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  1. K

    Another CCG without a poisonous faction like NG?

    Yes, I know NG is "weak" this season. I've played this game for over 2 years, and I'm well aware of both the NG legacy and lore-friendliness. (I've read all the Witcher books, too.) I get it; even a Gwent champion (was it Wangid??) mentioned that it's sometimes "fun to play the bad guy" in one...
  2. K

    It is time for CDPR to take testing of patches more seriously

    I want this game to succeed because I've been playing it for over 2 years and have spent quite a bit of money on it. I really like Jason and Pawel; they are superb ambassadors for the game. But a patch like 6.2 being released with this many obvious bugs simply should not have been released...
  3. K

    Why no tournament decklists on official site?

    It is rather odd that I usually have to head elsewhere to find a Google Drive link or something else that has the deck lists for a tournament sponsored by CDPR. For example, the qualifiers start today (March 28) and while the official Masters site duly notes this here, one must download the...
  4. K

    Can a second GOG account be created on same PC?

    I realize this is likely a rather stupid question, since I know people have more than one account to play Gwent, but since I often play using the same PC, is this even possible on one computer? The situation is that I also had an account on PS4 that I would like to transfer over to GOG and...
  5. K

    Is Seasonal mode the only way to get card backs?

    I have to say love the Elf card backs that I've seen, and though I normally do not play for purely decorative items in any game, these are pretty cool-looking. But is Seasonal mode the absolute only way to get these? I can't stand that mode at all (even worse than Arena in my own opinion), and...
  6. K

    Only the insane need apply....

    If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, there's many of us going insane, definitely including me. For the third Homecoming season in a row, I have--yet again--failed to break rank level 10, which means I will once again be hurtling back down to rank 15 to begin the...
  7. K

    Dear CDPR- Can you please keep the Homecoming PTR available?

    I realize that this may be asking a lot, but I ask this for several reasons: -Yes, we all realize it's still under development and not quite ready. But Homecoming is soooo different from current Gwent that there is little reason for anyone to continue playing it on ranked, even if it is just...
  8. K

    What is the "typical" win rate?

    What is the "typical" win rate? I have to admit, after playing this game in earnest for about two or three months, purchasing about 150+ kegs and making it up as high as roughly 3400 mmr in ranked play, it's getting pretty tiresome losing, having dived the past few weeks to under 3000...
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