Pink/Purple beard during The Play's The Thing

Pink/Purple beard during The Play's The Thing


So, I've noticed a graphical bug during The Play's The Thing when going through the play cutscene the actor who plays the chamberlain has pink/purple beard. This might be a mod issue as I have HQ Faces installed but they are no bug reports or posts relating to this issue on the mod page.

Here's a screenshot demonstrating the issue:

I also did a google search but the only related results were of an old Geralt beard bug that has since been fixed. I'm running v. 1.31 GOTY with Radeon Crimson Driver v. 17.4.4

If anyone knows of a fix, I'd be much obliged.

Thank you
This is a vanilla lighting bug. The only way to fix it is to use a lighting mod such as STLM or Wiedzmin Lighting and hope either of these mods fixes it by accident.
I have WLM installed now and had the same issue with STLM. Unfortunately, these mods don't touch the cutscene lighting. Oh well, I'll just blow past it. Thanks for the reply.
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