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  1. Snake_Foxhounder

    How we got here

    The Midwinter update is regarded as the one that ruined Gwent but the Gold Immunity one is where I started having serious doubts. When they removed the immunity but refused to balance the Golds around it and made a lot useless, is when I started having doubts about the dev team.
  2. Snake_Foxhounder

    Thronebreaker digital bonuses available for consoles

    GOG basically offered Thronebreaker owners some digital goodies, including the soundtrack, some concept art, a comic book and the full Gwent artbook in digital form. Well, all those can be redeemed if you're a console player, though you'll only get to download them to your PC...
  3. Snake_Foxhounder

    CDPR is treating console players shockingly bad (change my mind....)

    Probably not for a few more months. They're in way over their head with the amount of stuff that needs to be fixed, so console premiums are probably pretty low on the totem pole.
  4. Snake_Foxhounder

    [THRONEBREAKER] Best way to deal with Darlean veterans spam?

    The "False hope" quest is driving me up the wall. Pretty easy apart from the veterans that are usually 15+ points with resilience. Bleeding doesn't work as it's too high tempo. Any tips?
  5. Snake_Foxhounder

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Would probably put NR as one of the strongest factions now. But are you thinking of adding some sort of a database that explains every aspect of the game? For example, we used to have the mulligan blacklisting feature that new players had no idea about. Or unit proc order. I feel like the game...
  6. Snake_Foxhounder

    So much negativity around Homecoming on

    Why are people who haven't played the game before "release" coming in these threads saying "But I don't understand what the problem is."? It's insulting to players who've been here since the beginning. It comes across as us being idiots who wouldn't know a good game if it hit us in the head. I...
  7. Snake_Foxhounder

    So much negativity around Homecoming on

    It's fake because it's shilling. Writing "best game ever!!1!!11!!" and giving it 5 stars sure doesn't feel like a real review. You know there's an issue when the majority of 1 star reviews are actually informative. That's majority, not all. Can't say I'm a fan of either extreme. Giving it 1...
  8. Snake_Foxhounder

    CDPR is treating console players shockingly bad (change my mind....)

    What is it with the cursor movement in deck builder on PS4? You'll have it randomly jump around when trying to select cards. Usually haopens when trying to select cards at the end of a row. It'll jump to a completely different section of the deckbuilder.
  9. Snake_Foxhounder

    And GWENT is uninstalled... sadly "Here's the admission by joint-CEO Adam Kiciński in a CDP financial call yesterday: "The game appealed to the community, which drove up our expectations regarding sales...
  10. Snake_Foxhounder

    And GWENT is uninstalled... sadly

    You go with the demand And right now the demand isn't high for Homecoming, if stats are to be believed. I still believe management will push for a mobile version and hope it gets them out of the hole. With Thronebreaker not performing to their expectations, they'll try and push hard for a...
  11. Snake_Foxhounder

    And GWENT is uninstalled... sadly

    You can't say you played for a month and then continue to say you think criticism is too harsh. Paraphrasing here, so no offense. We've been at this for 2 years so we went through a lot of changes, some good some bad. I'll try and go through the major ones. The biggest issue is that Gwent used...
  12. Snake_Foxhounder

    Thronebreaker Update 1.01 – Patch Notes

    You guys planning on looking into consoles crashing? Happened about 7-8 time in 5 hours of play time. The game either gets stuck on a loading screen or just stops accepting commands.
  13. Snake_Foxhounder

    What’s Your Opinion of Thronebreaker? [Spoilers]

    Like the presentation and exploration. But I feel battles are too RNG based. Will fire hit that one card? Will the opponent spawn a card on this row? Puzzles are fun, though.
  14. Snake_Foxhounder

    300 Hours In... My Review + MTX Suggestions

    I'm not going to say I didn't know that but I'm glad there's a tutorial. :)
  15. Snake_Foxhounder

    ZERO strategy - what is wrong with HC76

    We've been waiting for over 2 years. At what point do we stop waiting and are allowed criticism?
  16. Snake_Foxhounder

    No Card Animations

    I agree. I've said this in another thread but I'd rather not have Gwent on consoles than be treated like this. It's not just premium cards but overall performance. I've played Thronebreaker for 2 hours on PS4 and had 5 crashes. The game freezes or just stops accepting commands. I understand...
  17. Snake_Foxhounder

    ZERO strategy - what is wrong with HC76

    I'm not an expert on card games. I never analyzed strategies in depth and I'm just an average player. All I know is, I go into the deck builder and there's nothing fun. Synergies are lacking. It's spam points and spam stuff that damages stuff. The deckbuilding comes down to selecting good...
  18. Snake_Foxhounder

    No Card Animations

    CDPR had optimization issues ever since Witcher 1. Withcer 2 is a horribly optimized game on PC. I understand this being an issue when they had a smaller studio. But it's down right insulting at this point. Consoles are pretty low on their list, what with all the stuff that needs fixing, so...
  19. Snake_Foxhounder

    Question on premium cards during a game

    Bad optimization led to that being removed on consoles. We might get a patch that enables that later on. It was an option before.
  20. Snake_Foxhounder

    And GWENT is uninstalled... sadly

    Any intersting decks to play? It's the first time I have much more scrap than I know what to do with, and no interest in anything. Nilfgaard is dead. Probably the least intersting faction. ST is just spam artifacts. What else is there?
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