On the contrary, based on what the OP said, it is very unlikely that we will ever get an official third-person mode for this game.
  10. Feedar

    Iconic weapons should scale with the player level minus 1 or 2

    I agree, the entire crafting/upgrade system is broken/unbalanced. And I'm not saying it because of the infinite crafting materials (and therefore infinite money) bug, this bug is this the system's only saving grace as it allows you to experiment without investing too much time and...
  11. Feedar

    Anybody have solution to too low difficulty?

    I always hated the bullet spunge elements of Fallout 3/NV/4 and even Skyrim. Luckily, those games have modding support and active modding communities. The AI in those games might be dumber/better or on the same level to that of cyberpunk's but after installing one simple mod most of my issues...
  12. Feedar

    Too lack of sex scenes and Element of love.

    A lot of horny talk around here
  13. Feedar

    No Trauma Team armor set?

    I don't think Trauma Team NPCs wear the vest though. The one we get is just another lazy recolour of one model with the name Trauma Team slapped onto it. The same vest can be found but with a different colour - again, give it a different paint and slap the name on it and BOOM. You got a Militech...
  14. Feedar

    Trauma Team is a missed opportunity

    This. Also really wished we could acquire some of the TT gear. Like actual suits/helmets and not one lazy recolored tactical vest with the words Trauma Team (give it a greenish camo and boom - its suddenly militech gear) slapped onto it - except even the NPCs from Trauma Team seem to have...
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