Oversexualizaton in Cyberpunk

Oh this topic is great hahaha why so much fuzz about it, because it can be fuzz about is very Interesting the way they show that women, who care about her clothes! really...who cares, and the teaser show a women being "submissive" by a male man, hey we can go all out about how the message of this trailer is projected, because this teaser have a bunch of topics to go on, not only in the game story but much more.
A full body replacement (conversion) in Cyberpunk means that the brain and the spinal cord of the person is removed from their original body, and implanted into a full cyborg body. Let me say that again: the brain, and the spinal cord. Nothing else. Now, assuming the lady in the video does indeed have a full body conversion, here's something to think about:

"Gemini" full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2020 - Is the person inside male or female?
"Borg lady" (made-up name) full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2077 - Is the person inside male or female?
"Dragoon" full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2020 - Is the person inside male or female?

So... Are the people inside those cyborg bodies male or female?

How can you tell? The only original things left of them are their brains and spinal cords.

Knowing what you know now, can you look at a cyborg such as that sexually?

When is a toaster not a toaster?
^It's all just an illusion, or at least that's the way some people want to see it. As long as they see what they want, it's ok for them.
No, you cannot judge by looking at their bodies, not cyborgs and not humans made of flesh. Gender identity is mental, this is why trans* people often go through long, long periods of confusion and maladjustment, and people judge them and cannot understand why they feel different when their body is "clearly" a certain gender. And in the end, the person may not even identify with the binary gender. You can absolutely look at the cyborgs in a sexual way, because sexual attraction comes from different sources. Gender ≠ sex.

Lots of fun to be had with this in cyberpunk, for both the cyborgs and the 'outsiders'... :D

(Oh an it's funny, because the guy in my icon got a lot of flack for his cyborg design, although he got to keep a bit more of his head than a brain.)
Knowing what you know now, can you look at a cyborg such as that sexually?

Gender ≠ sexual attraction.

A person's sexual attractiveness is to a large part dependent on another person's interest and perception. People are different, and there are different aspects that influence sexual appeal towards another partner. When it comes to gender identity, it is a mental attribute. Even if it's a cyborg, you don't inherently judge them by their bodies.

One reason this concept will be interesting to explore in Cyberpunk.
Kneeling is considered submissive, but it's not the case here. I think the main scene has very bold imagery - a woman who just killed about a dozen people, and a man pointing a gun at her head. There's nothing 'submissive' about it, unless you count her surrendering to the faith as submission. People are going a bit overboard in that regard. But can we not come up with excuses for her clothing, so she just happened to be half-naked because absolutely nothing could have fit the story of a two-minute trailer? Please. Call it like you see it. It's a promotional trailer made to draw attention (of both gamers and developers), and this is doing the job. Like CDPR aren't masters of getting all kinds of attention for stuff like this. Write what you want about me, just spell my name right, isn't that how the saying goes?

I love such an analysis - it reminds me when I was hearing to some feminist interview. She said that opening the door for a woman, giving her coat etc is being done by man to stress their power over her. At the same time if you go to men seduction forums, videos - most of them nowdays is stating that in doing so u give the woman advantage cause u do something for them and get nothing in return :)

The woman is motionless - even when the bullets hit her. She is not panicing etc - she seems like a perfect cyberpsycho not knowing what is going on around her. This way u see from the start that she is artificial, inhuman, robot in human flesh. The usage of the woman flesh - ok this is stereotype of woman much less violent,
not dangerous etc (compare the number of men and women owning firearms in US). And her clothes - well obviously she could wear a coat - but as this game is targeted mostly at the men audience - what do you expect? And probably the oversexualization buzz is giving them more views. 4 mln on official channel right now 42255 likes 1725 dislikes currently. 4% dislikes - not sure how many of them are because of oversexualization - maybe 5 % of that?

I'll also use this post to draw attention to the poor, neglected Mr Augmented Abs - he's contributing to the "clothing has a different meaning" deal of this game, too, by not wearing any extra protection we'd expect him to (being a cop and dealing with guns and other life-threatening stuff). Critics seem to overlook this, although his Same.

He is wearing full Exoskeleton - meaning full body protection... It was already mentioned a lot in almost every teaser analysis.

I don't just mean one or two, if things are to be equal then women should share the same fashion sense as men do and vice versa. Meaning women should be all decked out in armor, or wearing corporate suits, to barely wearing anything at all, and you should be able to see that with the same quantity in what men wear.

Please open your eyes - men and women are different. Go to the night club and check how many men compare to women are there half naked.
People are going a bit overboard in that regard. But can we not come up with excuses for her clothing, so she just happened to be half-naked because absolutely nothing could have fit the story of a two-minute trailer?

But there is good reason for those clothes. They were recreating one art from the book. They used the same clothes as in book, so fans would say "Wow! I know that scene!".
But can we not come up with excuses for her clothing, so she just happened to be half-naked because absolutely nothing could have fit the story of a two-minute trailer? Please.

Have you seen the making off article yet?

I find it interesting as the concept for the female character is based off an illustration of Alt Cunningham (Johnny Silverhand's girlfriend from the Cyberpunk 2013 rules).
But can we not come up with excuses for her clothing, so she just happened to be half-naked because absolutely nothing could have fit the story of a two-minute trailer?

First off, thank you for the kind words.
Now to answer your question.
If Cyberpunk 2077 is to be the heritage of Cyberpunk 2020, I am hard pressed to form a better character for the sake of that situation. The cyborg you're looking at there is the in one place, the microcosm of the entire world, of all that it is and all that is wrong with it. And all that could potentially go wrong.

All that will go wrong.

It is in part because 'she' appears the way 'she' appears that her presence has weight. I will not refute that it takes advantage of certain marketing tendencies, but at the same time, I disagree that said tendencies were the purpose at hand, which I believe is the root of the problem here.
Was 'she' animated dressed like that because sex sells? Or was 'she' animated dressed like that because that is what goes with the very essence of the world that Cyberpunk is?

Take a good look at the rest of the teaser. 14 people dead, 4 injured. 'Her' body is highly attractive, and almost entirely artificial, with two thoroughly lethal blades installed in the arms.
The trailer directly implies 'her' responsibility in the act. (note that it's stated 'suspect' and that the responsibility is only implied, never directly confirmed, which I find odd, but then again... that's sort of irrelevant to this discussion)

One of the first things you learn of the Cyberpunk setting is that it emphasizes Style over Substance. The entire crux of this goes straight back at that, screaming at you.
The glamor, attractiveness, beauty of the surface hides the ugly monster beneath. Heck, did you pay attention to the lyrics of the song? It wasn't picked at random, ya know.
Was 'she' animated dressed like that because sex sells? Or was 'she' animated dressed like that because that is what goes with the very essence of the world that Cyberpunk is?
Once again, I am not condemning ANY of the imagery in the trailer. Out of hundreds of pictures made for the rulebooks, they chose that one. That's all there is to it, take it as you wish. Be it a nod to the fans or a marketing ploy (honestly, it's both).
Once again, I am not condemning ANY of the imagery in the trailer. Out of hundreds of pictures made for the rulebooks, they chose that one. That's all there is to it, take it as you wish. Be it a nod to the fans or a marketing ploy (honestly, it's both).

I never said you were condemning. But you were questioning, no?
Using a beautiful and sexy model in an artwork, instead of a bland and average one, let alone a hideous ugly one, is no different than creating a beautiful painting instead of an ugly one. Yes, I'm sure the ugly painting could have a very deep and thoughtful message behind it, but it would still be an ugly painting.

A rose by any other name.

I can't see any reason for them to create a video which features average and bland people. It would serve no purpose. It doesn't belong in the Cyberpunk 2020 universe, nor do the majority of who see it want to see it. There's a reason something is "aesthetically pleasing."

For me, the police spinner is just as beautiful as the woman in the video. They created a very sleek and beautiful flying vehicle, instead of a rusted out chunk of brown metal. The city itself is beautiful, instead of a dank, garbage-filled toxic dump.

All these choices work to serve a purpose. That purpose is not to sell or market, even though the most jaded among us would want to think so. That purpose is to show what Cyberpunk 2020/2077 is all about. That's what I personally believe anyway. Oh well.
"Gemini" full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2020 - Is the person inside male or female?
"Borg lady" (made-up name) full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2077 - Is the person inside male or female?
"Dragoon" full body conversion in Cyberpunk 2020 - Is the person inside male or female?

So... Are the people inside those cyborg bodies male or female?

How can you tell?

Well, with the exception of the Dragoon, because those things are so far past human they're basically just tools, most FBCs would likely be given a shell that at least resembled the original body's sex, since having a full-borg body is enough of a blow to one's humanity as-is without misgendering adding to it.
Well i've been around a few decades and i've not seen the attire of anybody get more conservative, the scraps of material that cover young lasses in the clubs now would have been considered a violation of public decency when I was growing up, and the peelers would have nicked the wearer. Stick another sixty five years on to that tally and i'm pretty sure that the, "OH NO I HAVE SEEN BARED FLESH" brigade are going to be right royally outraged with dress codes in 2077. Then again they always are outraged over something, their minds revolve around what to be outraged over next.
Assuming that there are still transsexual people in the world of Cyberpunk I’d imagine that a full body conversion which ends up making them look like the opposite sex would actually be something positive in their eyes.
Well of course! I like questioning advertisements, even (especially) from companies I love.

Yeah things change when you can pretty much pick body parts without biology being a factor. If you can afford it of course.
But there is good reason for those clothes. They were recreating one art from the book. They used the same clothes as in book, so fans would say "Wow! I know that scene!".

Wait, really!?

Not only is it a nice reference, but also I now have a reason to shut some people up who complains. Heh, though I guess that won't change much... :p
Though with the options of hyper-advanced SRS likely, a borg body might not be a common or even ideal solution to those with Gender Identity Disorder. (Or whatever the new name is)

Though if in the line of work that requires a full 'borg conversion, an opposite sex chassis would be likely be ideal. But I suspect that those folks who would go full 'borg may not really care and could be beyond gender normative conceptions.

Though modern concepts of gender may be vastly anachronistic in a society as advanced as a cyberpunk setting usually is. It'd likely be more fuzzy or even fluid. Especially as the meat body body becomes more and more malleable. Self-Identity becoming easier to express and deviance from old norms becoming more acceptable allowing for a greater vastness in what would be considered a gender/social normative.

Also, we oversexualise in all media. All the time, and pretty much exclusively upon women. With shots that typically objectify and convey submission/compliance to a hetero-male standard. Thankfully some of this is getting slowly fixed as we hopefully head into an new age.
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