Recent content by -Zao-

  1. Z

    The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project by Halk Hogan PL

    I'm ready, thanks for the time you put into this mod mate, flawless work as always.
  2. Z

    Fight with Olgierd .. in front of burnning house.

    You can avoid that fight altogether if you want - depending on the dialogue option you choose.
  3. Z

    Petition to CDPR # Bring a third Expansion. We will pay for it!!!

    YES! We will pay for more!
  4. Z

    Anyone can tell from where is this scene from ?

    That happens no matter what.
  5. Z

    Patch 1.30 -- Changelog

    thanks for nice patch!
  6. Z

    Patch 1.31 - Update version only GOTY Editon?

    Version 1.31 is just for GOTY
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