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  1. T

    Your favorite Witcher moments - Contest

    Definitely running around the Outskirts of Vizima during daytime. It's my favorite RPG moment, and The Witcher is not even my top favorite RPG (that title goes to KOTOR). There's no combat, just a melancholic theme altogether; It's peaceful, yet you feel the world isn't all that happy (woman...
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    Vote for the Witcher 2 in G4’s Videogame Deathmatch

    The time for the second round has come aaaaand it's not working. G4 didn't think through this voting.
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    Award season continues

    I like how they've put Diablo 3 in the RPG category when it's basically a simplified Hack&Slash. I guess since there's no TW2 for Ultimate GOTY, I'll go with Dark Souls.
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    Stun Bug

    Cruel indeed, I'm afraid to use some bombs and Aard ever since I got killed by this during one of my tries. Well, let's hope this gets to CDPR and they'll do something about it.
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    Stun Bug

    Stun Bug So this is my problem: I'm currently on an insane run, and I've found a rather frustrating problem. Sometimes, when I stun someone and execute them, during the animation, enemies can still attack me/harm me. Since I can't defend myself, this means an instant death when the animation...
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