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  1. Six-Sided-Prism

    Journey quests stopped working

    All my quests are completely broken yet again. I guess I'm not getting a new quest tomorrow. I'm honestly not sure if I'll ever spend money on Gwent again; the Triss Journey is the first one I've skipped so far. Game-breaking glitches like this happening constantly is just unacceptable...
  2. Six-Sided-Prism

    Misc. Gwent Guides to... [THINNING]

    You would still always be playing catchup. Perfect play might lead you to winning one round, but when facing even a moderately skilled opponent, winning the match is basically impossible. Per your example, let's say the opponent fills the row and then uses a leader charge on one of them before...
  3. Six-Sided-Prism

    Misc. Gwent Guides to... [THINNING]

    Until he's banned from this mode, which seems unlikely given how little effort CDPR puts into balancing the Seasonal modes (i.e. none), I'll engage in instantaneous forfeiting against the offending deck. It's hard to condone such practices, but that deck might actually have a 100% win rate. It's...
  4. Six-Sided-Prism

    Journey quests stopped working

    A friend of mine figured out that it's just the display that's broken, and as long you reset your game after a match, you can still see your quest progress. I guess this is sort of like that previous glitch affecting the crown point display. Hopefully, this one doesn't take several months to...
  5. Six-Sided-Prism

    Journey quests stopped working

    It's not even just the Journey quests. All quests seem to be completely broken. My new daily quest for playing units won't progress at all. I guess I have a really good reason to stop playing Gwent, at least for a while.
  6. Six-Sided-Prism

    Vampires Devotion feel defenseless in some matchups

    Isn't that backwards? Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't engine decks be strong against pointslam decks? Assuming the game was reasonably balanced (difficult to imagine, I know), wouldn't the cycle be Engine > Pointslam > Control > Engine, etc. In a long round, an engine deck should...
  7. Six-Sided-Prism

    Should those 8 provision special card tutors being reworked? // My first suggestion

    I don't necessarily know about your rework (it's a bit convoluted), but almost anything is better than the boring copy and paste design that is currently in place. Specifically regarding the balance of your rework, Menno Coehoorn is probably too strong. First, lose the Adrenaline 1. Second...
  8. Six-Sided-Prism

    Safe Cracker Nerf

    You're do realize that you've been repeatedly asking for creativity and unique card design from a game where Ermion, Fauve, Ferko the Sculptor, Ge'els, John Natalis, Menno Coehoorn, Vabjorn, and Whispess: Tribute all have the same power, provision cost, and effect. I think you might be wasting...
  9. Six-Sided-Prism

    Starter decks

    So only the Skellige deck was given an extra Legendary? Is there any chance that existing players will be able to obtain the new starter decks? I'm actually still missing that Madman Lugos.
  10. Six-Sided-Prism

    Card movement from deck onto board and another issue

    You were not able to target your opponent's unit with Geralt of Rivia because your opponent had placed a Cave Troll on the same row. Botchling still works because it doesn't require you to select a target; its ability automatically activates at the end of your turn. As for your Queen Meve being...
  11. Six-Sided-Prism

    Switcheroo seasonal appreciation (flaming) thread

    I realized today that they did it again. Switcheroo is only going to be around for 5 days, just like with Patience Is a Virtue over the Easter weekend. I don't see why this is ever the case because who really cares if Seasonal switches on a different day than the patch drops, but if they're dead...
  12. Six-Sided-Prism

    Switcheroo seasonal appreciation (flaming) thread

    I really like Switcheroo too. It might even be my favorite Seasonal mode because of the variety. You can play almost anything and still have a chance; it's fantastic for quest progression. Honestly, either Patience Is a Virtue or Switcheroo would be far better choices for permanent game modes...
  13. Six-Sided-Prism

    Starter decks

    I've been playing for around a year, and even I'm still missing a fair number of Legendary cards that are in these starter decks. I don't know why CDPR wants to upset their current player base on the off chance that this attracts a few new players. The only fair way to go about this is to also...
  14. Six-Sided-Prism

    Match ending in a sudden, forced draw

    This has definitely happened to me before; although, I've also gotten an automatic loss before the game even begins because of server problems, and that's a bigger issue.
  15. Six-Sided-Prism

    Oneiromancy - The Autoinclude Problem

    Someone already came up with the perfect fix for Oneiromancy and the rest of the other Echo cards a while ago in one of the other threads: make the second use be like an actual echo, as in a weaker version of the original. For example, Oneiromancy could choose any card from your deck when it's...
  16. Six-Sided-Prism

    New keyword, "Summoning cost"

    This already exists, mostly for Monsters and Syndicate. Here are the ones I can think of: Aen Elle Conqueror (Devotion) Arena Ghoul (Pay 1 coin) Dwarven Mercenary (Only Dwarves in hand) Griffin (Destroy an allied unit) Jutta an Dimun (A stronger unit exists) Procession of Penance (have...
  17. Six-Sided-Prism

    GWENT: Community Q&A Thread - Ask Your Questions Here

    There's also the Machine tag; although, only Dwarven Chariot possesses it.
  18. Six-Sided-Prism

    Roping Vs Combos

    That would only be true if they kept the current timer length, which we're assuming is 60 seconds per turn. If I was devising the system, I would probably allocate like 10 seconds per turn with each player having a bank of something between 5 and 10 minutes per match. If you went with the...
  19. Six-Sided-Prism

    Help with choosing a new faction

    The main reason is that it's currently (and I think has always been?) the most popular faction in the game, so it's better for match diversity if new players try something else. Even when everyone was complaining that Nilfgaard was one of the worst factions in the game, I'm fairly certain its...
  20. Six-Sided-Prism

    GWENT: Community Q&A Thread - Ask Your Questions Here

    Unlike in many real-life card games, where the turn player gets to choose the order in which simultaneous effects resolve, everything in Gwent is handled automatically. I believe it all comes down to card placement, so you would have needed to place Miruna on the left and Manticore on the right...
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