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  1. Ingeloakastimizi

    I just want to say how RIDICULOUSLY overpowered arachas consume decks are, needs nerfing

    In my opinion, the problem with consume deck isn't so much in the consume mechanic, but in how Afflictio and deithlaff : Greater vampire work with it. Deithlaff and kraken (or deithlaff + Slyzard, or deithlaff + anything) net a ridiculous 20 point combo + the consumer base strengh. With...
  2. Ingeloakastimizi

    Reporting bug : Nathaniel Pastoldi bleed target.

    Hey, Having played a few games with Pastoldi, I noticed that his bleed effect when he is boosted always goes on the same targets/ couple of targets. I had quite a few game where my opponent had 6-8 creature, and pastoldi would make one creature bleed, then stack all the following bleed on the...
  3. Ingeloakastimizi

    Eldain Trap Decks: OP or Not?

    Except that monster are never only based on thrives. Nekker can be eaten by Glustygloop or simply consumed for additional purposes. I don't remember every english names, my game is in french, but every thrives card has either deploy dmg or swarm mechanic added to it, so locking it won't solve...
  4. Ingeloakastimizi

    Was Gwent designed incorrectly? Engines vs. Removal

    Removal decks are so proeminent in the meta, Ardyn, Delattr and Dana deck are so easy to play and strong. I did a vamp deck and won like 80% of my game without much though about it. Monster deck in general are very strong. Playing order deck is an ordeal because you need protection card like...
  5. Ingeloakastimizi

    So, what's the purpose of using Eithne now?

    Totally agree. I also have to add that Detllaff now totally outclass her. Eithne deals 4 dmg, Dettlaf deals 6 dmg and spawn 3 creatures! thats a 8 points difference. The new leaders are very, very strong, especially the elf spirit and Dettlaf because not only are their great in sheer value...
  6. Ingeloakastimizi

    Red ping spammer

    Hello, I came back on Gwent for the extensions, which brings a fair amount of great card in the game. During my ranked play, I noticed a pattern of behavior that some players use to discourage you from playing, and annoy you. They switch from one card to another constantly, producing a visual...
  7. Ingeloakastimizi

    Imlerith: Sabbath

    I think this cards is totally unbalanced for one good reason : If you don't take it out , you usually lose the game. I'll get straight to the point : The potential value of this card is unlimited. A Ciri nova will give you 22, Tibor will give you 25 and Echop can give you 25 too. All these card...
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