Contest 1 - The one with The Witcher meal

I have a question! Does the food have to be a meal from the Witcher universe, or can it just be Witcher themed? Like for example a carrot expertly crafted into the shape of Vernon Roche?


Witcher related, interpretation of this is all yours :)

...good, good.

Because if my entry burns to ashes I'm going to need a lot of interpretation from you guys.



Charitably, I wish @Kinley and @EmperorZorn to stand a chance.
That's why I'll be passing on this challenge.

Zorn's going for the pun. He's submitting in a dish called «Wild Hunt», based around undomesticated pheasant. The touch of genius, or so he believes, is the cranberry ciriup. :lol:

Kinley's entry won't feature bear nor a marzipan bolt. That would be too obvious and Kinley is aiming much higher. I am convinced he is the Romanian Thomas Keller. A mock-up of his three-course meal submission:

Starter: «Flotsam Salad»

Main: «It's Dead Alright»

Dessert: «Me Brain After Gamescom»

Kinley and Zorn, feel free to banter me back.
I can take it.
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Ohhh!! I'm so excited! Now I have to think hard and come up with something. I can't cook for shit. *looks at microwave*

Hmm... but if it's for the witcher I can give it a try. One question though

@CDPR: Does it have to be edible? I mean if someone makes something cool, sends the recipe but you can't eat it because it's poisonous.. Just wondering. :D

But this is something I may be able to pull off. I can't sing, can't make music that well, I can't draw, am bad at photoshop and my writing is bad too. But I can at least be creative in this and think of something to make. Hmm...
And one more question for CDPR : Will you dare to try out some of our recipes?
I would sure love to see your faces while eating our food :D
I don't think my culinary skills are up to the task but I look forward to seeing what people come up with.
Darn the contest. It's nearly 4 o clock in the morning and I've been sitting watching 30 or more cooking tutorials. <.<

I won't copy paste anything, i just want to make something cool witcher themed. But I need to learn how to cook first. :D
Gaming has never been more educational. :)

Oh and I hope you won't make me explode my kitchen. <.<
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I like the idea of this contest, but I have neither the culinary skills nor the tech with which to take photos (doing so would at least be inconvenient for me). I'll just spectate from the sidelines, watch out for any food fights (with popcorn at the ready) and wait for the next contest.
The task is simple, create and send us a recipe for a “Witcher meal”. For bonus points, you have to prepare that meal and attach a photo of it.

Great Idea for a Contest ! I'll try and come up with something edible in time, but right now all I can think about is how seasonally appropriate this challenge is ;)

What you got in the bag there Witcher?

Fun contest!
Too bad I saw this just today, I could have submitted the brownies I prepared yesterday! (Sorceress´s Brownies... a sweet and tasty snack for witchers to enjoy while on the road!).

I´ll have to come up with some crazy dish! Think, think!
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