The Inevitable Enhanced Edition

The Inevitable Enhanced Edition

So the Witcher 3 is great, really great even, easily one of the best openworld RPG's ever made. I think however we can all agree that it isn't perfect. I've seen a lot of discussion here and there about issues both mechanical and narrative. Here I'd like to see people opinions on what narrative changes they would like a hypothetical Enhanced Edition would bring.

So do you want more Triss? (I know a lot of you do) or maybe more nuance to the politics (cause it's sure as hell lacking that as is) or maybe you think the Wild Hunt are horribly underdeveloped antagonists (I sure as hell do) or maybe you just want more time spent between Geralt and his loved ones.
More interactions and stories related to old friends (especially Triss)
Better difficulty setting
Improve the story of ACT 3
More screentime for Yen,Dandelion,Emhyr,Triss and other characters

Better developement for the Wild Hunt

Iorveth,Saskia,Francesca and Yarpen should appear

More detailed endings

An option to romance Fringilla Vigo
no downscale on quests, when I, as lvl 23 picked up quest designed for lvl 13-ish, it was no challenge...upscale is ok, but the downscale just sucks
- More expanded endings, it lacks a lot of information about most of the characters. And some plot threads are resolving only in particular endings (like the one with third Witch) which is not an example of good wrapping of the story.

- More screentime for certain characters - Fringilla, for example, has only several lines to say, it's a bad joke. I guess that her role will be expanded in Toussaint DLC, but in that case it could be better not to tease us that way.

- More challenging difficulty, 'cause Death March became too easy since mid-10 levels

- I can't explicitly say what's odd with Wild Hunt bossfights, but it doesn't feels right. First one, with Imlerih, is just great, but then fights with Karantir and Eredin are pretty much repetitive and less interesting.
- Better major character interactions with more cross-reactivity between them (Especially Triss)
- Triss needs to be her own point because, well, see the other huge thread for more of that
- Let Ciri comment on some of the other stuff going on, not just the Hunt. The fact that this is all she cares about makes her feel sort of flat. I get that it's important but it is not the only thing happening around her.
- Better pacing of the final acts - Kaer Morhen and onwards. It starts to feel rushed which is not necessary at all. There's plenty of time for you to be able to take your time exploring but after Kaer Morhen there are like 3 more quests that happen one after another without a break.
- I wouldn't mind some of the other characters reappearing and having a significant role (Shani, Iorveth) but I think there is a decent chance they will be part of the expansions so I wouldn't say to include them in EE yet. They could still get their day in the sun
- A couple more Witcher contracts - honestly, I could never have enough of them
- A more streamlined inventory system? By the end, I was loathing having to go in and oil my sword, switch my bombs and potions, etc. Not sure how exactly they could do this but I am sure there is a way
- There are others I am sure but as it stands the game is a relative masterpiece and it stands well above many of its competitors. Just need some more Triss but this isn't the thread for that
I think the Enhanced Edition will just add all 16 DLCs and expansions into one disk or download. Could be that they add more quests like the Witcher 2, but I doubt it considering the 16 free dlcs they're doing (done with) already.

---------- Updated at 08:31 AM ----------

- Better major character interactions with more cross-reactivity between them (Especially Triss)
- Triss needs to be her own point because, well, see the other huge thread for more of that
- Let Ciri comment on some of the other stuff going on, not just the Hunt. The fact that this is all she cares about makes her feel sort of flat. I get that it's important but it is not the only thing happening around her.
- Better pacing of the final acts - Kaer Morhen and onwards. It starts to feel rushed which is not necessary at all. There's plenty of time for you to be able to take your time exploring but after Kaer Morhen there are like 3 more quests that happen one after another without a break.
- I wouldn't mind some of the other characters reappearing and having a significant role (Shani, Iorveth) but I think there is a decent chance they will be part of the expansions so I wouldn't say to include them in EE yet. They could still get their day in the sun
- A couple more Witcher contracts - honestly, I could never have enough of them
- A more streamlined inventory system? By the end, I was loathing having to go in and oil my sword, switch my bombs and potions, etc. Not sure how exactly they could do this but I am sure there is a way
- There are others I am sure but as it stands the game is a relative masterpiece and it stands well above many of its competitors. Just need some more Triss but this isn't the thread for that

Seriously you people are getting annoying. I hope to god CD Projekt doesn't listen to a bunch of fanboys who are obsessed with their video game romance. :|
I want to see Iorveth and more of Roche. Also a bigger focus on politics. There really wasn't much in this game compared to Witcher 2.
I think that even a single additional cutscene or some additional dialogue involving Eredin would go a long way in giving him a bit more character.
Things I'd like to see.

1. More Triss and Yennefer endgame content.
2. Post-Endgame meeting with central characters.
3. Dandelion slides.
4. A conversation with Eredin at some point.
5. More talk with the Lodge/More chance to sneer at Phillipa
6. Iorveth and Saskia material
7. Give Ciri a chance to get laid.


8. A few more romance options to existing characters (Rosa, Tomira, and maybe Fringella)
9. Have the Ciri imposter at the Imperial Palace
1) More main quests in Act 2 and Act 3 (Av'allach and Ciri related)
2) More dialogues with Ciri, Dandelion, Zoltan ( Dandelion and Zoltan are simply not existent after the Battle of Kaer Morhen) about the resolution of quests (they simply not say anything if you kill Radovid and Dijkstra - also, the guards continue to say "Long live to Radovid").
3) More consequences in Kaer Morhen Battle. this because, if you don't bring anyone to Kaer Morhen, nothing change:

Letho simply replace Geralt in some cutscenes and there is no interaction with him.
Lambert should die if you don't bring Keira to Kaer Morhen. And so on.

4) More dialogues with Eredin, and Av'allach. The ending should have more explanations and a better pacing.
I thought CDPR said that this time there won't be an Enhanced Edition (although this game desperately needs one)?

Oh well here we go:
-Better Act 3
-Better and more extensive Epilogue's (Geralt & Co. deserved more)
-More interactions with Friends and romances (Triss especially but also Dandelion etc.)
-More interactions with Eredin, show what happened when Geralt was a rider of the Hunt
*Merchants and blacksmiths should only require special ingredients from the player(like meteorite ore, griffin feathers, gargoyle skin, etc) when asked to craft something, not materials/ingredients such as: lumber, iron, ropes, etc, they should already own and provide that kind of materials. This is one of the things i hated about The Witcher 2 and sadly it made a comeback in The Witcher 3.

*Buy Back System for merchants and blacksmiths. Sometimes we simply click on the wrong stuff and end up selling it, we should not be so harsh punished for that.

*We need to be able to sell our currently equipped gear while we are in the shop menu. Having to close the shop, open the inventory, and then open the shop again can be a little frustrating from time to time.

*Inventory sorting by price, name, weight, acquire time, etc, needs to be added.

*Option to sort quest and completed quest by date received, name, etc.

*We need a "Books and Notes" sub-category on the inventory.

*We need a "Potions, Bombs and Oils" sub-category on the inventory.

*It should be clear what type of armour(light, medium, heavy?) we are about to craft while looking at the diagram.

*Tooltips and information regarding the background of specific items. It was very nice on The Witcher 1 reading the small info that came with certain objects and special weapons, it added a lot to the inmersion and created greater emotional attachment to our gear.

*Tooltips informing that the book/letter has already been read. The Witcher 1 had them, why were they absent from the Witcher 2 and now also from The Witcher 3?

*Tooltips informing that we already own "x quantity of that item" while buying something from a merchant.

*Tooltips indicating how many HP per second each type of drink, food and potions regenerates.

*Glossary entry for "Herbs" and "Locations" too, not only characters and monsters.

*We need buff indicators for the Weapon Oils and the Quen sign. We need to be aware of when those run out.

*The 'above' and 'below' indicators that are visible on the minimap, should not be the same color that enemies/hostiles. It should be grey/white as most of the other icons, or be the same color as the icon it represents(if it is a "herb" then the indicator should be green to match the herb icon, if it is an enemy it should be red, etc)

*Less "junk/trash" items please. Why would Geralt go around picking up rusty swords, chandeliers, dolls, etc etc... It just saturates the world with unnecessary stuff and crowds the inventory. It also breaks the immersion.

*Lesser amount of Armors and Weapons available overall, but with more meaningful customization and upgrades instead(a wider variety than in The Witcher 1, but with an upgrade system similar to that of The Witcher 2, however with some visual changes added when the Armour is upgraded(like in "Mars: War Logs", or "Bound By Flame")

*Fewer amount of blueprints/diagrams; why would Geralt be interested on knowing how to build a simple Temerian sword? or a commun Redanian Armour, etc? Keep only blueprints for decorums, bombs, potions, oils, Witcher Gear and Epic/Legendary/Unique gear.

*Windmills and Boat Sails moving according with how strong the wind is, in contrast to how they work now: pre-fixed movement regardless of weather effects.

*Animations added for eating, drinking, and consuming potions. The Witcher 1 had them, they where in my opinion a very immersive small touch; Why are they absent in The Witcher 3?

*Animations for applying oils to weapons, as well as for "enhancing the armors" and "sharpening the blades". The Witcher 1 had animations for most of that kind of stuff, why does The Witcher 3 lacks them?

*Animations added for "looting".

*Drunk-walking animations for Geralt when he is drunk. Similar to The Witcher 1.

*Small cinematic/map-animation while fast traveling in stead of just a "fade in black", something similar to "Dragon Age: Origins" or to the Harry Potter movies(footsteps on the map).

*A "Time lapse" animation for meditating, similar to The Witcher 1, where we saw Geralt meditating and on the background we could see the Sun and the Moon move, etc.

*Special map and minimap icon for Vivaldi's Bank location.

*Map should remember "zoom and position" when closed and re-opened in stead of resetting to the default settings.

*Bestiary and Quest panel, should remember what windows were open and what entry were selected, in stead of resetting to the default settings each time we close it and then re-open it.

*Option for having "Inactive Quest locations" marked/visible on the map at all times.

*Option for having to manually refill/remake potions, bombs and oils, in stead of them refilling automatically upon meditation. Like it was in The WItcher 1 please. Maybe it could be tied to the difficulty settings? The two easiest difficulty have auto-refill enabled, while the two hardest difficulty have manual re-fill/remake?!

*Remove Equipment Level Restrictions, if we managed to fight a level 20 monster guarding the treasure while we were only level 4, then we more than deserve to be able to use the level 20 sword that we looted...

*Item Durability lost needs to be toned down a little bit, right now my swords and armor are breaking way too often! It distracts from the adventure and the overall experience having to go back to town to repair my stuff while in the middle of a quest, or half way exploring a cave, etc.

*A little longer duration perdiod for potions and oils.

*Longer delay before stamnina recovery starts after sprinting(for both Geralt and Roche the Horse). Slower stamina recovery rate aswell(for both Geralt and Roche the Horse).

*Allow us to exit/quit conversations by pressing "Esc".

*Allow us to freely skip the intros and the "Previously on The Witcher" sequences.

*Bestiary should be full(not including special monster bosses) already at the start of The Witcher 3. Geralt no longer has amnesia + he already re-learned about most of those monsters during the Witcher 1 and 2 anways.

*Geralt should already start the game with all basic diagrams for basic potions, bombs and oils. He no longer has amnesia, so this knowledge should not be something new to him. He should only have to find upgrade diagrams for those, as well as the diagrams for the basic decorums(as they are new to The WItcher games).

*Target systems needs tweaking, Geralt should aim at what WE look/aim at with the cursor, not at what HE looks at according to his positioning.

*Weapon Oils should be added like potions and bombs to the quick access menu. Having to re-enter the inventory constantly isn't fun, it breaks the flow and the immersion a bit.

*Bombs, Potions and Oils(if added) should not be separated into 2 different types of pockets in our Character Loadout(Equiped Gear), they should share the same slots, so that if we want to, we could carry 4 potions and 0 bombs, or 3 potions and 1 bomb, etc. Not being restricted to 2 of each.

*Mutagens of the same color should give higer/lower bonuses depending on what foe/monster they came from, the stronger the monster it came from, the higher the bonuses it should give compared to the regular ones.

*Trophies from stronger foes of the same type(Archgriffin for example) should give a better bonus than the trophies from the basic monster(Griffin).

*More unique art assets for trophies, in stead of re-using the "head on a bag" look for most of them.

*Unarmed NPCs need to react to stealing too! It was a neat addition the fact that guards react if they see you stealing their stuff, but why were peasants left out? They should at least go tell the guards, if not confront you directly!

*Ability to import selected weapons and amours from The Witcher 2(and maybe even some carried over from The Witcher 1?)

*More visible and bigger consequences regarding the events of The Witcher 1 and 2 when using an import save.

*A more detailed follow up romance for Triss if we pick her in The Witcher 3(right now she becomes absent for half the game, and when she finally returns, there is no interaction with her)

*After completing the main quest, the game should emulate a state based on the choices you made during the game, not re-set to a "before main-quest" state. It does not needs to be very detailed nor extensive, just change around some guards and NPCs here and there, change some flags and add a few dialog lines to main characters and a few random npcs...

*Option to turn/spin Geralt around on the inventory screen.

*It would be neat if we had a couple of different models for boats, in stead of just 1 model for all of them.The one shown on the trailers would be a good place to start.

*Storage chest available at Dandelion's Cabaret and at Kaer Morhen.

*Geralt needs to be able to climb down cliffs the same way he climb down stairs.
Things I'd like to see.

1. More Triss and Yennefer endgame content.
2. Post-Endgame meeting with central characters.
3. Dandelion slides.
4. A conversation with Eredin at some point.
5. More talk with the Lodge/More chance to sneer at Phillipa
6. Iorveth and Saskia material
7. Give Ciri a chance to get laid.


8. A few more romance options to existing characters (Rosa, Tomira, and maybe Fringella)
9. Have the Ciri imposter at the Imperial Palace

+1 to this post
Unlikely but: An overhaul of the alchemy system.
It's not very well done compared to the last two games. Won't go into details, there are dozens of posts about it, but it could really stand to be improved a lot.

A better fleshed out Act 3 Some more quests about the Wild Hunt, they aren't as well portrayed as in the last games, I feel. Not a lot either, you don't get to know much about them, which makes them a bit boring antagonists-
My main three things are
- Give Triss more second half air time, especially if romanced.
- Add continuity content related to TW2 so TW3 feels less like a standalone game in the series
- Bring more closure to the end of the game, either with more cut scene narratives to review world situation or allowing some form of post-game interaction.

Consoles are wonderfully lucrative and I don't see how More $$$ will impede them.

They may simply opt to go with a steady stream of DLC instead one large enhanced edition.
I am very disappointed in the end of the Northern Kingdoms. I really did not like that in the north is now only Redania. I would really like that to return the old kingdom individually Redania, Temeria, Kaedwen, Aedirn, Lyria and Rivia, Kovir and Poviss and some other small kingdoms like Verden, and etc. I would like to see the newly unified army in the Battle of Brenna. Revisit the story, let Dijkstra and Roche will find a compromise, do not want to kill them. Return Anais, Natalis. Henselt takes place let what some other noble clan Kaedvena, as well as in Aedirne. The policy should be changed. Such dlc in my opinion it would be priceless.
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