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  1. P

    [TW1][mod] Complete Sword Overhaul

    question! this mod just change models/textures but not stats right?
  2. P

    Where is main adventures located?

    Where is main adventures located? Hello. Can anyone remind where is main campaign modules located? Im on windows7 and game is from steam! Edit: Found myself Go to your witcher game directory for example The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data\modules\!Final and there is .mod files. Move any of those...
  3. P

    Thaler in Act V

    Thaler in Act V Wikia state that he is found in royal castle but i dont see him anywhere?
  4. P

    Worth its Weight in Gold

    yeah i found those entries in quest file too, but no triggers in anywhere
  5. P

    Worth its Weight in Gold

    Worth its Weight in Gold From wikipedia: Assault Edit This phase may or may not present itself, it all depends on timing and routes taken. Intimidate the bandits: I met a group of bandits, but they vanished as soon as they learned about the elves. I must go to Vizima to get the letter...
  6. P

    In which file loot from all game storages are located?

    In which file loot from all game storages are located? Can you tell me please what does it_vbook1 or it_vfood1 does? Does it spawn random item of that section or what?
  7. P

    In which file loot from all game storages are located?

    In which file loot from all game storages are located? And how to open this file? Thanks you in advance
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