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  1. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    With you will start leaking cards. Does it mean before starting leaking cards we actually get expansion trailer :) ?
  2. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Just one small suggestion. Will ability of Brouver and Filavandrel swap? It is so strange to see Filavandrel dwarves and Brouver elves. It is so strange :D
  3. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Hello leak master! Really hyped for december patch after reding this small preview from you, but there is one thing I am concerned about. Is really adding armor to artifact a good idea, so this type of card could also be removed by damagin them? In my opinion it doesn't feel right. There are...
  4. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    Was thinking lately bout this. Papa Burza said that new faction will come sooner than we think. Will it come with december update? It will be much easier for you to put up expansion later on if u completely base set of factions :D
  5. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi Pawel, My question is why the team sticked to Adda as a NR Leader. After watching yesterday TB stream and in some earlier press leeks seeing Foltest, Henselt and Demawend (propably the leader that took Radovid place) it doesn't make sense to me why Adda is there when you have whole Meve model...
  6. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev Discussion Thread

    One simple question. When will the first stream with HC showcase start? We are only 3 weeks to release and there is a lot to present + open PTR. Thanks
  7. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hello master of all leaks, first of all I have to say that new boards look absolutely gorgeous and I really like the direction in which this game went. Now to the question. As we saw in both homecoming previews there is zZz icon on units that means their ability is on cooldown. Will all other...
  8. K

    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Good Morning! First of all I really wanted to say big "THANK YOU!" to the whole team for putting your whole hearts in this project. All those HC leaks look very interesting and I can't wait to put my fingers on full version of the game! Now let's go straight forward to the question. As we know...
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