On the lack of Racial Diversty in TW3, or Disruptive Controversies.

This is a fictional world created by someone. It is not a game about real history.

So all this talk has nothing to say for someone other than yourself.

Talk until you're blue and might as well talk about Backstreet Boys...
The Witcher is an ode to Polish culture. An ode to Australian culture -- well I'd expect a wide variety of racial types represented unless we're talking the Dreaming. Poland? Poland's history is the racism between white people. It's the unseen, more nuanced racism that - when represented - speaks very much of human culture and how we work on a general, global scale. People could all look the same and still discriminate against each other in some way -- doesn't that speak of racism the most strongly? The Witcher talks about the human condition using one single culture as an example -- but I guess some people need their racial discussions colour coded.
Nobody else met the black skinned succubus in the game ?

For me that says that dark skinned people do exist, they are just very rare in that part of the world, as they should be given the distances and the limited options in ways of travel.
The Witcher is an ode to Polish culture. An ode to Australian culture -- well I'd expect a wide variety of racial types represented unless we're talking the Dreaming. Poland? Poland's history is the racism between white people. It's the unseen, more nuanced racism that - when represented - speaks very much of human culture and how we work on a general, global scale. People could all look the same and still discriminate against each other in some way -- doesn't that speak of racism the most strongly? The Witcher talks about the human condition using one single culture as an example -- but I guess some people need their racial discussions colour coded.
It wouldn't be called racism, but discrimination. Poland had cases of discrimination, but also equality (often very progressive, in context of the Europe), so it's not that simple. Other than that I agree.
Bravo! well said and bravo again, it is so rare that I get to read something intelligent and well thought out inside of gaming forums or comment boxes when it comes to anything besides which console sucks more or, I want free stuff cause this new games got a few bugs, so thank you and I wholeheartedly agreed with you even though as an italian-american I don't get upset that the only time we are depicted in games or movies is in organized crime or making pizza.
Bravo! well said and bravo again, it is so rare that I get to read something intelligent and well thought out inside of gaming forums or comment boxes when it comes to anything besides which console sucks more or, I want free stuff cause this new games got a few bugs, so thank you and I wholeheartedly agreed with you even though as an italian-american I don't get upset that the only time we are depicted in games or movies is in organized crime or making pizza.
I never thought about this, but now that you mention it.
Almost every german in video games is portrayed as a evil nazi you have to shoot. And most of these games are made by american developers So dunno, should I be upset now how racist american developers are?
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The Witcher series has since its inception tackled the racism thematic in a more mature and believable way than most RPGs or video games in general. It's absurd to demand "blackfaces" for random NPCs just to meet an arbitrary quota set by some bigots on the Internet.

It's not that the universe doesn't feature exotic cultures; there is Zerrikania for one, and it would certainly make sense to have sailors from all across the world milling about Novigrad's harbor. As to why CDPR didn't include any? Probably budget constrains. You might have noticed that NPC models are reused a lot throughout the game, it wouldn't be cost-effective to make special models for a few sailors that you can't use anywhere else (because they certainly wouldn't go out and live in backwater villages of Velen).
I hope they will remain adamant and not include black/asian characters for the sake of appeasing sjw since they'll find smth to bitch about anyway.

It's rare to see a game promote first and foremost slavic themes, no need to "americanize" it.
Lastly, I wish to make a plea to CDPR, to stick to their principles and artistic integrity. The reason The Witcher 3 may well be one of the greatest games I've had the privilege of playing is because the creators chose to do things that felt right to them rather than do the expected.
This. Lets hope CDPR will stay hard and will keep their games fanservice free. Everyone would change a little this and that, but when artist starts to listen to everyone the effect is some kind of monstrosity.
This. Lets hope CDPR will stay hard and will keep their games fanservice free. Everyone would change a little this and that, but when artist starts to listen to everyone the effect is some kind of monstrosity.

This game has plenty of fanservice in it. The term doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

Fanservice is simply any content added to please the fans.
If anyone else decides to use this thread as an excuse for indulging in country-bashing, just remember that actions have consequences.

All you're doing is pissing off other forum users. And that definitely attracts moderator attention.
I am from Montenegro, small European country...And we want - no, we demand - a fair amount of montenegrin content in any future game developed and released by CDP.

Yes, we demand it. Period.

Otherwise, we will be angry. Very angry. And we will invade Poland.
What the heck is political correctness doing in a video games and it's discussion? Man, I get so sick and tired of this crap all the time...now I gotta see it discussed about vid games...my lord, what is going on in this world?

It's a damn game, if the PC (not personal computer either) crowd don't like it, piss off and go play Candy Crap Land. Can't do anything these days without some uber leftist complaining about "minority this, racial that, woman this, men that"...man what a world we live in.

Now the uber-lefist zealots are attacking games...movies, books, music and basic political discussions aren't enough subjects about this nonsense, now they're after PCing games too.
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While personally I firmly believe that CDPR shouldn't change anything in TW, I can kind of understand why they are being pressed to do so. When there's a media campaign to shape public opinion in a certain way, it's crucial to have people overwhelmed by it. You can't allow to have exceptions; only after being shown that there's no other way of seeing things people start to give in.
Its based off polish fantasy. Whats hard to understand about that? No one cared first 2 witcher games but now that race is a hot topic in USA its an issue lol Oh well. It will blow over eventually I hope.


Forum veteran
What pisses me off is this black-and-white thinking that many of these "journalists" and "critics" seem to practice. Culture isn't defined by skin-color, especially not in Europe. There is no such thing as "black culture" or "white culture". Let me explain:

I'm a white guy from The Netherlands, so according to their logic I should feel represented by The Witcher simply because most people in The Witcher are white. This is not the case.

I'm Dutch and my culture is vastly different from most Slavic cultures. The Witcher is all about Slavic cultures and the games represent those cultures. My Dutch culture is not represented at all with the exception of a few Dutch names or words here and there (e.g. Dijkstra).

So no, I don't feel represented by The Witcher. I don't feel TW3 represents my culture. BUT THAT'S OKAY! I don't need nor want everything to be about me or my culture. I'm not a narcissistic prick. I'm completely fine with games representing cultures other than mine. In fact, I love it! It gives me the opportunity to dive into a culture that isn't my own and learn more about that culture by playing games or reading books that represent that culture. It's what makes The Witcher so interesting for me!

I understand that my culture - the Dutch culture - has no place in a setting based on Slavic culture. Nor does Indian culture, or African culture, or whatever culture that isn't linked to Slavic culture. I'm glad CDPR didn't pander to political-correctness and kept The Witcher universe "pure" and didn't insert all these unrelated cultures in TW3 for the sake of "diversity".
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