Recent content by Matrix30815

  1. Matrix30815

    Connection Issues

    Just tried to play two games and the connection to the server was lost and plus the server was having problems every time. Got a draw because of it.
  2. Matrix30815

    Help with Deck Building and Provisions

    Thank you for the replies.
  3. Matrix30815

    Help with Deck Building and Provisions

    Where is the provision limit on the card?
  4. Matrix30815

    Help with Deck Building and Provisions

    I am new and don't understand deck building or provisions. Please help so I can be competitive!!
  5. Matrix30815

    how is enslave [seize] not considered absolutely broken?

    How is that Op for enslave? I thought that enslave couldn't mill the deck.
  6. Matrix30815

    Error in Nilfgaard tech tree node

    The Nilfgaard node for the scroll on the upper right keeps giving me a error and won't process it. Plus the connection to the game is horrible and can't play much because of it. I have high upload and download speeds and other online games seems fine. The error just popped up this game session...
  7. Matrix30815

    Is Gwent a pay to win game?

    Thank you for clearing that up 4rm3d
  8. Matrix30815

    RNG ruins the game.

    How is it pretty far away from Pay 2 Win? When you can spend real money to get packs, just like Magic.
  9. Matrix30815

    RNG ruins the game.

    That's why I only play one or two matches. I did sign up for masters but thinking getting into that rank would be only painful and everything in game is pay to win not f2p. I rather play a free to play game that has good strategy and not much rng and I found it. I am going to play a match or so...
  10. Matrix30815

    GWENT: Community Q&A Thread - Ask Your Questions Here

    What is rank 0 and is it impossible to reach from rank 27. I think that's my rank
  11. Matrix30815

    GWENT: Community Q&A Thread - Ask Your Questions Here

    I signed up for the masters as a new player. Is that bad. I did that in game in the options.
  12. Matrix30815

    GWENT: Community Q&A Thread - Ask Your Questions Here

    I fully don't understand how to use the resources in the upper right? Just the keys for the tech tree? I also signed up for Masters but doubt I will ever be that good. Something to try I guess
  13. Matrix30815

    Fix Filter "Owned" when Searching Cards in the Deck Builder

    I also have trouble with this.
  14. Matrix30815

    Connection Issues

    I have had a lot of connection issues the last days. Sometimes connecting sometimes not
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