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  1. Sj8407

    What "good balance in the game" mean for You?

    I created that thread because I am curious, what other players understand by "good balance" in gwent? Because it can mean absolutely different things for different players. For me for example gwent will be well balanced when with every faction You will be able to create a deck, that will be...
  2. Sj8407

    Idea for NR Vicious Slash rework

    Vicious Slash needs rework - it's very hard to find 8 points engine that is worth to strike at, usually it is 5 or 6 (or lately often even 4 to kill etheral) , and the bleeding donages are easy to minimalize by placing vield cards next to engines. My Idea of rewok is: deal 2 domage, charges 3...
  3. Sj8407

    Banishing cards from graveyard - is that really have any sense?

    I want to ask You, if in Your opinion banishing of opponent's cards from graveyard really have any reasonabe sense taking under consideration provinsion cost of banishing cards and it's small points value, and - of course - it's bricking when You face deck that does not play any replayed cards...
  4. Sj8407

    Old Spheartip: Asleep vs Aen Elle Conqueror

    In short: 9 for 10 vs 7 for 4 - where is any logic in that? :D
  5. Sj8407

    Not enough effective counters against spam decks

    Ok, so as it is clear now in few days with new expansion, there will be more spam cards added, but none new anti-spam counters. There is really many counters aginst big units (poisons, heatwave, geralt, and many many others) , but only two against spam (Gerwin and Lambert) , and on top of that...
  6. Sj8407

    Who do You prefer to be in gwent: David, or Goliath?

    I've had interesting experience yesterday that I want to sheare. For last two years since open beta I was playing only NR. These faction - expect maybe two or three seasons of T1 - was always considered weakest or one of the weaakests factons in the game. After presentation of new cards that...
  7. Sj8407

    Shupe's day off needs some boost with next patch

    I think everybody love's these funny, cute troll shupe. But unfortunately after his card nerf few months back, nothing in him is changing, while with every month the more and more powerfull cards appears, and in few days will be many new powerfull ones. And that is why I think, that is a time...
  8. Sj8407

    Costly, painfull, popular - examples of mistakes made by players

    As it commonly know, it is good to learn on the own mistakes. But I will say: it is way better to learn on mistakes of others. And that is why I want to start a topic about interesting, common, ot painfull a mistakes that You witnessed in the game and You want to sheare or discuss. Every day is...
  9. Sj8407

    Matta vs Kambi

    Ok so it seems that Kambi - introduced long time before Matta - become a natural counter for Matta, destroying both cards that she draws for players. And the question is: was that intentional design that Matta is placing new cards particularly on right edge of hand to be able to be countered by...
  10. Sj8407

    My list of top 5 most annoying pathologies in gwent

    Hi Gwent community, As is commonly known, complaining is the easiest way of evalutung things, and therefore I don't deny that to point out My list of top 5 pathologies in Gwent wasn't hard to do. Hoever I think, that pathologies are still pathologies and should be pointed out and eliminated...
  11. Sj8407

    I miss good, old, NR Hubert Rejk

    I miss old Hubert Reik in Northen Realms. He had good synergy with former Adda ability (now it have great synergy with... hmmm... nothing in NR?), and he was very interesting mechanic. He wasn't OP (SK Daugur + Greatswords works much better with second wind ability) , and currently after...
  12. Sj8407

    There is a solution for poisons problem, without reworking or nerfing them

    Maybe instead of balancing poisons, let''s just as a test give players players (except maybe prorank ones) a choice if they want to play meta with poison or without and these who want will be paired only with others who choose it (according to poisons sourvay it is about 60/40). The same choice...
  13. Sj8407

    Why Gwent is heading in very wrong direction

    Why Gwent is heading in very wrong direction? Very short answer: because devs don't understand, why players really keep playing card games Explenation: CdPR is amazing developer of adventure RPG games, what they proved with they Wither series, that is for many considered for the best TPP RPG of...
  14. Sj8407

    Ksiaze anseis vs ozywiona zbroja

    Dziś miałem dość ciekawą sytuacje , książę anseis wzmocniony frajcyjnym manewrem taktycznym kp i jednym dodatkowym punktem (w sumie 8 siły + tarcza) pojedynkował się z ożywioną zbroja (pancerz i siła obie po 10) której siła powinna być zawsze równa pancerzowi - nie mam pojęcia jak obrażenia tego...
  15. Sj8407

    Karty frakcyjne gorsze niz ich neutralne odpowiedniki (przykłady, argumenty)

    Zawsze podczas dyskusji na temat tego czemu jakaś tam karta x jakiejś frakcji jest lepsza niż neutralna, ktoś się odzywa i mowi: "tak, bo to normalne że frakcyjne odpowiednik karty powinien być lepszy od neutralnego zamiennika". I faktycznie, na ogół rzeczywiście tak jest, i tak powinno być...
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