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  1. NeckbeardSlayer

    Witcher series for Netflix confirmed!

    The fact that people who don’t even like fantasy genre films and tv series liked it, is a good sign that this show is going to get bigger and better in the future.
  2. NeckbeardSlayer

    Now playing [music]

    these 2 bands need to be in the Cuberpunk game soundtrack. 1578543888
  3. NeckbeardSlayer

    Cyberpunk Soundtrack

    Needs more cyber metal: If this song isn’t included, they’ll have missed a great opportunity because it’s so fitting to the cyberpunk theme. 1578543431 Silhouettes flicking in dead lights Ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit We burst in solid centigrade Heat transfer amplified Kinetic figures...
  4. NeckbeardSlayer

    Is it possible to refund accidentally bought kegs?

    If you live in Australia, you by law can get a refund if this happens.
  5. NeckbeardSlayer


    What platform?
  6. NeckbeardSlayer

    Snowman isn't giving presents anymore?

    I got some on the 07/01.
  7. NeckbeardSlayer

    How to make iOS Gwent recognise console Thronebreaker progress?

    I had trouble getting this working. Does anyone know if this is possible, since console is being discontinued?
  8. NeckbeardSlayer

    Transferring Ps4 Account Issue

    That’s definitely for game support to work on for you.
  9. NeckbeardSlayer

    Account transfer question.

    Hi all, I started the account transfer process but I’m curious about what happens in a certain circumstance - I have the same username on Xbox One and iPhone versions of Gwent. I opted to move the Xbox account to a new GOG account (since console Gwent is being discontinued) as it wants me to...
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