Cyberpunk 2077 - Your Ideas For A Dream RPG

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Not sure if it will be just to be played in single player mode but if whatever i wish for Coop-mode for those who wish to play with friends, like skyrim its epic game but i dont personally like playing alone, and i hope there is more of people like me !:)
Well it definitely needs a good inventory system, like Diablo or The Witcher 1
I know you heard about the not so good inventory in TW2, but let me remind you again please use a proper inventory. You could really feel the console part of the game.

Another thing I'd like to see is a reputation system, not necessarily good or bad rep system but more like reaction from NPC's to your actions and class, for example "Ahh, (you are hacker) What do you want?".
The NPC doesn't like Hackers or want to be idle with them so he's kinda rude to the player, but that varies from NPC to NPC. So if you did sth. that created attention to the people around you or sees you, they act accordingly to it.
I want to feel "Oh dammit, I shouldn't have done that, I need to be more careful".
  • Female pc option and pc customization
  • 3rd person view
  • Reactive world/choices that matter
  • Different methods of completing quests
  • Strong characters and story
I want my character adopted a injured crippled dog when he was young. Now, whenever i have money I can upgrade his leg. I think its much better to have a real dog as a pet than a robot.
well you can actually kinda do the brain hacking and this is 50 years on from the pen and paper game so who know what is going to be possible, an mmo would be cool if done well but many many mmo's have come and gone, i would like to see something like borderlands 1 or 2 in game play but with a hell of a lot more customisation, no cover system they all suck the balls it takes all the fun out of games hacking of all devices is an awesome idea and very much in the theme of the classic game.

i have played the pen and paper game for almost 20 years on and off so i can only hope they do the game justice
What I'd like to know is what kind of game are CDPR roughly aiming at. I mean, they (iirc) advertised it as a "hardcore story heavy RPG based on PnP rules and foundation", but reading the discussions in this forum all I hear is GTA, Sleeping Dogs, Gears of War, Batman, Armed Assault, Assassins Creed, first person shooter, third person shooter, cover combat, etc, etc...

The forums, obviously, do not dictate what the game will be in the end, but I start to get a feeling that I have missed something down the line. What will this game be about?
"We want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever"

one of the weak point of CD Projket is combat. We hear ppl say things like "i like TW1 combat more or TW2 combat more", but we dont hear many ppl say "i like TW series because of their combat system". Four years ago, gamers were hungry for stories, graphics, freedom of choices. Today, ppl are starting to see game mechanics are also important. All i am saying is, CD Projket might want to consider to set the gameplay mechanic bar much higher.

I saw many combat ideas in this thread, but most of them just want a system from an other game (without mentioning the game).

if CD Projket want this "We want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever". Besides, on top of everything, u also need to do something new, u have to bring ur game to another level where gamers can enjoy a new game experience that other games cant offer.

At this point, we have many successful title out there, Fall out, Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Far Cry, GTA, or COD, Sleeping Dog etc, etc.... Can CD Projket make a better shooter experience to Cyberpunk? What's ppls expectations for shooter gameplay two years from now? Will Cyberpunk add more melee elements to the game like Sleeping Dog or Batman? even if they do, its just another batman or Fall out3 then?

I heard that Cyberpunk will be a have lot of PnP element. Will there be Pen and Paper elements in the combat system? Can CD projetket create an advanced PnP system that works better than real time ??

anyway, i saw this in the other thread. I think its a good start "futuristic cyberpunk batman"
I think given the setting, I'd really like to see a deep customization experience. I want to feel like I can not only choose how to deck out my character but modify the weapons in game to my play style. I think the Witcher series gives me hope that this game will have a good branching story you will work through. I'd like to see something Dues Ex style where there are competing factions and in the end how things wraps up depends on your choices throughout the game rather than simply one final choice. Those two elements are for me what makes RPG's fun and more importantly something I'll go back to again and again. A healthy mod system in place to allow the community to keep finding new ways to enjoy the game would also be a plus.
1) Make it big and crowded.
When I'm playing an RPG, I want the location I'm in to feel real. That means it has to be big and full of NPC's (if I'm in a city for example). This was my main problem with games like Fallout : New Vegas, or Deus Ex : Human Revolution. The cities in both of those games felt small and empty.
2) Make the combat fun.
Not nececerally easy, but keep it fun. Deus Ex : Human Revolution had some of the best combat I've ever seen in an RPG.The guns felt real, and there was nothing better than seeing your enemies spin in the air after being shot by the shotgun.
3) No day 1 DLCs.
When I pay the full price of a game, I want the full experience.
4) Give me a big variety of dialoge options.
Not just the good response, the neutral response and the evil response.
5) Make it long.
When it comes to RPGs I want them to last for months.
6)Good Graphics.
I know that graphics aren't the most important thing in a game, but they do matter.
Since I'm a huge fan of police, and police are going to be in Cyberpunk 2077, I want to give a few ideas :)

1. Put in High Speed Interceptors, police cars used to chase after fast suspect cars. Kinda like Need For Speed Hot Pursuit.

2. Allow for the player to switch from regular police duty to undercover duty, so that they can blend in and not be recognized from the other groups, allowing for "Infiltration". Also allow there to be a system where the more and more deep the player goes undercover, the more and more they have to work to keep their cover from being blown.

3. Introduce an arrest system and promotion system: For example the player, if undercover or not, does an arrest, they are rewarded with points leading to a promotion. The amount of promotion points could depend on the type of person the player arrests. As it goes up the player can rank up more and more, getting up the point of becoming a high command officer and able to command other officers. (Pretty fun concept :D)

4. A backup system. Let's say you are chasing a suspect and the suspect gets super far. You can ID the car and then send backup to go after it and take them down.

(Way more ideas, but that's my input for now :D)
Well since I wasn't even aware that the pen and paper game Cyberpunk 2022 existed until I saw a post over at the Witcher forums, I can't really ask for anything else than the game be made in the same high quality way as the Witcher games. Not really all that familiar with the Cyberpunk lore and universe though I'm willing to learn. As long as it ends up being a mature, intelligent and emotional game, you've got my money.

I guess all I can really ask for right now is the ability to customize my own character? Though from what I hear, that's gonna be in the game so yeah. At the moment, I don't have anything substantial to add. Will be back if something pops up :)
The combat needs to be brutal. Cyberpunk was always about edge of your seat brutal firefights. The shaping of the field of battle then becomes important. So reference the 'Do Unto Others' sidebars in the CP2020 rulebook. That was one of the things that has always stuck with me about the game: they encouraged you to think outside the box and do the other guy dirty before he could get you.

Some have mentioned voice acting, and I agree. Try to keep the ethnicities and accents matched as closely as possible. This lends a sense of realism and believability to the game. "But in 2077 accents have changed!" Yes, probably. But we are playing the game through the lens of 2014-2015. So our expectations matter.

Dialogue choices, and REALISTIC dialogue choices, have also been mentioned. An earlier poster (should have quoted, sorry) mentioned that they didn't want the 3 choice good, neutral, evil thing. And I agree, this can be detrimental to the believablity of a character. So, since we are going to be able to make our own characters in this one, maybe have part of the character creation process involve choosing a 'persona' or 'attitude type' for our character. These different attitudes could then provide for different dialogue options, and indeed even different gameplay choices entirely. Now, this last bit is really on the list of stuff to see in a dream game, because I understand that this would spike production costs immeasurably, especially if the game is going to be fully voiced.

But you did say 'dream RPG.'

I also second all the 'sandboxy' discussion that has been occurring. Definitely make Night City feel like a real place. Definitely include real estate purchasing, trips to the gym or fast food joint to alter character physique (a la San Andreas), random violence and street events. Make the city respond to player actions. Have news reports about things we have done. Have people in bars talking.

And good luck, guys.

Not too familiar at all with the Cyberpunk rules and conventions though since I'm interested in this game, I've been reading a little about the combat and it seems to be really fierce and unforgiving. Apparently you can die of a single gun shot, unless you're wearing body armour or mechanically augmented or something like that. I find that very intriguing. The fact that I could be facing a game over screen over a single slip up feels very refreshing. At least in theory, maybe in practice that's a phenomenally stupid design decision to make when it comes to designing an RPG. Still, I'm open to that being a possibility in the game.

The voice acting thing would be nice though I feel like we're asking for too much.

Ah yes, the dialogue choices. All I'm asking for is that they're designed in the same vein as the Witcher games. Morally ambiguous, intelligent and making sense within the context of the choice. I can't see Red ever doing something as stupid as incorporating a binary moral choice system so I think we're all good there. Red has always been one for the "we respect the players autonomy and would never be so arrogant to presume for him what's right and wrong"-mentality.

The attitude thing is interesting. If they can incorporate it, cool. It'll be interesting to see how it works and whether or not it changes during your gameplay. It could be used as a game mechanic to signify your character growing, learning and evolving. Having an arc essentially. You pick an attitude at the start and perhaps you end up changing your decisions etc during the course of the game. Your intentions are shaped by the world you live in and you adapt in order to combat the problematic situations that arise in Cyberpunk. Alright, I'm getting far too technical here! :p

No. Seriously, having all that boring shit in the game would probably ruin it. San Andreas was a chore to play because of it. You're supposed to engage the player, not fight him with pointless gimmicks. Still, if Red manages to incorporate it in a fun and engaging way then sure. Doubt it though and I'd rather keep that shit out.
A CLI minigame or something like that could be pretty fun. Or it could possibly be a way to hack and if you upgrade your hacking skills the game gives you hints on what code to write or the code is partially written and you just need to fill in the blanks. It could be a unique language and you'd have to find and collect the tutorials in the game to learn how to program in it. Or maybe I got too much time on my hands :cool:.

Also I know it can be difficult to do without a boss fight but a great antagonist would be really awesome. I'm sure there will be plenty of bad guys and the game won't be a plain good/bad system (it wouldn't fit the genre) but I've always been a sucker for great villains. The greater the enemy, the greater the hero.
Since I'm a huge fan of police, and police are going to be in Cyberpunk 2077, I want to give a few ideas :)

1. Put in High Speed Interceptors, police cars used to chase after fast suspect cars. Kinda like Need For Speed Hot Pursuit.

2. Allow for the player to switch from regular police duty to undercover duty, so that they can blend in and not be recognized from the other groups, allowing for "Infiltration". Also allow there to be a system where the more and more deep the player goes undercover, the more and more they have to work to keep their cover from being blown.

3. Introduce an arrest system and promotion system: For example the player, if undercover or not, does an arrest, they are rewarded with points leading to a promotion. The amount of promotion points could depend on the type of person the player arrests. As it goes up the player can rank up more and more, getting up the point of becoming a high command officer and able to command other officers. (Pretty fun concept :D)

4. A backup system. Let's say you are chasing a suspect and the suspect gets super far. You can ID the car and then send backup to go after it and take them down.

(Way more ideas, but that's my input for now :D)

I really like your ideas. The backup system could add a slight strategy aspect to a chase.
Oh, and if High Speed Interceptors are in the game, being in one would be a great idea.
Must list for CP-RPG from a female gamer. [Goes without saying I want the Option to be Female]

. Customization / Personalization of Avatar - I want a unique character in look and style. This may include a limp because I have a oversized mod in my leg (or too many mods). I want the ability to be very detailed in my avatar. From my eyes: Eyeshape, eyelid, eye color (full spectrum and then some), eyelash, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow shape, length, orientation, color ---> To my feet: foot size, toe length, toe width, arch height, ankle size, toenail polish, toe jewelry, shoes, boots, barefoot.

note: maybe use "themes" for characters as well. If you roll a scruffy character, the customization options are geared toward a scruffy look.

.. As others have said: Choices. I want to make choices and see the outcome of that choice at some point. Don't loose track of game facts.

... I want total flexibility for my character personality. If I choose to spare a life here, but take a life there... I don't want to be stereotyped as 'paragon' or 'renegade'. My Avatar doesn't need to be labeled. I walk around my city and people don't think to themselves, there goes a badass renegade person! I'm just a person to most and only my closest friends and family know who I really am. Same should be true for my character.

.... I don't want to be oversexed as a female, but don't mind if others do. Just allow me the choice so that I can better roleplay my character.

..... Story, Story, Story. From the blogs and the teaser, I can see great story potential.

...... Unique world. I don't know if it's possible, but I'd love this virtual world to feel very real... or as close to real as possible. I'd like to walk into a crowded Ramen bar and place an order. After I'm served, the guy next to me begins to cough. My character glances over and moves her bowl away from the guy, hunching over her food protectively. Depending on who I am, I might pop out a side umbrella, or protective screen of some sort. Or... if I'm a slob... it doesn't bother me. I ignore him totally. A do-good type, may offer a tissue, and get snarled at... or hit on.

...... No gross anatomy sexualized mods like tits that shoot nukes. Puhleeze.

....... Robust but not too complicated combat. I'd like to see some unique character profession abilities, yet I don't want to be stuck with a certain type of weapon because I'm a hacker. If my Hacker wants to conceal an atom re-organizer fingernail tip, she should be able to. And she also should be able to use a handy Heavy Weapon, if one is available. No restrictions please, but certainly you can scale effectiveness. A hacker carrying a Heavy Weapon under a raincoat should draw attention!

........ I like combat. But please don't make this a FPS!

......... I want to explore the world(s) and meet and make NPC friends and enemies. Don't pigeon hole a particular person to my character. If I decide I don't like somebody and don't want them around, I should be able to kick them out, or piss them off so bad, they leave. Like real life! Sorta...

.......... The atmosphere of Cyberpunk genre is amazing to me. Please stay true to it. <No green rolling hills and weeping willow trees... please>

........... Don't box the player in by limiting us in how we play the game. Role playing in an open world should really be Role playing in an open world.

............ Multi-platform please. My laptop used to be a gaming laptop... now it's outdated. But, I have a console and will probably get a next gen console. I won't ever go back to a desktop that I have to sit at a desk to play. I like mobility and couch play. I even play while in bed...
- Combat system is fair and skill based (rock/paper/scissors) Any class does not have any advantage over another but depends on charactor setup
- Unforgiving difficulty ( I dont like easy games ) this game is for adults not babies =P
- Co-op (Story mode and free to roam online mode)
- Ability to create and setup BASES / SAFEHOUSES
- Faction Aliances ( Police as a selectable charactor )
- Sandbox
- High Customisable Charactors and Loadouts ( I want to be different to every one else and stand out )
- Please NO pay to win
Since so many ppl want detailed customiation, how about making it look like u. So u will be seeing u as the main character through out the whole game.

1. use the web cam to take pictures of your face from different angles.

2. click and point out important areas, such as the center of ur both eyes etc.., from the pictures.

3. let the program to generate ur in-game face.

4.edit ur face.

However, can it be done well technically ?? i dont want to end up looking like an Orc, since i am not a good looking person to begin with. Will this kind of program only works with good looking ppl??
On the city's layout and the player's ability to immerse and familiarize themselves with it.

Here's something I took from having gleefully poured hundreds and hundreds of hours into every game in the Grand Theft Auto series since 3. A gigantic factor of my ability to feel like I was in gta 3's Liberty City or Vice City was my ability to memories what was where. For whatever reason, I felt far more confident navigating my way through those two cities than any of the cities that would star in gta games to follow. I suppose a major factor of this is size but I don't want to encourage a small city. In Grand Theft Auto IV they introduced the gps system which seemed like a nice idea at the time but that hand-holding seemed to have prevent my brain from trying to remember where anything was. I still feel like I never really got my bearing in that game even after both expansions. Now when it comes to the previous 3, 3, Vice City and San Andreas, the game's navigation depended on a way point on your radar and a the city map in the pause menu. Though it breaks any and all immersion to have to pause a game to figure out where the hell to go I felt like after having looked at the damn thing long enough in each game I became much more familiar of each city's layout. gta IV also had the pause map available but thanks to gps I suppose I didn't bother with it very much. I never really memorized. I'm coming off a bit scattered here. I don't mean to purpose any solutions but just bring up this problem. Helping a player too much can hurt. Perhaps the answer to this relays on forcing the player to navigate for himself to a degree or at least making sure he knows he's able to. Now that this is on my mind I'm going to think about it more. If I come up with a better way of explaining this concern in a helpful way I'll try and jot it down here.
So, if I had to make a list:

1) Your class determines your special skill, and nothing else. You can be a Cop who focuses on hacking and seduction. You can be a Corp who does parkour and can shoot a fly with a thrown stick at 300 yards.

2) While Night City is the main focus, it would be nice for there to be some bits in the surrounding area. Why? I'm from the South SF Bay Area, and while I have no delusion that my house will be a place the player can visit, there are some beautiful forests here, some amazing wildlife, and I'm curious to see with my own eyes how (horribly) they fare.

3) I would like to see some humor. Some of it high-brow, other parts much less so.

4) I would like to have customizeable music in-game, like Fallout 3's radio. Different stations and playlists, and if possible, even a customization element to that (i.e. an auto-playing stealth playlist, etc.)

5) I hope that there will be a more robust tutorial than there was in the original release of Witcher 2. The version that was introduced later with the Arena was really nice, but for the Arena bit. I would like to see some similar example of a microcosm of the Cyberpunk gameplay you're looking for.

6) Keep the soundtrack as melodic and atmospheric as possible, and if you can, please avoid the use of any synthesized instruments unless that is the express intent and the sound would not be improved by a physical recording. If you wish to take my advice, please consult the process used to make the soundtrack for Looper. The use of found sounds being tuned and lengthened/cropped/shortened/layered into instruments was beautifully different, and avoided a lot of the pitfalls of today's electronic soundtracks.

7) Please try to integrate a difficulty system that can be customized independently (player health, enemy health, player damage, enemy damage, weapon effectiveness, experience point cost increases, all able to be independently altered).

8) Let nonlethal weaponry be as varied and creative as lethal weaponry, if not moreso.

9) Make punching people in the face funny. Not enough games get this really right the way DX:HR did, and even that was annoying for being a cutscene.

10) Please limit QTE's to events where failure is acceptable and will enrich the story without punishing the player unnecessarily.

11) Be as uncompromising with the sound design as you possibly can. The next generation graphics will mean nothing if punching people in the face sounds like sucking on a cardboard box. You will have access to lots of new toys, and with the clarity of sound increasing, I ask that you take full advantage.
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