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    GWENT: Ask a Dev

    Hi gwent team :) Some questions Information on HC will be given only via videos? How many info videos are planned before HC release? Duration for closed PTR and open PTR? If there is delay for HC will you consider releasing thronebreaker later to deliver HC on time? You told weeks back, after...
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    Matchmaking for new players

    Matchmaking for new players greetings all :) I just started gwent a couple of days ago and I'm getting better. But when I started the game, I lost around 20 games to start winning a single one. I think is a bit too harsh. and I couldn't win with any starter decks with the opponents playing...
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    So why am I getting shit on as a new player...

    I think reaching that level means losing 20 games approx! and that isn't a joyride imo. ;)
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    GG is one of the dumbest features in this game

    I always get the GG. But this system can be abused as you say. Is there a better alternative to consider? would like to hear some ideas. :)
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    Game getting disconnected

    Game getting disconnected Hi CDPR, I'm on the latest patch. For the past 2 days there have been around 10-12 disconnects in the game. Please look into the same. :) Thanks. Also there is a thread on this in reddit.
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    Oct 25th

    how many of us post? probably <= 100 right? they will be sending out keys in thousands, so it shouldn't be an issue. An interesting thing would be know how many have signed up for closed beta. :)
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    A feedback from a chinese player

    Absolutely this. This is why I like RPG's. It is like starting a new life for a new adventure and be cool. :)
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    Support for MAC OS

    Support for MAC OS The game runs on PC. Is there support for OS X? It would be great for us people who’re on OS X. :) Thanks :)
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    A single card wins a game

    A single card wins a game Hi, 1. I come from Hearthstone (Rank 10). I wish to know if there is a card if left unanswered, can win the whole game/round. If we don't have an immediate answer, you lose! Eg. Flamewalker can be atrocious in hearthstone with mage spells! 2. Also we have deck types...
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    Gwent music

    Wow. The music is pretty nice. :) Happy to hear and thanks for sharing!
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    Premium Cards

    Since the cards are smaller in the board, I'm not sure how visible the animations might be. Again will have to see this in play. Is there any video actually that shows premium cards being played in the board? so we get an idea? :) ---------- Updated at 11:29 AM ---------- Yup, i'm excited...
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    Premium Cards

    Premium Cards I saw some of the premium cards in pax demo video. (h/t to kristine ) They're quite gorgeous and fabulous! Kudos to the team for doing such lovely work. :) Is there a site with premium artwork of gwent cards? Does the premium look of cards persist while on board? a la...
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    Question Relating To Money Purchases

    1. Unlikely that pack prices will be changed. CDPR would have decided on a fair amount and most likely will be sticking to that price. No idea about drop rates but reducing one is a way to boost revenue. ;) 2. Not sure how CDPR might compensate. But hopefully well enough. 3. Probably we bought...
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    Game Chat Request Thread

    This should be there with any system either emotes or chat system. Toxic comments is a problem, but I guess an option to chat with friends should be there. Chatting during a game can be a problem. Maybe the devs can give a system which penalises, people who friend other, spew nonsense and...
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    Winning Rounds

    Glad to have all your inputs. So I guess winning rounds 1 and 3 seems like a solid strategy. But playing just enough cards is vital! :) And also playing to our faction's strength. :) Still, winning the first round does give an edge assuming we didn't exhaust ourselves. ;)
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    Winning Rounds

    Winning Rounds I haven’t played gwent. I know we need to win 2 rounds of 3. I think it is best to win the first 2 rounds. I might be wrong. Since many here played gwent, I wish to know, how you all went with winning the rounds? Let the first round go? And focus on last 2? Or 1 and 3 etc? Is...
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    Developing proper Concepts for Card Evaluation

    Hi buddy, 1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My thoughts, at first it looks like a lot of text. imo of course. :) More formatting with a point like structure might be better. 2. Yes, I agree not to speculate and welcome your card evaluation. :) 3. I don't know much about this game, If I...
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    A chat about Single Player in Gwent.

    Thanks for the reply buddy. I saw near the end of the video and I couldn't get any info on the duration of the campaigns. But one of the team did mention, single player is quite big and like game within a game. So I'm guessing we get around minimum of 10 hrs totally for all 4 campaigns but it...
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    A chat about Single Player in Gwent.

    1. Is there a confirmed response from the developer that each faction has 10 hours campaign? or all 4 factions get a total 10 hrs campaign? I have seen articles on both options and I wish to clarify, is there an official response link/reply? 2. More choice is fine. I think some of us are...
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    A chat about Single Player in Gwent.

    Free to play option makes the game accessible to all. This is critical for the success of a card game. Hearthstone has clearly shown that. Now obviously, there should be ways to monetize the game, so that developers can get revenue. Aside from buying packs, charging for the single player...
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