Themes derived from Perdido Street Station

Themes derived from Perdido Street Station

I suppose this is nothing new to the gaming world but, but wow, has anyone noticed the incredible likeness of the characters and overall grunge of the Witcher to China Tom Miéville's, Pedido Street Station novel? Here I am reading the book and finding that I am having no problem picturing New Crobuzon because it is pretty much described like The Temple Quarter. Then when in the book Geralt says somehting about the vodyanoi I was like sheesh I just hacked a half a score of them in the Witcher. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with this, it was just incredibly coincidental to be reading this book and playing the game and discovering this. Great book, great game - in that order.
Vodyanoy is a common Russian folklore creature. Name means "he of the water". A water demon, most frequently malicious.I'm not surprized that several fiction works borrowed it.


Forum veteran
The Witcher is based on a series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski, written and published in Poland long before "Perdido Street Station". Only the first book, The Last Wish is available for now, and I fully recommend it.And yeah, vodyanoi is a Russian legendary creature, so it was borrowed directly from the legends, not from Mieville's books.
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