Yennefer of Vengerberg (all spoilers)

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So whats the solution ? We need more content for Yen. So other players have a chance to see how nice she really is.
And Yen deserves a chance to catch up 2 missing games.

My honest opinion? I don't know.

I don't want that CDPR cater to one or another community and bring out a pure romance DLC only to satisfy and appease the fans, that is not my Witcher and i hope it isn't CDPR's one too.

The Witcher games were never about romance, the books were never about romance, that was just a part of them and i don't want to dilute the game with flirtations.

Even the books don't focus on that, but their relationship is part of the story and not vice versa. That's one of the things i really like about the whole franchise, that the books take relationships seriously, especially the one of Yennefer and Geralt, but also others:
Remember that story about that mermaid and that mayor? Both were in love, but the human mayor didn't want to give up his life on land to live in the water with her and the mermaid didn't want to transform her tail into legs to live on land.
In the end she did it anyway, because she loves him and she did it for her darling. Both hesitated first, because neither of them wanted to give up his/her former life. When a couple moves together, one of them or even both have to leave his/her old home, that's not easy to do. Maybe even leave a city and move to another. That are problems we also have in real life and the books covered them.

Geralt doesn't like living in cities, Yennefer does, but he tried and failed, but he tries nonetheless, even a second time.

Yennefer and Geralt also aren't your usual couple as we see them always in movies/series/books, it's not a typical hollywood couple or from a soap opera. You can comprehend and understand why they quarrel with each other and with their problems, because everybody knows those problems.

The best friend slept with your ex or not-so-ex?
The relationship you had for 5-10 years isn't the same as in the beginning? ever heard of the seven-year itch?
A child is changing your relationship for the worse/better?
You are still attracted to other women/men?

That are all problems we also have to face in real-life. The relationship of Yennefer and Geralt isn't a dreamy one, far apart from it, but because it is so normal, it makes it believable.

Ask yourself, would you really like to have a relationship as Geralt and Yennefer do? It's not exactly desireable, if you ask me. They are like 50% loving each other and 50% they are fighting each other, that's not exactly the best imaginable relationship i can think of, but it is a realistic one and they try to work on it, because they want to for obvious reasons.
Think about your own relationships, the ones you had or having right now. Was everything always perfect? No, it wasn't, but you tried to overcome those problems for your partner for obvious reasons.

But how do you transform that into a game? I have absolutely no clue and i could imagine that it was a really hard job for CDPR either, but they tried and i think trying is better than giving up. CDPR tried its best and yet gets so much bad criticism for how they handled the job about the romances, especially for Triss.
Imagine you were responsible for Triss and/or Yennefer, you tried your best, you think you did a good job and hope that everyone likes the way you created them, but then the game comes out and you get nonstop criticism how bad it was. I don't want to be in the guys/girls shoes, who created the content for Triss for example, must be horrible and devastating to look into the forums right now.

So the best advice i could give, think about your own relationships, how they were, how they are, how they went and then think of Yennefer and Geralt, don't you see some similarities or opposites compared to your own life experience? or just read the damn books and make up your own opinion :D

how ever i don't agree that geralt is the so called "bad choice" because of the "shifting sand under his feet", this argument can be said about yen as well with all the duties and obligations that comes with being a sorceress.
i also dont recall from where but geralt isn't supposed to be a sexy dashing good looking person, he is supposed to look very plain (and with the mutation maybe even a little bit grotesque as well [the grotesque bit is my opinion] i do recall that in the books his smiling was described as something similar to groteseque), cdpr made geralt have a good looking model, because lets face it everyone reacts "better" to good looks, in my opinion geralt should have had a model that was more similar to letho, not slab of meat and muscle mind you but letho's model (although very good) has a plainer look to it while geralt's is abit on the pretty boy side of things...

Yeah, i just said that about the sexy witcher, because the games made him so :)
But i wanted to give him at least one positive aspect, but you are right, Geralt isn't exactly a good looking man, Sapkowski never described him as that. The other sorceresses are only fascinated by him, because he is a witcher and because he is the only witcher, who got actually involved in a relationship and even with a sorceress, which is absolutely uncommon for witchers.

Indeed, Yennefer isn't a really good choice either, he could have pick up any other peasant girl and maybe he would be luckier with her, but he didn't want to, he also chose the not-so-best option, but for him it was the best choice.

There is no need to add more content so people choose Yeniffer more often. People can make there own minds on how to play a game. Maybe on 2nd time around they pick something else. However I think the main reason way Triss is romanced more often is because you run into her first and can romance her before you go to skellige isles and meat up with Yen. So I don't think most people choose one over the other they just want to plow as many women they can get there hands on and Triss side quests are most likley done before they go and meat up with Yeniffer,.

Yup, there are some people regretting choosing Triss so early only to realize that they like Yennefer more or think that Yennefer fits better to Geralt, but at this stage of the game they can't change the outcome of the game regarding the romance anymore. You can technically go to Skellige Isle and make the quests with Yennefer before you do them with Triss, but most players will do the quest close to them first and others later. Especially since the Skellige Isles quest has a higher level requierment.

This also results in many endings where Geralt ends alone, because the player didn't know that he can't change his opinion later on.

That is something CDPR should definitively change, that you can still change your mind later in the game, doesn't matter what woman you fancy or at all.

But i also think Yen and Geralt deserves more content.
I mean, come on, they found each other after years...they found true love...the love between them is also a big part of the story.
Both gone through hell and both nearly died. They deserve more room and a better Ending in Geralts last Story.
Just my opinion.
The Ending now, and the Ending general is just crap...

I wouldn't say no to that either, i would pay good money to that modder, who makes a mod about the "Something ends, something begins" chapter, but more doesn't always mean better. There is also a difference between more content for the game or just fanservice.

That chapter "Something ends, something begins" is pure fanservice, Sapkowski wrote it for friends of him and said explicitly that is not canon, but i would be a liar, if i didn't like to have it nonetheless :)

The content CDPR is going to add to the game should enhance, enrich the game and should be for all players. Not everybody has to like Yennefer's character, but it would be nice to see, if people enjoy the parts of the game with her anyway. I could enjoy the quests with Triss too, why shouldn't i?

I am also not really fond of Dijkstra, but i still liked that part of the game.

And if you compare the ending of the books with the ending of the game, the game is much more happier, if you ask me. This time Ciri can even visit them any time, what she couldn't do in the books.

Something else, I finished Season of Storms recently and while there aren't many parts with Yennefer, the few are interesting, as their relationship is still quite fresh and still in an early stage. Maybe i will do something with that, as it will take a while before the book will be officially available in english, but don't expect it already tomorrow :)

and thanks for the laurels
, the forum trained me in the last years, so i was always in practice
The depiction of Yennefer and Triss in the game are contrasted extremely sharply with Yennefer caring nothing about the fact that Nilfgaard is invading the North, the larger world concerns, or the local traditions of people. She's a woman who would see the world burn to get her child back and that is an awesome character trait as well as one very true to the books.

Triss is, by contrast, trying to make the world better for her fellow mages. She's protecting them and others as well as working to build a better tomorrow. She has responsibility to the world as a whole and OTHER PEOPLE MATTER.
In the end, my Geralt knew who he loved.

I think this contrast is quite good and well-thought, even though you could argue (and what you do) that Yennefer seems to be the "worse" choice in terms of the world, but this is just subjective and is up to each themselves.

Yennefer is much longer in the policitcal business than Triss ever was, so she knows how brutal and how demanding this can be, and for what?

Yennefer is just sick of it and she wants to get away from it for good. Her motivations could appear egoistic, if you consider the world situation, but is it egoistic, if you want to live a peaceful life? Far away from politics and war?

Triss on the other hand can finally do what she always wanted to do, achieve something, help people. She couldn't do that at the side of a king and she couldn't do that as a member of the lodge, but now she finally can.

I for instance share the same opinion as Geralt always did in the books, i don't care in what kingdom i am hunting monsters or in what coin i get paid. There is always another king or queen, there is always another leader or an emperor or whatever.
In my playthrough i killed actively Radovid, because i wanted revenge for the witch hunt, because that was a personal matter for me, but aside from that i didn't take any leading role in the poltical war. I even walked away, when Dijkstra was dealing with Roche. Cold? Harsh? Maybe, but how is killing Dijkstra better or worse? Who am i to judge? I am just a witcher :)

All i wanted is to keep those safe i hold dear, first of all Ciri and Yennefer, but also Dandelion, Zoltan and of course Triss and Keira, Philippa, Fringila... *cough* :D
I disliked Yenn intensely, from the very beginning when she was bossing Geralt around and disrepecting the peasants I disliked her. The contrast between Triss's reaction to necromancy and Yenn made me dislike her even more. I kept romancing her after The Last Wish because I wanted to see if there would be some character reveal that makes me change my mind about her, as Witcher quests like to do (for example the Little Red quest hit me particularly hard even though it's such a small quest because it is so completely unexpected, the Pesta quest was another one) but I regret it so much, because if anything what happened after made me want to break up with her even more.

I just want to talk about her behavior after The Last Wish. Prior to that we can say that she was deliberately cold towards Geralt because she feared her feelings for him were magically coerced, so I can forgive her that. But after The Last Wish with their declaration of love, the dynamics of their relationship were still the same. She is bossy, controlling, tries to alienate Geralt from his friends. The only times she appears to be affectionate is when she wants sex. I didn't feel any sense of love from her at all, just this icky sense of possessiveness, like Geralt was some prize sex toy for her.
@Krull32 that's really kind of insulting.

I'm a huge fan of the books, Yennefer, and can talk at length about the character. I appreciate her wit, her sardonicism, and her up and down relationship with Geralt of Rivia. I enjoy "The Last Wish", "Splinter of Ice", and the way their relationship developed in the books.

However, Triss every time both for personal preference and Geralt.

I don't think it's a case of Yennefer being an inferior character and she's STILL one of my favorite characters in both the games as well as gaming in general. It's a matter of presentation in the game. I'm not sure if CD_Red really did the Yennefer character any favors with her portrayal in Skellige.

The depiction of Yennefer and Triss in the game are contrasted extremely sharply with Yennefer caring nothing about the fact that Nilfgaard is invading the North, the larger world concerns, or the local traditions of people. She's a woman who would see the world burn to get her child back and that is an awesome character trait as well as one very true to the books.

But it made my Geralt realize he couldn't be with her.

A big theme of the game is "responsibility to the world vs. your loved ones." Ciri's storyline is about growing up and choosing to take responsibility for either the Empire of Nilfgaard, Humanity in General [Witcher], or simply her loved ones [not letting them endanger themselves for her sake anymore].
It's contrasted in the endings, too. Yennefer's ideal ending with Geralt is to retire from being a Sorceress and a Witcher. To say, screw you to the world, and enjoy their peace and quiet. This is contrasted with Triss' ending where she takes an active role in trying to make the world better with Geralt.

Triss is, by contrast, trying to make the world better for her fellow mages. She's protecting them and others as well as working to build a better tomorrow. She has responsibility to the world as a whole and OTHER PEOPLE MATTER.
In the end, my Geralt knew who he loved.

He loved them both.

But he could only follow the one he wanted to be like.

It's like Morrigan and Leliana, there's no wrong answer. Albeit, I actually think the above depiction is kind of unfair to Yennefer and she would have SOME concern for others.

Strange, because the Geralt from the books is exactly the same way. He would burn the world to the ground if it meant protecting Ciri. I remember a quote from the books after dealing with the Michellin brothers "I will protect her. As best I can. I will kill. I will kill mercilessly." There are certain people they would do anything, and go to any lengths for, and Ciri is one of them. So it made perfect sense for her to do what she did there, and I supported her the entire way.
I have only played the games, but currently have the books on order. So from the first 2 games I did develop an attachment to Triss, which carried into the 3rd as she was most prevalent for the earlier portions, so I ended up choosing her. As time progressed though I saw how Yenn was portrayed in the game and started developing more feeling towards her too, so there ended up being an emotional dilemma at a certain part of the game concerning her too, as I felt she was finally being completely truthful. Having to chose between them was, for me, one of the hardest choices in the game. I did chose Triss but, I found myself so attached to both by the end.

It is why I am so hopeful, maybe it's just wishful thinking, that there could be another dlc/expansion of just life continuing after Witcher 3 where you maintain connections to all of the main characters and can actually be with/spend time with them, in story and additional romance and follow through with what took pl;ace in the final scenes of the game if you chose that path for the end of the game. That would be an absolute perfect close to it for me at least I imagine it would be hard for the Dev's to do as there are a lot of variables, but it is something I sincerely hope happens, as the game has such a strong impact for it's story and the emotion it conveys in an amazingly done work.
@Krull32 that's really kind of insulting.

I'm a huge fan of the books, Yennefer, and can talk at length about the character. I appreciate her wit, her sardonicism, and her up and down relationship with Geralt of Rivia. I enjoy "The Last Wish", "Splinter of Ice", and the way their relationship developed in the books.

However, Triss every time both for personal preference and Geralt.

I don't think it's a case of Yennefer being an inferior character and she's STILL one of my favorite characters in both the games as well as gaming in general. It's a matter of presentation in the game. I'm not sure if CD_Red really did the Yennefer character any favors with her portrayal in Skellige.

The depiction of Yennefer and Triss in the game are contrasted extremely sharply with Yennefer caring nothing about the fact that Nilfgaard is invading the North, the larger world concerns, or the local traditions of people. She's a woman who would see the world burn to get her child back and that is an awesome character trait as well as one very true to the books.

But it made my Geralt realize he couldn't be with her.

A big theme of the game is "responsibility to the world vs. your loved ones." Ciri's storyline is about growing up and choosing to take responsibility for either the Empire of Nilfgaard, Humanity in General [Witcher], or simply her loved ones [not letting them endanger themselves for her sake anymore].
It's contrasted in the endings, too. Yennefer's ideal ending with Geralt is to retire from being a Sorceress and a Witcher. To say, screw you to the world, and enjoy their peace and quiet. This is contrasted with Triss' ending where she takes an active role in trying to make the world better with Geralt.

Triss is, by contrast, trying to make the world better for her fellow mages. She's protecting them and others as well as working to build a better tomorrow. She has responsibility to the world as a whole and OTHER PEOPLE MATTER.
In the end, my Geralt knew who he loved.

He loved them both.

But he could only follow the one he wanted to be like.

It's like Morrigan and Leliana, there's no wrong answer. Albeit, I actually think the above depiction is kind of unfair to Yennefer and she would have SOME concern for others.
If Geralt was going to follow the one he wanted to be like, then it wouldn't be Triss from that description. At the end of the books, he basically says "Fuck the rest of the world, I have too much to lose now (Yen and Ciri) to keep saving their asses" and announces his retirement from being a witcher. He literally dies as a direct result of going against his own wish.
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I understand your points, but i'm still thinking they deserve more Content/Scenes and better Ending..Hell yeah i cant believe what i'm saying, but i would pay a few bucks for it too... But not for a Mod. For an official Addon/Dlc from CDPR.
And i must say, i don't like the most Romance in Movies or Romance in Games because most times it's just to much, kitschy ( right word..?) or bad written, but this Story got me .
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And as for Yen being 'mean' to our precious Geralt and others: during the game there's a nice piece of dialogue between them that explains it all imo

It goes like this
G:'You know you could be nicer sometimes'
Y:'I suppose...but then I wouldn't be the woman you fell in love with, would I?'

Strange, because the Geralt from the books is exactly the same way. He would burn the world to the ground if it meant protecting Ciri. I remember a quote from the books after dealing with the Michellin brothers "I will protect her. As best I can. I will kill. I will kill mercilessly." There are certain people they would do anything, and go to any lengths for, and Ciri is one of them. So it made perfect sense for her to do what she did there, and I supported her the entire way.

Hey, @keldrath

In another thread, I actually discuss this and how it relates to a Witcher 3: Wild Hunt roleplaying session and that it makes a surprisingly nuanced and deep storytelling experience if you choose to act against Geralt's "Ciri over everyone else" attitude of the books. One of the interesting things from the Witcher 1 is that Triss openly challenges Geralt to choose to take a stand for either the Common Good (the majority) or the Downtrodden (Nonhumans) with a "secret" option for Neutrality. A common theme in the Witcher 3 is Geralt having the option to go against his normal beliefs for the greater good, including the "no Witcher has done this, EVER" thing of turning down payment.

I mentioned in the thread that Geralt being challenged to do "Good for the World" or "Good for his Loved Ones" is a running theme in the Wild Hunt. Yennefer doesn't care about the World and that's an awesome character trait and if you choose to do that then Yennefer and Geralt makes perfect sense in the game. However, if Geralt has been changed by his experiences in the Witcher, AoK, and WH itself then Yennefer ACTUALLY REACTS WITH CONFUSION. Which is awesome.

Very few games have this sort of attention to detail, yet incredible characterization. It gets better because this isn't just Geralt acting out of character because it's not Yennefer being set against people who "don't matter." Yennefer's action takes her directly against people who love Ciri. Erimon is one of the few people who unrelentingly and unhesitatingly comes to the aid of Ciri just because he loves her and is one of her father figures. Yet, Yennefer almost gets him and his followers killed. A major theme of Wild Hunt is that Ciri is sick of people being endangered FOR HER. That she would rather DIE than have other people die for her. It's deeply traumatizing to find that boy she can potentially (almost) sleep with who helped her was killed because of her, let alone who can die at the Battle of Kaer Morhen.

It's kind of awesome to have Geralt go either way: Geralt siding with Yennefer and discover his daughter is HORRIFIED by the attempts to protect her to the deterrent of the innocent--against the very values she was raised with. Which can result in Geralt going against Yennefer on numerous actionns only to have his relationship with her suffer because he's trying to be the person who Ciri believes he is. It's not a choice between Yennefer and Triss but Yennefer and their daughter. Protecting Ciri at all costs, also, is one of the ways that she can end up DEAD.

A lot of people have been pooh-pahing the whole idea of a Romance DLC as if such things was silly or inherently stupid--versus the idea of stabbing people by button mashing like most of gaming. However, if this is the kind of writing which goes. That Yennefer and Geralt end up breaking up not because of a Djinn's wish but because, at the end of the day, he can't put aside his love for the world for his love for his family then it's some of the best writing in gaming. What's more amazing is this is actually a theme.

If Geralt was going to follow the one he wanted to be like, then it wouldn't be Triss from that description. At the end of the books, he basically says "Fuck the rest of the world, I have too much to lose now (Yen and Ciri) to keep saving their asses" and announces his retirement from being a witcher. He literally dies as a direct result of going against his own wish.

Yeah, but he wouldn't have been Geralt if he'd stood by and let the horror of the pogrom happen either.

On an unrelated note, one of the SADDEST moments in the game is if you break-up with Yennefer and then you have Ciri laughing on the boat to Skellige while Yennefer is off to one side. Yennefer has alienated their daughter and she's become more "Daddy's girl."
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Ask yourself, would you really like to have a relationship as Geralt and Yennefer do? It's not exactly desireable, if you ask me. They are like 50% loving each other and 50% they are fighting each other, that's not exactly the best imaginable relationship i can think of, but it is a realistic one and they try to work on it, because they want to for obvious reasons.
Think about your own relationships, the ones you had or having right now. Was everything always perfect? No, it wasn't, but you tried to overcome those problems for your partner for obvious reasons.
The Relationsship between Geralt and Yen felt for me like a maze.
After the last wish, which opened a door for them, they were captured in that maze and it took them so many frustrating years to actually find each other.
CDPR opened a door for a Triss/Geralt Relationship, but for me it felt like a straight road.
Which one is better? I don't know honestly.
Walking a straight road is easier, but finding the exit in a maze is so much more satisfying.
And if you compare the ending of the books with the ending of the game, the game is much more happier, if you ask me. This time Ciri can even visit them any time, what she couldn't do in the books.
I agree. The ending is technically the same as in the books, but after the books I honestly was quite confused. So I was quite happy with the game (well as happy as you can be realising that something just ended - I hate that feeling).
tbh, i wish people would stop bemoaning yen and how she treats geralt, because she has proved time and again in later instances how much she cares about him (yes most of it is from the books, and yes i am using the books because the games are a CONTINUATION [in how cdpr made them] of the books.).

more over people need to take a closer look at geralt and how much of an asshole he is, im close to the end of "baptism of fire" and im rather sick and tired of geralt with his assholey-pechulant child attitude, especially towards the people (milva,dandelion,regis,cahir) that try to help him, however it is quite evident that yen would not put up with that crap and she is more than willing (and entitled, YES entitled) to put geralt in his "place".

having before been neither pro yen or triss, i have to stay that im now leaning towards yen's camp, because i believe that she is the lover that would be able to appropriately handle geralt and his mood swings.
having before been neither pro yen or triss, i have to stay that im now leaning towards yen's camp, because i believe that she is the lover that would be able to appropriately handle geralt and his mood swings.

It's part of the issue Yennefer and Geralt has if you DON'T play him as book Geralt. Yennefer and Geralt are fine if you choose the options of constantly questioning Yennefer, belittling her, and calling her out on her decisions.

I.e. being an enormous ass to her.

That's how she EXPECTS you to react and how she's happy.

If Geralt is very nice to her as many roleplay her, it throws her off her game and makes her come off as mean. It's interesting to see that reflected in game.
I agree. The ending is technically the same as in the books, but after the books I honestly was quite confused. So I was quite happy with the game (well as happy as you can be realising that something just ended - I hate that feeling).

very much agree with that, closing in on the end i had this foreboding feeling of OMFG this is the end... nooooooooooooooooooooooo! this is the end... shit! how could it have come so quickly?!(even though it didnt come quickly at all) then having this gut wrenching feeling of having witnessed something end (which im going to get again once i finish "baptism of fire" *sigh*)

---------- Updated at 02:28 PM ----------

It's part of the issue Yennefer and Geralt has if you DON'T play him as book Geralt. Yennefer and Geralt are fine if you choose the options of constantly questioning Yennefer, belittling her, and calling her out on her decisions.

I.e. being an enormous ass to her.

That's how she EXPECTS you to react and how she's happy.

If Geralt is very nice to her as many roleplay her, it throws her off her game and makes her come off as mean. It's interesting to see that reflected in game.

yes, i guess that its probably true, how ever i cant unlearn what i know about them so i cant really say in an objective way.

and yes, this is how geralt's and yen's interactions go, i dare say that this is how they "play" or rather its their "fore play"?
Finally I'm in Skellige in my playthrough and I really like that CDPR didn't forget about that damn Unicorn - lol

“She [Yennefer] had a magnificent stuffed unicorn, upon whose back she liked to make love. Geralt was of the opinion that the only place even less suited for lovemaking would be the back of a live unicorn. In contrast to the witcher, who considered a bed a luxury and valued all possible applications such a wonderful piece of furniture offered, Yennefer was wildly inventive. Geralt recalled pleasant moments spent with the sorceress on the slope of a roof, in the hollow of a dead tree, on the balcony, and those of others, the railing of a bridge, a canoe, rocking unsteadily on a rushing stream and lastly while levitating thirty fathoms above the ground. But worst of all was the unicorn. One happy day, however, the thing collapsed beneath them. It ripped open and broke into pieces, causing the pair to burst into wild laughter.”
70% of people that play the games (or even more), they did not read the books and they will never read them, that's why they will never chose Yennefer and they will never understand why Geralt loves her and not Triss. The dev are to blame because they make 2 witcher games with no Yennefer, that was a bad choice in my opinion, ofc they try to fix that in the last game but they only make the Triss fanboys angry because Yennefer have a little more content. I prefer more Yennefer content because in my opinion Geralt and Yennefer have something unique together and no other woman will be able to change that, but i read the books and people that not read them will never agree with me.
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70% of people that play the games (or even more), they did not read the books and they will never read them, that's why they will never chose Yennefer and they will never understand why Geralt loves her and not Triss. The dev are to blame because they make 2 witcher games with no Yennefer, that was a bad choice in my opinion, ofc they try to fix that in the last game but they only make the Triss fanboys angry because Yennefer have a little more content. I prefer more Yennefer content because in my opinion Geralt and Yennefer have something unique together and no other woman will be able to change that, but i read the books and people that not read them will never agree with me.

It's not entirely true. I know people who didn't read books and still went with Yen. It's not that simple.
70% of people that play the games (or even more), they did not read the books and they will never read them, that's why they will never chose Yennefer and they will never understand why Geralt loves her and not Triss. The dev are to blame because they make 2 witcher games with no Yennefer, that was a bad choice in my opinion, ofc they try to fix that in the last game but they only make the Triss fanboys angry because Yennefer have a little more content. I prefer more Yennefer content because in my opinion Geralt and Yennefer have something unique together and no other woman will be able to change that, but i read the books and people that not read them will never agree with me.

What about those who have read the books and still prefer Geralt/Triss?

And as for Yen being 'mean' to our precious Geralt and others: during the game there's a nice piece of dialogue between them that explains it all imo

It goes like this
G:'You know you could be nicer sometimes'
Y:'I suppose...but then I wouldn't be the woman you fell in love with, would I?'


I like that line. I think it shows up Yen's understandable complacency. Is this still what Geralt wants/loves/values? To me the answer is no, to others no doubt it is yes.
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