Patch 1.08 Wish List

Patch 1.08 Wish List

People can post here what they would like to see for Patch 1.08, as theres by far not everything fixed yet.

Heres things that I wish for Patch 1.08:

* Fix for all mutual exclusive Fail Marks of all Quests in the Game to get removed, once you complete a Quest, these Marks should be shown only as long, as you didn't finish the quest to show you, that there exists an alternative way to finish the quest. Once the Quest is finished, there is no need to show you that you failed in using the alternative option!! .iE. Get Junior is still such a Quest, as it automatically fails when you do Gangs of Novigrad, cause you can't use then a Secret Passage anymore, that the Quest marks suddenly after Quest Finish as a Fail Mark.
Must not be to punish players with such nonsensical Fail Marks, when in fact you did everything right and followed the flow of the game correctly.

* Fix of Character Movement Glitch of NPCs that carry around crates, as their legs move very stangely, really spasmic looking ...

* Fix of 6x Key for Juniors Front Gate of his Hideout, where you need just 1. Let the other Guard drop a Paper Sheet, that tells about the Secret Passage and how you can make it possible to use it, even if you did make Gangs of Novigrad successful

* Fix of Game Crush (PS4) when you don't loot both killed guards for the Key and enter the Hideout, Game crushes and you get back to Game Select as the Game suddenly stops then and you get to see some kind of Error Message from the Game/PS4 (don't know if this Game Crush is kind of reproduceable, had it only once, after restart and lotting both guards, it worked al fine, but I guess it has somethign to do with the Key Bug in general)

* Adding of a Skellige Gwent Card Set, and adding of missing Neutral Cards (Professor Kalkstein, Abigail, ect.), so that you can actually also have 22 neutral Deck Cards to play a Ganme with only Neutral cards for the Achievement ...there are currently only 10 Neutral Cards, do I don't know, how it should be possible to get that achievement for winning with only Neutral Cards, if the Game has not enough neutral Deck Cards (22) to start a game with only neutral cards ...

* Adding of more new Monsters into fitting locations from the previous Games, including 1 more hostile Doppler to ensure, that you can get the Doppler Decoction as like also the Lvl 42 Gwyhyr Sword Schematic for sparing the Contract Doppler, or instead adding another place where you can get that Lvl 42 Gwyhyr Sword Schematic (loot from Chest, Quest reward ect.), so that you can kill off the Doppler in the Contract without hesitation!

* An Fix to one of those Wandering Vendors, that they show you their goods, theres actually one, where geralt keeps on asking, what their goods is and the wandering vendor doesn't show him them...

* A Fix to Enemy A.I of monsters stopping suddenly to attack completely as like also humansstopping to attack you and just standing around, unless thats should be kind of a feature to show you, that they are scared from you... but if I'm scared, then I run away and just don't stand around waitign for my opponent to kill me off ...

* A Fix to Potion and Bomb Alchemy Recipe Loot, that you receive after the fix the recipes always in progressing Order. It makes no sense, when you find for example a Superior Wraith Oil,. when you don't even own yet the recipe for the Enhanced Version . It would make collecting those recipes seriously alot lesser of a pain in the ass, when you could finally find those recipes in progressive order.
Means, enhanced recipes should be first findable, if you bought the basic recipes from Alchemist NPCs

* A Fix to Keira Metz' Achemist Map Icon to disappear accordingly, when you finish her quest where you slept with her and she moves to that island. Her Alchemist icon should disappear then also from the Map

* Fix of general all Bandit Camp, Monster Nest/Cave Icons to properly GREY OUT, when you looted all the treasures, as like also Magic Lamp Icons to grey out, when you use the lamp to see the Ghosts..theres this one for example at Fritschlow, that shows am inging ghost, who says nothing, doesn't grey out when you see that Ghost with the lamp and I think it shoudl be also supposed that the Ghost says something once you see him, like all others, or not???

* Fix of Geralt rolling at small stairs in houses when you go them down ...

* Fix of the Games Day/Night System, that the Day actually begins between first 5 to 6 AM and not already between 3-4 AM, what is too early.

* Fix to Quest Items, like the Cloth Doll from Tamara Strenger, that you can give it do her also after finishing the quest line, otherwise is the existance of these items just total obsolete and those items shoudl get deleted from inventory, once their reason for existance is over. Counts also for all other items like Xenogloss, that Medal and so on...once Quest Items have no reson for existance anymore, they should get deleted.
Same as like Contracts get deleted from Inventory, once you have successfully done them ...

* Fix of Loot/Monster/Gear Scaling, that you actually always receive Quest Level appropiate rewards, that if you do for example a Level 24 Quest, that the rewards that you get are then also lvl 24 items and not Lvl 12 junk. When you do a Lvl 24 quest, I expect to fight also against level appropiate enemies and not against tons of underleveled garbage enemies that are practically one hit kills...

* Fix of Alcoholic Drinks, that they don't make you instantly drunk anymore, first after like 5+ alcoholic drinks should come the drunk UI, and adding of Alcohol into Conversations as options to make people tell you things they wouldnt do otherwise, like in TW1 give alcoholic drings a reason for existance again

* Fix of nearly unendless Bombs. Often it happens, that you can destroy a Monster Nets with a Bomb, and the coutner stays at for example 2/2, when it shoudl be actually after destroying the Nest be 1/2

* Fix of Clone Characters, by adding a few more Face/Hair Style Models, like for example changing the look of Gretka, that she isn't a Clone of one of those typical unimportant Girl Kids anymore ...

* Fix of Missing Character Entries, theres alot of Characters that should have entries, but have none sadly. Example, why has only Elihal an entry and not all the other "lovers" of Dandelion too? Why has Sara, the Godling no entry.
Also remove the obsolete Entry of Grandma/Aunt ect. once you find out, that she is the wife of the bloody baron, the entry should get actualized then and the non neccessary old entry should get removed then. Give Gretka also an entry, shes kind of a Plot Character, as she has to do with Ciri...
Theres that NPC at the Novigrad Docks, that you have to protect with a uniquze name, that has no entry.
Brief said, every NPC in the game that has an unique name, should have also a character entry in the Glossary, cause they are Quest/Plot Characters and are important.

Thats it so far from me, if you have more things to list up (due to being much wider progressed in the game, than obviously me), feel free to add your points to the list of wished fixes for 1.08 :D
"Fix of Loot/Monster/Gear Scaling, that you actually always receive Quest Level appropiate rewards, that if you do for example a Level 24 Quest, that the rewards that you get are then also lvl 24 items and not Lvl 12 junk. When you do a Lvl 24 quest, I expect to fight also against level appropiate enemies and not against tons of underleveled garbage enemies that are practically one hit kills..."

I actually woudl prefer get rid of the level scaling/level requirments for items.
With a different balance for the itemization.
For example...increase the item requirments for crafting and the cost of it, and put higher level monster at guard the powerful items/schemes.
for there a scheme for a level 42 gnomish sword in a chest? Then put a level 42 mob around it.
Or a level 34 mob guarding the mastercrafted scheme for witcher gears.
In this are still able to use the powerful items...but you need to get rid of the guarding mob first. It keeps the game balanced, but at the same time it would increase the value of the reward.
- Fix for broken hitboxes;
- A way to control Geralt's attacks more precisely, if I want him to do a mid range attack i'll press the right key, if I want him to do a quick close quarters attack i'll press another key etc;
- A better counterattack for human enemies;
- More variety of attacks/behaviors for human enemies;
* Fix of Character Movement Glitch of NPCs that carry around crates, as their legs move very stangely, really spasmic looking ...
* Let us store books and crafting materials in the Stash
*Stop Geralt rolling down stairs just after a cool moment

*Would like to see Black Blood potion apply a bleed effect instead of a one time damage per hit
*Have bad guys RUN AWAY sometimes when they see you kill 4 guys before them. You either chase them down or they get away. Even better is if they go to another nearby Bandit camp and join them.
*Fix the glitch that makes the quest Flesh for Sale impossible to obtain after starting the Following the Thread quest.
- decrease exp gain and make monsters more agressive at death march difficulty.

- nerf mutagen bonus in skill slots since signs are getting to OP.

- rebalance Cat and Wolf sets cuz to OP compared to Griffin and Bear.

- give Geralt more (romance) options, not enough WOMAN!!

- improve Gwint NPC mind, if ya drop 2 spies + 1-2 useless cards most NPC usually pass.

- after player completed the game and have full info about all monsters/characters let him generate enemys in some sort of (spiritual arena) to test his strenght.
well, i want to things in patch 1.08 There could be additional gameplay options or new implementations on higher difficulties.

Firstly, a scaling up system. All low level enemies level would change to geralt's level +2+ and would lose their debuffs
For completonists and people who explore a lot, it is a great way to keep the combat interesting as after around level 15 the game becomes very easy even in dm. There could be enemies whose level would stay a lot higher than geralts, but low level enemies are really easy and make the combat inintresting. It is very easy to outlevel them and become overpowered.

Secondly, decotions should be taken only in meditation to emphasize to the preparation side of a witcher.

---------- Updated at 10:46 PM ----------

- after player completed the game and have full info about all monsters/characters let him generate enemys in some sort of (spiritual arena) to test his strenght.

well, an arena would be awsome like in the witcher 2. maybe in kaer morhen we could take hallocination pills and test our abilities.
-shopping still need a tons of improvement, it should tell which which items and the amount you currently have in your inventory instead of having you looking back and forward between inventory and shop. This is annoying as hell. Even crafting should tell you if you already have the items in your inventory. It is not like the amount of items in this game is limited.

-completely remove weight limit, stash did absolutely nothing, game is still annoying as hell to play since it is strongly ties to the crafting system. You need to keep a lot of items for future use. Either remove the weight limit or let the store have direct access to your stash box. Who cares if its not realistic, its not like the game is realistic to begin with. The game is torturing to play when you hit your weight limit.

-New camera mode, I have been asking for close up camera for a while now, please add toggle for close up camera like when you are overburden. It already works with the game, CDPR just need to add toggle for normal play and make it works with sprinting. Of course it should zoom back out in battle.
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Okay I have 2 story related fixes to suggest:

- Remove the Rose of Remembrance from Triss´s house in Novigrad for those of us who took Iorveth´s path in Witcher 2.
Cynthia stole it from Triss and then Philippa destroyed it to cure Saskia so how can it be in Triss´s house? Huge story breaker for the Iorveth squad.

- It has been reported that the dialogue option about Saskia you get with Philippa only appears if you lifted the curse from Saskia which makes no sense!
It should only appear if you imported your save file on Iorveth´s path where you rescued Triss and did not kill Saskia leaving her under Philippa´s control.
Otherwise the dialogue does not make sense if you freed Saskia at the end of W2.
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-Fix the looting of underwater floating treasures (like smuggler's stash.) When you approached it from the wrong angle, you just can't open it. You have to swim away and swim back.
Make the game run on Xbox One like it was on 1.05... those ridiculous frame drops are unacceptable... How you managed to make the performance drop like that?!?
Replacable gwent cards from the quest "A matter of life and dead" spent 200 hours to be locked out with 2 cards (played one match)
* Please ADD BLOOD ON GERALT'S SWORDS WHEN FIGHTING, this creates a lot of immersion,

* Fix of Character Movement Glitch of NPCs that carry around crates, as their legs move very stangely, really spasmic looking .. <- Definitely need to be FIXED!!!...

I really hope you read these posts CDPR!?...
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oils should be like potions and have limited uses until meditation + we shouldn't be able to use the same oil twice in the same fight .
The worst "roll down the stairs' moment is *spoilers*

As you approach the funeral, hearing the speech, and then roll down the stairs just before the cut scene starts.
1 - FOV
2 - The ability to put more markers on the map and edit them. Cant find Triss house, need to look at google.
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