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  1. L

    Older Release Date and General Speculation Thread.

    Yes, I can, and I'm doing so. The web was buzzing after the reveal trailer even though it showed nothing, and we all know it. This particular Forum is a fairly civilized one, and, sitting at the very fountain of it all, most of us are reasonable people when it comes to CDPR, Witcher and...
  2. L

    Older Release Date and General Speculation Thread.

    The reveal date was Feb 5th 2013. It's even hinted at in the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. Just google Witcher 3 Reveal and check the upload date for christs sake. Feb 5th 2013. And many people thought it was close to release, but it wasn't. I never said anything else. See last line above...
  3. L

    Older Release Date and General Speculation Thread.

    They explicitly said they were super impressed on how Bethesda handled Fallout 4, developing it for 7 freaking years without any actual meaty leaks or confirmation of the development leaking out (always just rumors like "I heard it's gonna be set in Boston bruh" - "Really, do you think so?")...
  4. L

    Older Release Date and General Speculation Thread.

    Can't be so hard though! Everyone know where CDPRs offices are, we just have to break in at night (first floor), take a couple of PCs with s and hack the Win Password. Then all we want to know will be ours. Or, we are great fans, dont break in, and just wait a while longer. Even after all this...
  5. L

    CD Projekt RED: Cyberpunk 2077 is 'far bigger' than the Witcher 3."

    I never played GTA Online before, so I have no knowledge about its entertainment aspect or its acutal quality. Is it really that bad?
  6. L

    CD Projekt RED: Cyberpunk 2077 is 'far bigger' than the Witcher 3."

    What animal linked is an old news, yes, so let me throw out some actually new stuff. This article is just a few hours old, and yes, it features actual new information. Cyberpunk 2077 Plans to Feature a Living Open-World City, Seamless Multiplayer :drunk:
  7. L

    Cyberpunk Short Film Theater

    That was fucking glorious. I didn't get the story but that was fucking glorious. It is literally what I'm expecting of Cyberpunk 2077 in terms of art direction. Give me more right nao. :wondering: Pahleaaaasuh...
  8. L

    What game are you currently playing

    Nope, not really, but the FNC is history (luckily). In fact I think XIII-3 was kind of a reboot for the entire franchise, lore-wise? The ending of the FNC kinda restarted the whole universe (it basically said: LOL look, Lightning has killed god, now all of life is restarted, the universe is...
  9. L

    What game are you currently playing

    Waiting for Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3, Mankind Divided, Blood and Wine. That's about it, really. Oh wait. Mirror's Edge Catalyst, FF15, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ancestors, Horizon, Doom, Detroit . These too. Playing nothing as I'm neck-deep in writing multiple thesi.
  10. L

    Older Release Date and General Speculation Thread.

    So much misdirection. :wondering:
  11. L

    Cyberpunk/Sci Fi art BY WEZ

    What if they aren't at all? Wouldn't look bad either and it would look great to see the arms keep the orb in air instead.
  12. L

    Cyberpunk/Sci Fi art BY WEZ

    Like it. Would be a cool concept for a fountain in the Corporate Sector. But how to the plates stay in the air? 'TIS MAGIC!!! BURN HIM ON THE STAKE!!!
  13. L

    What do you think Cyberpunk 2077's story is going to be about?

    There's no reason to assume that the player character is anyone special within the world of the game at the start of the game. The fact that we won't play a given character but one we design ourselves adds to that fact. He or she will be a nobody fighting against BIG odds. We don't know wether...
  14. L

    Should CDPR revive their Cyberpunk Blog?

  15. L

    Should CDPR revive their Cyberpunk Blog?

    I'm pretty sure I have read before that they agreed with the fans that their way of approaching the blog was not exactly wrong but that it was started too early. I'm confident they'll flood the thing with content once the first news about the game start hitting us like bricks. Does anyone know...
  16. L

    Netrunning and The Net as the second Open World for the game

    Great idea. I also favor the idea of the player being able to move around in the Net very quickly. Obviously, it should be three-dimensional.
  17. L

    Will we see anything at E3 2016?

    This is more bad comedy than news ಠ__ಠ Case closed, back to Cyberpunk 2077.
  18. L

    I am alive....

    If the States do the right thing and elect the Bern into the chair of President, they will finally experience how awesome real universal healthcare as a human right is. You'll love it, Wis. Any treatment you need - for free. Gonna be a whole new life. NOW CHEER UP YOU'RE SCARING MY DOG.
  19. L

    Will we see anything at E3 2016?

    My thoughts exactly. Also, they never promised to release anything Witcher 3 after Blood and Wine - they said they think about it.
  20. L

    Netrunning and The Net as the second Open World for the game

    That is precisely what I'm talking about.:drunk:
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