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  1. H

    Is Gwent a pay to win game?

    You can compare the pay to win level to Hearthstone. A collectable card game will always have this in its gameplay because they can't give you a play for free option.
  2. H

    Got stuck in deck creation

    Got stuck in deck creation After previewing the Cow card that's in your starting card pool, I got stuck in the deckbuilding. I could move the filters around but could not add any cards to my deck or leave the deckbuilder. Had to alt+f4 out.
  3. H

    Feedback / Bug Report Topic for the KTS GWENT Event

    Ah apparently I'm just impatient, although a simple error message stating that the servers are down would have made me less confused.
  4. H

    Feedback / Bug Report Topic for the KTS GWENT Event

    Had this same issue. Another issue that I have is whenever I try to start a game I get kicked back to the deck selection screen after 20ish seconds
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