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  1. D

    new Gwent is great

    Had to make this thread because i think that reddit/forums complain posts dont reflect actuall state of the game at all. My main concern after PTR was hand limit and 3/3 card draws between rounds. Many ppl including me didnt liked it at first because we thought about it in old gwent standards...
  2. D

    Thronebreaker: Will I be able to visit previous maps after I finish game?

    will i be able to visit previous maps after i finish game? im focusing more on story so i wont find everything in first playthrough
  3. D

    pomarzyc sobie mozna

  4. D

    zamknieta beta, giveaway'e na streamach

    zamknieta beta, giveaway'e na streamach Gwent ma naprawde wielu zacieklych fanow, ktorzy juz od kilku dni doslownie co 15min odswiezaja maila i licza na upragniony klucz. Tymczasem na twitchu co niektorzy polscy streamerzy maja po 10 kluczy i "rozdaja" je. Ja rozumiem zarejestrowac sie z kilku...
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