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  1. Greenspindle

    Greenspindle's Elven Storm

    Greenspindle's Elven Storm after the "positioning" update, a feature I don't really like (at the moment), my decks didn't proove their worth any longer. So I decided to build a deck around Elven and Elven triggered effects from scratch and my available cards ==>>...
  2. Greenspindle

    Background downloads are getting cut while playing Gwent

    Background downloads are getting cut while playing Gwent I'm kind of a heavy user of services like share online, Mega, uploaded, uploadbox etc. Every single time I start the GOG Galaxy app to play Gwent while one or more downloads are running in the background, Gwent or the GOG Galaxy app are...
  3. Greenspindle

    Connection Issue *Forte*

    Connection Issue *Forte* Not quite sure if this is one for the merged thread, but please: 1st read and eventually merge later. Thanks a lot ... ;) Playing Gwent leads to cutting the internet connection of my PC and only my PC. Here are 4 Computers, 3 Smartphones, 2 Tablets and 1 network...
  4. Greenspindle

    [Game Ethics] Don't understand the fun in winning with bought decks

    [Game Ethics] Don't understand the fun in winning with bought decks Even if it sounds like mimimi, I'm try to ask a seriously question about something, I'm not able to wrap my head around: Where is the fun in playing a deck, where everything is completely constructed from a blueprint (GwentDB...
  5. Greenspindle

    Gwents Match Making System erklärt

    Gwents Match Making System erklärt Auf Reddit hat rethaz von CD Project Red das aktuelle Match Making der Ranked Games (MMR) mal ein wenig ausführlicher erläutert [en]. Den entsprechenden Kommentar-Thread findet die schräge, weil geneigte, Leserschaft hier...
  6. Greenspindle

    [Bug] Lvl 3 in ranked games without ever reaching 900 points

    [Bug] Lvl 3 in ranked games without ever reaching 900 points The subject says it all. Yesterday I received ranked games level 3, but I never made it to 900 points. IIRC, it occurs shortly after an opponent was forced to forfeit because of some ... connection issues.
  7. Greenspindle

    Ideen für "Kambi"-basiertes Deck?

    Ideen für "Kambi"-basiertes Deck? Moin, hat hier schon mal jemand Ideen entwickelt, um die erstaunlich destruktive Power von "Hemdall" (erscheint drei Züge, nachdem "Kambi" gespielt wurde) gezielt zu nutzen. Ich habe bisher nur drei Matches mit "Kambi" gespielt und eine Quote von 2:1...
  8. Greenspindle

    Spaß beim Verlieren?

    Spaß beim Verlieren? Gibt es hier eigentlich Spieler/innen, denen es geht wie mir? Bei gar nicht mal so wenigen Partien hat mir das Verlieren regelrecht Spaß gemacht. Und das keinesfalls, weil eine (nicht vorhandene) masochistische Ader bedient wurde, sondern weil die Schlacht wirklich hart...
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