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  1. Ant1975uk

    Uggh. So this is improved? [NPC Clones]

    How is it whack? Those elements surround the narrative from a 7 year old game. Those elements are there in Cyberpunk but minimal and badly implemented. It has nothing to do with genre. You shoot guns and throw grenades in watch dogs and get chased by police and drive cars and walk. You shoot...
  2. Ant1975uk

    Uggh. So this is improved? [NPC Clones]

    Ive been playing the first Watch Dogs recently and that world of Chicago feels more alive and lived in than Cyberpunk, even though the City is beautiful. Weather, wind, clothing in the breeze, people walking from place to place talking, doing jobs, I even saw cars parking and people getting out...
  3. Ant1975uk

    Patch 1.23

    Is that it?
  4. Ant1975uk

    Needs an Ultra HD High-Res texture pack.

    Yep absolutely, however the texture streaming wasn't as pronounced when i first played it before Christmas on Series X.
  5. Ant1975uk

    Needs an Ultra HD High-Res texture pack.

    Looks great on Series X but needs ray tracing and better texture streaming as they have obviously cut it back to help performance on older consoles. It really should have been next gen only in hindsight releasing when it did.
  6. Ant1975uk

    Whats with this Obessions Over the Police?

    What happened to corrupt police? I mean I don't engage with them frequently, but I would still like a good system where theres consequences, but rather than just spawns, there could be wanted systems, police chases, warrants etc. Id like to see Police cruising about doing stop and searches...
  7. Ant1975uk

    6 month game retrospective...lets talk

    It needs building upon now and some love and care. Im only very early into the game (just met Panam) but you can tell theres loads of unfinished systems/assets floating about that could quite easily be reimplemented. The travel system as in the monorail should be reintroduced. Fix the traffic...
  8. Ant1975uk

    Does Texture Streaming get worse the longer you play?

    So it felt like it was getting worse so i decided to copy the game from the internal xbox series x drive to the external plug in card to see if it made any difference. Weirdly, yes its still happening but not on such and obvious scale which I don't understand. What I have noticed though is that...
  9. Ant1975uk

    40 hours in and I too have never seen rain outside of specific missions. Tested with time skipping and here are the results.

    Yes there is dynamic weather because I've just witnessed it on Xbox Series X. I completed the quest where you end up in Judys and when you get outside its raining. I drove around for a bit marvelling at the rain then saved the game. When I loaded it back in the rain has disappeared which was...
  10. Ant1975uk

    in-game clock

    I think thats probably minus the bottom of the list of priorities!
  11. Ant1975uk

    Does Texture Streaming get worse the longer you play?

    I really hope they fix this, its a bit of a killer imho
  12. Ant1975uk

    Does Texture Streaming get worse the longer you play?

    Cheers peeps. Theres deffo something going on. It definitely wasn't as bad as it is. I get a little disc spinning icon in the top middle of the screen which used to flash up very randomly but now seems to stay on a little longer. Not happy at all.
  13. Ant1975uk

    Does Texture Streaming get worse the longer you play?

    Hi all, I'm on Xbox Series X and it feels like, since I have started to play through the story (previously I did the prologue but wanted to wait for next gen, so just drove and walked about the world) it feels like as I progress the texture pop in is becoming rapidly more noticeable. For...
  14. Ant1975uk

    The City is the star but we need more from the supporting cast

    Yeah my guess would be stabilise across the board then when next gen releases they split the versions. Its very delicate and political at the moment and they unfortunately boxed themselves into a corner with last gen. Ive noticed they paired back LOD on series x when originally i had very little...
  15. Ant1975uk

    Cyberpunk 2077 User Reviews & Impressions

    I know people may roll their eyes and I know this game has had a right kicking, but I absolutely love this game, it has really captured my imagination. I will put down my thoughts on why I think, if CDPR can continue to support and grow this game, the launch will be forgotten. Read on... I've...
  16. Ant1975uk

    What is your mod wishlist?

    Do you think there will be a chance to bring Modding to the Xbox like Skyrim and Fallout?
  17. Ant1975uk

    The City is the star but we need more from the supporting cast

    Yes you are absolutely correct!
  18. Ant1975uk

    Public transportation system in NC

    Where should i go to see? patch 1.22
  19. Ant1975uk

    Public transportation system in NC

    Ive never even seen a train move across the rail when walking about. This is on Series X. Are they there still or have they been patched out altogether?
  20. Ant1975uk

    The City is the star but we need more from the supporting cast

    First of all, congratulations CDPR for creating another unique world you can get lost in. I can say without a doubt, the architecture that has gone into the City is outstanding. Just walking about, you fell like a tourist in a massive metropolis. Its all the nooks and crannies, side streets, the...
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