Recent content by ph3s

  1. P

    Expansion says "unique relationship"

    whatever it is i bet ya it's going to be reused sex scene with default body :P so boobs all the way
  2. P

    Hearts of Stone release date announced

    Unique Romance? Damn who could it possibly be with? :P
  3. P

    Radovid Memes

    We nes a stearn point in this topic. Red & thank you are nice an all. But we really need 'Stern' points.
  4. P

    Radovid Memes

    Radovid's favorite moment of Fallout 3.
  5. P

    Crossbows under water

    It magic of the last patches. Wait till you see what your friendly NPCs can do :) BTW it doesn't matter what level monsters are, as far as you underwater it's one hit.
  6. P

    After reading the books, do you feel sympathy for the character of Ciri?

    There isn't any good character in the books, try to don't go black and white. Wither's books were "many shades of grey" before it was mainstream
  7. P

    Should I start the game again? Please advise.

    Read my theory. This will make you game play more pleasant with no doubts about books
  8. P

    (Spoilers) The use of salt issue

    Placebo effect :)
  9. P

    Is buying future CD Projekt Red games worth it to modders considering the support we are receiving???

    Emmm.. Stop buying games cos there is no modding tools? Industry is doomed :)
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