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    Exporter 3D MAX 9 models to D'Jinny

    Thanks a lot for the exporter! Got a few questions though:You said it's the official exporter, if that's the case is this precisely the same software CDPR will release? If so: how did you guys get your hands on it? :)I've tried installing it on my 3dsmax 8, didn't work. Got lots of errors on...
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    This is strange, putting them into the map like placeables works fine for me, I can see them immediately.Did you change the fog settings for your current location? Avery dense skybox fog can make the skybox invisible.
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    Is there a 3ds max exporter out yet?

    I wasn't expecting such elaborate answers, thanks a lot! Also I had a chance to work with the editor tonight and used DLA's NWN tools to bring some simple models into the Witcher. So far I only experimented with basic placeables. And they work. This should keep me occupied till Monday when...
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    Is there a 3ds max exporter out yet?

    Is there a 3ds max exporter out yet? OK, I played around with D'jinni a bit, browsed the wiki and the forums (the PDF HowTo guide runs slowly and crashes my acrobat reader for some reason) and I couldn't find anything about a 3ds max exporter release. Is it out yet? Is it implemented somewhere...
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    D'jinni i patch 1.3 przesunięte

    Mała rada dla wszystkich niecierpliwie czekających na D'jinni: zamiast siedzieć i nabijać pościki, czy też krytykować nabijających, tym samym samemu nabijając... itp itd, zacznijcie pisać jakieś skrypty “na brudno” (jeśli jesteście wyjadaczami); graficy, pomodelujcie wstępnie w 3dsMaxie (z tego...
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    Would you want to live in Geralt's world?

    As I am right now: no, I wouldn't want to live in the Witcherworld. I'm not a very experienced fighter, I remember wielding a real sword replica once or twice and I suppose I can't do much beyond waving it like a machete and shouting some rather unconvincing battlecries. I don't seem to have any...
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    First impressions

    Alas, the few players who had read all of his works dived right into the “poetics” of the game. I suppose that, without having read the books, this kind of language might seem a bit odd. So, here's the deal: The magicians in Witcherworld are also a kind of an intellectual elite. They use magic...
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    What would Geralt look like if...

    Assassins don't like glowy stuff, I think. It's cool to have a Holy Sword Burning with Sacred Flames that Purge Imperfections but when you're waiting for your prey in the sweet embrace of darkness and shadow a large piece of glowing steel's a dead giveaway. Maybe if it went flaming only when the...
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    Older than the past

    "Aged graphics”... well, the whole idea's a bit tricky, isn't it?There's two things that can make a game look either good or horrible, the first one is the engine that sets the limits for the artists. The second (of greater importance, I daresay) are the graphics themselves, the result of the...
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    Grupa ludzi od scenariusza?

    No no.. bardzo ciekawe, dzięki za linka.
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    Some people just like to use cheats. It's personal taste. Why are you guys even discussing it? De gustibus non disputandum est! (said Aggravaar, the latin-humping pseudointellectual that he is :P)Some people find overweight people attractive! Some people think that soap operas are the greatest...
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    Niekończąca się opowieść... [Uwaga, SPOILERY!]

    Jeśli mnie pamięć nie myli Ciri podróżowała nie tylko między światami, ale i w czasie. Jej syn miałby zapewne podobne zdolności, (zresztą Alvin przeniósł się w przeszłość i stał się Wielkim Mistrzem). Osobiście też uważam, że Alvin nie jest jej synem, z powodów nie tyle fabularnych co...
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    Niekończąca się opowieść... [Uwaga, SPOILERY!]

    Twoja hipoteza ma sens, chociaż nie jestem pewien, czy autorzy gry chcieliby mieszać w to wszystko Ciri, jak dotąd raczej starali się unikać niepotrzebnego komplikowania fabuły dla graczy nie znających twórczości Asa.Tak na marginesie... ładnie sobie Ciri synka wychowała, nie ma co...
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    Krótke pytanie na temat nieznanego potwora

    Rogacz ma reprezentować chyba ogół potworów, takie stereotypowe monstrum. Tak mi się przynajmniej wydaje.Jeśli nie: demon przywołany z zaświatów lub monstrum z magii zrodzone.
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    [ACT I] help with the cave

    Hey, weed out all the echinopsi (echinopses?), the remains should be in the tough echinops' body (it may have been named "satiated echinops" or "full echinops"... anyway the toughest one to kill).I think you posted in the wrong section, BTW.
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    Whose head Geralt is wearing?

    And that, I think, should be carved in a large slab of granite.The said slab of granite should be used to hit certain movie producers in the head, repeatedly and enthusiastically, until they get the point.
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    NOOBZ or NOT?

    *points* You are not one of us... :P
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    I got "The Last Wish"

    Yeah, if I knew what I was missing I'd go for the stories first. And if I knew I wouldn't get'em due to some editor's publishing plan heads would roll. My suggestions: get a bunch o' pitchforks and torches, form an angry mob and give Gollancz some medieval reader's feedback.
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    Pokręciłeś :) Sergio to reżyser, a muzę do jego spaghetti westernów komponował wcześniej wymieniony Ennio Morriccone (rewelacyjny IMO).A do listy kompozytorów, żeby nie powtarzać nazwisk, dodaję tylko genialnego Vangelisa ( Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, Conquest of Paradise, Alexander).
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    Favorite book?

    If you've liked it I'd suggest reading Ubik and The Man in the High Castle by the same author. If you're into quirky A Scanner Darkly (which was made into a surprisingly good movie recently).If you happen fall in love with his drug-induced semi philosphical writing style: Valis - that is the...
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