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  1. Runfree666

    GWENT is now available on Steam!

    Finally, i was able to get the thronebreaker cards! thanks for adding it to steam
  2. Runfree666

    Yrden or Igni?

    Playing igni on full harmony driad row IS such delightfull in last row... The 2 are good and i think the choice can depend of your deck
  3. Runfree666

    Gwent collection automatically keeps 4 of each Bronze and 2 of each Gold...

    Automill should be parametrized.. i don t see the true difficult in this... Some want to keep 4 bronze, some not. It can be an option. I prefer to have the strict minimum card in my collection.. 2 bronze, 1 gold animated prefered... I don t understand the problem for cdprj to do this, and why...
  4. Runfree666

    So I just reached (pro) rank or not so pro afterall....

    I don't feel stupid not going back to lesser rank. To me, when i level up to a new rank, i often try to play new deck that always loose a lot as i'm probably not the best deck builder and it take me time and games to build an efficient deck's comfortable to me to play new style , chained...
  5. Runfree666

    So NR scenario is dead, how to make it work again?

    I don't think NR scenario is dead. I play it now in one deck (from my own) and it permits me to do 7 victories in a row going to rank 2 to 1... the deck is around 50% victory between rank 5 to 1 (i think i had played 25/30 games with it). It's not a lot but i'm a slow learner and at the...
  6. Runfree666

    How to Report Players for Cheating or Using Exploits

    I don t know how i can misplay my first turn. But you have the truth. It was probably a connexion problem as i see it from m'y opponents but nether suffered from it until today. It was just bad Luck. Thanks for the clue
  7. Runfree666

    Gwent through the years

    I just started a month ago, thanks for this post :)
  8. Runfree666

    How to Report Players for Cheating or Using Exploits

    Hello, i have seen for the first time a strange thing ... one of my card disappear at the start of the first round was a card to counter artefact (don't know the english name, the 4 unit that destroy artefact 5 point value)... curious as my opponent play artefact ... bug? cheat? or i...
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