Recent content by RyseAurellius

  1. R

    Do you feel bad when you queue into players with lower skill level ( in casual or seasonal)?

    Casual mode made me realise this game is not for casual players like me.
  2. R

    Now I understand why Gwent was removed from consoles

    Not related, in any way. Gwent was removed from consoles because it wasn't financially viable keeping them there. Also it was challenging having to go through the different processes that Sony and Microsoft had for verifying patches. Although I never played Gwent on consoles I don't believe it...
  3. R

    People I think need to give CDPR a chance I think they've earned it.

    Guys, lets get one thing straight. SONY DID NOT DO THIS FOR CONSUMERS.
  4. R

    People I think need to give CDPR a chance I think they've earned it.

    Consumers didn't win. Sony did that 100% for self interest. Sony's refund policy is all you need to know about what they feel towards consumers. Why do EA, Activision and Bethesda get away with it? Sony never pulled any of their games. This stinks, I'm not defending the state of Cyberpunk, but...
  5. R

    What happened to CDPR?

    The removal of Devotion from GoG is such a minor non event, and also not relevant to the Cyberpunk forums.
  6. R

    What happened to CDPR?

    I don't know the inner workings of CDPR, but from the outside and based on their history and how they have conducted themselves, something seems very wrong here. Did going public place them at the mercy of shareholders with little love for gaming other than the revenue it can generate? Did...
  7. R

    To CDPR: Please do a Sean Murray, as that will 100% solidify your rep with us!

    The fact they have already added fixes and are working on more and have stated this is their objective proves your post is totally wrong. I think at this point the criticism of the game can be divided into two categories, the people who are having genuine issues and providing meaningful feedback...
  8. R

    [Poll] NEVER surrender, at least you will lose.

    Same, I see any of the meta decks that are being abused and I'm out instantly. Don't care for it.
  9. R

    Alzur - New Card

    Its a great card as is, I don't think it has much potential other than for memes. Its the center target for control at the moment and is usually dealt with pretty quickly. Its fine, leave it alone. Set the meme free!!
  10. R

    Can we finally make Endrega Larva less broken?

    Calm down champ, never said monsters were dead.
  11. R

    Can we finally make Endrega Larva less broken?

    And others have said, that is largely thanks to Larvae, without Larvae MO will more than likely not be a part of the meta.
  12. R

    Gwent Content Creators

    True. He also my favourite streamer to watch as well. I think its probably because I am Aussie too so I can relate to his laid back attitude and sense of humour. I appreciate good players that use these funky combos, a lot of fun to watch compared to the boring and repetitive meta.
  13. R

    Gwent Content Creators

    The reason he has been using Synna is because he is doing a series of videos with decks based specifically around her ability. He has done videos without her and will do more in the future, but thats just why he was using her frequently.
  14. R

    Disconnecting from the internet when losing - should this be reported as a cheat?

    That would likely kill a chunk of the player base. I have had issues with my internet (lousy service where I am) dropping out which in turn causes Gwent to disconnect and leave my opponent in that waiting screen. So you're saying I now have to sit in the naughty corner for a problem I didn't...
  15. R

    Devotion, Neutrals and Uniqueness

    I mean its a game, the purpose of which is to win. Trying to win and having fun don't have to be mutually exclusive. A deck that's fun for you to play against might not be fun for someone to play against. Its subjective. And again, players use the tools CDPR have given them, I wouldn't go so...
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