Recent content by MedievalHistory

  1. MedievalHistory


    Not surprised to see 'Mahakem Forge' drop off hard from a 50% to 44% winrate as soon as it went up against the competitive meta decks in ranks 7+. Then it dropped even further to an abyssal 40% winrate at 'Pro Rank.' I wonder what the winrate with dwarves and 'Mahakem Forge' is in the current...
  2. MedievalHistory

    Changes which help 'Dwarves' in the current Meta: (Pyrotechnician, Geralt: Yrden, Korathi Heatwave, Princess Pavetta, Alumni)

    I appreciate your feedback! I'm only playing ranked at tier 13 atm, but I'm hitting some huge walls against current meta or popular decks when playing dwarves. They're by and far my favorite deck to play. I've got plenty of other decks in my repertoire which are much stronger (including T1...
  3. MedievalHistory

    Please allow us to set 2nd or 3rd Stage Evolving Cards as our 'Favorite Card.'

    I don't presume to know how difficult such a thing would be to code into the game, I'm just hoping it is possible. I'm also sure a vast majority of current 'Gwent' players would look favorably upon 'CD Projekt Red' adding the different stages as choosable favorite premium cards. Even if they...
  4. MedievalHistory

    Changes which help 'Dwarves' in the current Meta: (Pyrotechnician, Geralt: Yrden, Korathi Heatwave, Princess Pavetta, Alumni)

    Faction - Scoia'tael [Original] Pyrotechnician 4 provisions, 2 armor, 4 power Tags, Dwarf Order: Damage a random enemy unit and self by 4. Faction - Scoia'tael [Updated] Pyrotechnician 4 provisions, 2 armor, 4 power Tags, Dwarf Order: Damage an enemy unit and self by 4. Deploy: If you control a...
  5. MedievalHistory

    Please allow us to set 2nd or 3rd Stage Evolving Cards as our 'Favorite Card.'

    The second stage of the 'Harald an Craite' evolving card is my absolute favorite premium card art in the game. I would really appreciate it if the Devs would consider creating an interface which allows us to select either the second or third stage of an evolving card as our favorite card...
  6. MedievalHistory

    Korathi Heatwave has too low provision costs? CDPR: "To share your ideas and suggestions with us, please visit our forums. Our development team regularly visits them to read comments from our players." I used to give 99.9% of my feedback directly...
  7. MedievalHistory

    Oneiromancy - The Autoinclude Problem CDPR: "To share your ideas and suggestions with us, please visit our forums. Our development team regularly visits them to read comments from our players." I used to give 99.9% of my feedback directly...
  8. MedievalHistory

    Sick of seeing Korathi Heatwave/Oneiromancy in every deck I play against.

    I've been playing Gwent since the early days of beta. It is a real slog to play anything nowadays, I get bored within the first 30 seconds of a match, because I can generally play out the entire match in my head before it happens win/lose depending on the opening plays of my opponent and their...
  9. MedievalHistory

    Improving The Mage Archetype (Suggestion Thread)

    Thanks for your input 4RM3D! In regards to your first point, I'm simply not qualified or creative enough to come up with entirely unique abilities that would be fine-tuned enough to meet acceptable balance standards, I would leave that task entirely up to CDPR's balance team. However, I thought...
  10. MedievalHistory

    Improving The Mage Archetype (Suggestion Thread)

    As a seasoned veteran of Beta Gwent, with nearly 2,500 wins under my belt over my entire Gwent career I wanted to give some feedback on a specific archetype I enjoy playing. TLDR: More "mage" tags = more play options. I have been a huge fan of the Mage Archetype ever since it was introduced...
  11. MedievalHistory

    Open PTR feedback

    Nonsense. The more people dislike this card, the more I'm convinced it is working as intended. This just goes to show that Usurper is fine as is. He is my favorite designed leader thus far and fits my personal playstyle. If you can't adapt, that's not anyone's problem but your own, reevaluate...
  12. MedievalHistory

    Open PTR feedback

    Looks like I might have to add the White Frost card to my deck, thank you for the information, I still would have hoped that locks worked on artifacts as well. Nothing is more frustrating than having three locks in your hand while a Sihil is on the board.
  13. MedievalHistory

    Open PTR feedback

    We should be able to lock ambush/trap cards if we have lock tech in our deck. It really dumbs down the experience when I cannot target or disable a trap or ambush card and simply have to eat the shots no matter what. I also don't understand why some games I can only mulligan one card, while...
  14. MedievalHistory

    My Usurper deck (Homecoming PTR)

  15. MedievalHistory

    Open PTR feedback

    Homecoming Open PTR card Feedback - 10/7/2018 • Usurper - Perfect. Reasoning: (I'm extremely satisfied with how this card negates my enemy's leader ability while tampering with their overall strategy; it's an amazing disruption tactic and forces my opponent to adapt.) • Daerlan Soldier -...
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