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2025年の5月で『ウィッチャー3 ワイルドハント』は10周年を迎えます。これを記念し、ポーランドとアメリカで本作のコンサートを開催することになりました!





『ウィッチャー3 ワイルドハント』発売10周年を記念して開催されるThe Witcher in Concertでは、オープンワールドRPG『ウィッチャー3 ワイルドハント』がオーケストラの生演奏で蘇ります。本編と拡張版からの選りすぐりの楽曲を、最先端のビジュアルとゲームプレイと共にお届け。そしてスペシャルゲストとして、このゲームのサウンドトラックの共同作曲者であり、愛すべき楽曲への貢献で知られるPercivalが登場します。

今後Witcher in Concertの公式ツアーとして、さらに多くの公演地が追加される予定です。今後の情報をお待ちください。

This May marks the 10th anniversary of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and we’re thrilled to announce special concerts celebrating it in Poland and the United States!

In just a couple of days, on March 7th at 10 AM EST / 4 PM CET, you will be able to purchase tickets for two new anniversary concerts:​
  • In Boston, Massachusetts, on May 31st in Emerson Colonial Theatre
  • In Poznań, Poland, on June 15th during Pyrkon, a Polish Fan Convention who teamed up with us for this celebration
For those of you who signed up for our newsletter at, we’ve also prepared an exclusive pre-sale, just like last time! It will start tomorrow, March 5th, at 10 AM EST / 4 PM CET. Make sure to check your inbox—you’ll find the pre-sale code there!

The Witcher in Concert, a celebration of the 10th anniversary of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, will bring to life the open-world RPG’s timeless score with a live orchestra performance. Select tracks from the game and its expansions will be accompanied by cutting-edge visuals and gameplay, as well as special guests Percival — co-composers of the game’s soundtrack who are known for their iconic contributions to beloved tracks.

Even if you don’t see your city on the list of The Witcher in Concert tour stops at, don’t worry! We’re working on adding even more stops to the official tour.

But that’s not all! There will be one more concert—an invitation-only event in Warsaw on May 12th. This is our internal celebration, a special event in Teatr Wielki—Polish National Opera—where we plan to invite some of you, our community members, to celebrate this anniversary with us! We’re working on contests where you will be able to win an invite to be part of this special event. Stay tuned for more information!​
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Hello! Im visiting Warsaw in a few weeks and i really wanted to know if it was possible to visit the CDPR studio in the city and what is there to see :)
I would love to see the entire studio, as i would like to work in the industry and possibly at CDPR, but i understand its not possible to tour the whole place. Thanks in advance :D
Usually it's possible to visit our reception within working hours - take a photo, maybe even grab a poster as a souvenir. So if you're in the city, you can definitely stop by :cool:

We rarely organize studio tours though. If we do, it's usually during special occasions, like an official community meeting.
Dear chooms, confreres, friends!

It is with great pleasure that we announce winners of recent RED Holidays 2024 contest, where we asked you to create an ornament representing our community!

The winners are, in no particular order:

@CzerwonyGryf - submission

@Sylvin - submission

Ruthie - submission

@Korvo85 - submission

jagaaa - submission

Check your inboxes on Forums and Discord, as we'll be contacting you for shipping details. Congratulations and thank you to everybody who participated!

本アップデートでは、PC版向けにDLSS 4のサポート追加、特にXbox版におけるスマートフレーム、全プラットフォームにおけるフォトモードに関する修正など、様々な改善が導入されています。実装される主な変更点は下記をご確認ください。

  • Vが空中または水中にいる場合も、ニブルスとアダム・スマッシャーをスポーンさせられるよう変更
  • アダム・スマッシャーの表情オプションに関する問題を修正
  • アダム・スマッシャーの光る胸部サイバーウェアが欠けていた問題を修正
  • ジョニーのスペシャル外見が有効になっていた場合、どちらのオプションを選んでも(通常または別外見)、別外見でスポーンする問題を修正
  • Vが空中または水中にいる際にスポーンしたキャラクターが地面に急降下する問題を修正
  • キャラクターが正しくプリセットに保存されるよう修正
  • 背景を追加した後もスポーンしたキャラクターが表示されたままになるよう修正
  • Vの回転と位置が正しくプリセットに保存されるよう修正
  • Vの上下移動スライダーを調整しても、特定の値の間で位置が変わらない問題を修正
  • 「周囲のNPC」オプションをオフにして透明化したNPCにコリジョンが発生しないよう変更
  • プリセットをロードすると、無効化されていても追加の光源が表示されたり、不正な位置にスポーンしたりすることがある問題を修正
  • フルコリジョンをONに設定した後、カメラが壁にスタックすることがある問題を修正
  • 保存されたプリセットを2回読み込まないと、カメラの設定が適用されない問題を修正
  • 背景を有効にするとカメラ位置が変更される問題を修正
  • 背景を有効にした際、カメラが正しく回転しなくなる問題を修正
  • カメラを動かせない場合(一人称カメラ使用時など)でも、カメラ操作、カメラ回転のプロンプトが表示される問題を修正
  • キャラクターをスポーンした後、「キャラクター編集」オプションをハイライトしている間にカメラを動かすことができなくなる問題を修正
  • グラフィックの設定で色収差を無効にしても、フォトモード内で調整ができるように変更
  • 「周囲のNPC」オプションをオフにした後、シーン内の一部アイテムが消える問題を修正
  • PhysX Clothを有効にするとNCPD車両が動き出す問題を修正
  • 三分割法グリッドが、選択されたアスペクト比に応じて適応するように修正
  • スマートフレームに向いていない状態でアクセスすると、フレーム内の写真が表示されない問題を修正
  • ワードローブまたは保管庫と同時にフォトモードを開くと、ゲームが反応しなくなる問題を修正
  • セーブファイルが完全にロードする前にフォトモードにアクセスすることができた結果、UIが表示されないまま起動し、それ以降操作ができなくなる問題を修正
  • キャラクターのスポーン、カメラおよび全体的な操作など、フォトモードに関するその他の細かな問題を修正
  • 調整バーの齟齬、ローカライズの誤り、効果音の欠如、特定機能の動作不良など、フォトモードやスマートフレーム、ギャラリーメニューのUIに関する様々な問題を修正
  • クリスタルコートが適用された一部車両のテクスチャと色の齟齬を修正
  • 車両配達依頼完了後に表示されるオートフィクサーのチュートリアルのポップアップで、スプレーペイントのアイコンの説明が欠けていた問題を修正
  • クリスタルコートおよびツイントーンのメニュー内UIに関する細かな問題を修正
  • キャラクター作成のランダム生成で行った設定が、能力値のカスタマイズ手順に進んだ後も保持されるように改善
  • キャラクター作成にて、元々ピアスをつけていなかった状態から新たにつけた場合、ピアスの色を選ぶオプションが利用できなくなる問題を修正
  • 外見オプションが正しく反映されない、クリッピング、UI動作の齟齬、ランダム生成使用後における機能面の問題など、キャラクター作成に関する細かな問題を修正
  • 「Run This Town/俺が王様」 - 特定の状況下で、ベネットとの面会後にアギラルのインプリントを解除できなくなる問題を修正
  • いくつかのジョブで、ジョニーがすでにシーンに存在しているにもかかわらず、助手席に2人目のジョニーが現れることがある問題を修正
  • ジョニーが助手席に現れる頻度が少ない問題を修正
  • ナイトシティ内の様々な小規模イベントにおけるNPCや乗り物の挙動をいくつか修正
  • 本来やり取りが行えるはずの店員とインタラクトできない問題を修正
  • TVのニュースチャンネルの音声が流れない、あるいは音量が小さすぎる問題を修正
  • クアドラ Turbo-R V-Techの説明文にクアドラ Turbo-R 740のものが使用されていた問題を修正
  • メインメニューでパッチ2.2の「最新情報」ポップアップが表示されない問題を修正
  • Xbox版にて、HDR10を有効にして撮影したスクリーンショットがギャラリーに空白で表示される問題を修正
  • Xboxの本体でキャプチャ機能を許可していない場合、ギャラリーを開いた際にスクリーンショットがブロックされている旨を伝えるポップアップが表示されるように変更
  • Xbox版にて、ギャラリー外で削除したスクリーンショットが、ギャラリー内で正しくマークされ、ギャラリーを再度開いた後は占有していたスロットから削除されるように変更
  • Xbox Series Sのグラフィックスモードが、デフォルトでパフォーマンスではなくクオリティモードに設定されることがある問題を修正
  • GeForce RTX 50シリーズグラフィックスカード向けにMulti Frame Generation(マルチフレーム生成機能)を含むDLSS 4のサポートを追加 - AIを使用し、従来の3倍までフレームを生成することでFPSが向上(1月30日にGeForce RTX 50シリーズにて利用可能)。 また、DLSS 4はRTX 50および40シリーズ向けに、メモリ使用量を削減した高速なシングルフレーム生成を導入。さらに、すべてのGeForce RTXカードにて、Super ResolutionとRay Reconstruction、DLAAで従来のCNNモデルまたは新たなトランスフォーマーモデルのいずれかが選択可能に。トランスフォーマーモデルは安定性、ライティング、動きのディテールを強化し、現時点で利用可能
  • DLSS Ray Reconstructionを使用した際に生じるゲーム内画面のアーティファクトとにじみを修正
  • 解像度スケーリングをオフに切り替えた後、グラフィック設定のFrame Generation欄が正常にリセットされるように修正

Estamos lançando o patch 2.21 de Cyberpunk 2077 para PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X|S!

Essa atualização traz compatibilidade com DLSS 4 para PC e corrige diversos problemas, principalmente de SmartFrames no Xbox e do Modo Fotografia em todas as plataformas. Para mais detalhes, confira a lista completa de mudanças abaixo:

Modo Fotografia
  • Agora é possível adicionar Carequinha e Adam Smasher enquanto V estiver no ar ou na água.
  • Corrigimos a opção de expressão facial do Adam Smasher.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a cibernética peitoral brilhante do Adam Smasher não era exibida.
  • Corrigimos um problema em que, se a aparência alternativa do Johnny estivesse ativada, as duas versões dele (padrão e alternativa) apareciam com o visual alternativo.
  • Os personagens criados enquanto V está no ar ou na água não se ajustarão para ficar em contato com o solo.
  • Os personagens serão salvos corretamente nas predefinições.
  • Os personagens criados ficarão visíveis após adicionar um plano de fundo.
  • A posição e a rotação de V serão salvas corretamente nas predefinições.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que V não mudava de posição ao alterar os valores do controle deslizante para cima/baixo.
  • Os PNJs que ficarem invisíveis após desativar a opção PNJs no Ambiente não terão colisão.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que carregar uma predefinição fazia com que outras fontes de luz aparecessem mesmo quando desativadas ou aparecessem em lugares errados.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a câmera ficava presa em paredes após ativar a opção Colisão Total.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que as configurações da câmera só eram aplicadas após carregar duas vezes uma predefinição salva.
  • A posição da câmera não será alterada ao adicionar um plano de fundo.
  • A câmera girará corretamente quando houver um plano de fundo.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que os comandos Mover Câmera e Rotação da Câmera eram exibidos quando ela não podia ser ajustada (ex.: ao usar a câmera com perspectiva em primeira pessoa).
  • Corrigimos o problema em que não era possível mover a câmera após criar um personagem com o cursor em cima da opção Editar Personagem.
  • A opção Aberração Cromática poderá ser ajustada mesmo quando desativada nas configurações gráficas.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que alguns itens sumiam nas cenas após desativar a opção PNJs no Ambiente.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que os veículos da Polícia de Night City eram descongelados ao ativar a opção Tecido com PhysX.
  • A grade de regra de três será ajustada corretamente à proporção de aspecto escolhida.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a imagem em um SmartFrame não era exibida quando V olhava para outro lado.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que o jogo travava ao abrir o Modo Fotografia junto com o Guarda-roupa ou o Inventário.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que era possível acessar o Modo Fotografia antes de carregar totalmente um arquivo salvo, ocultando a interface e impedindo a realização de qualquer ação.
  • Corrigimos pequenos problemas do Modo Fotografia relacionados a criação de personagens, movimento da câmera, controles, entre outros.
  • Corrigimos diversos problemas de interface dos menus Modo Fotografia, SmartFrames e Galeria, tais como inconsistências nos controles deslizantes, erros de tradução, efeitos sonoros, comportamento incorreto ao interagir com certos recursos, entre outros.
Personalização da cor dos veículos
  • Corrigimos diversas inconsistências de cor e textura nos veículos com CrystalCoat.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a explicação do ícone Tinta Spray não aparecia no pop-up do tutorial do Autofixer após concluir um contrato de veículo.
  • Corrigimos diversos problemas menores de interface nos menus CrystalCoat e TwinTone.
Criação de personagem
  • As definições aleatórias escolhidas na Criação de Personagem serão preservadas ao avançar para a etapa de personalização de atributos.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a opção Cor do Piercing ficava indisponível na Criação de Personagem ao ativar piercings caso V não tivesse nenhum inicialmente.
  • Corrigimos outros pequenos problemas na Criação de Personagem, incluindo opções de aparência que não eram aplicadas corretamente, cortes visuais, comportamento inconsistente da interface, problemas de funcionalidade ao usar opções aleatórias, entre outros.
  • O último julgamento - Corrigimos o problema em que, sob certas circunstâncias, não era possível desativar a impressão de Aguilar após falar com Bennett.
  • Corrigimos diversas ocasiões em que Johnny aparecia duplicado no banco do passageiro quando ele já estava presente na cena de algumas missões.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que Johnny não aparecia como passageiro tanto quanto devia.
  • Corrigimos diversos problemas de comportamento de PNJs e de veículos em diversos eventos por Night City.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que não era possível interagir com certos vendedores.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que a narração dos canais de notícias na TV sumia ou ficava muito baixa.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que o Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech exibia a descrição do Quadra Turbo-R 740, em vez da sua própria.
  • Reinserimos o pop-up "Novidades", ausente no patch 2.2, no menu principal.
Exclusivo para consoles
  • Corrigimos o problema em que as capturas de tela ficavam em branco na Galeria do Xbox quando feitas com HDR10 ativado.
  • Adicionamos um aviso à Galeria que notifica os jogadores quando o acesso às capturas de tela está proibido pelas configurações de privacidade do Xbox.
  • As capturas de tela excluídas do Xbox fora da interface da Galeria serão marcadas corretamente na Galeria e removidas dos espaços que ocupavam quando a Galeria for reaberta.
  • Corrigimos o problema em que o modo gráfico do Xbox Series S podia ser definido por padrão como Qualidade em vez de Desempenho.
Exclusivo para PC
  • Adicionamos a opção DLSS 4 para computadores compatíveis, incluindo Multi Frame Generation para placas de vídeo da série GeForce RTX 50, que usa IA para aumentar o FPS, gerando até três vezes mais quadros que o normal (disponível para placas GeForce RTX da série 50 a partir de 30 de janeiro). O DLSS 4 também garante uma geração de quadro único mais rápida e com menos uso de memória para os modelos RTX das séries 40 e 50. Além disso, agora você pode escolher entre o modelo CNN ou o novo modelo Transformer para DLSS Ray Reconstruction, DLSS Super Resolution e DLAA em todas as placas GeForce RTX a partir de hoje. O novo modelo Transformer aumenta a estabilidade, a iluminação e os detalhes das imagens em movimento.
  • Corrigimos manchas e aparições nas telas do jogo ao usar o DLSS Ray Reconstruction.
  • O campo Geração de Quadros nas configurações dos gráficos será redefinido corretamente ao desativar a opção Dimensionamento de Resolução.

Patch 2.21 for Cyberpunk 2077 is being rolled out on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S!

This update adds support for DLSS 4 on PC and introduces various fixes, notably to SmartFrames on Xbox and Photo Mode across all platforms. For details, check the full list of changes below:

Photo Mode
  • Nibbles and Adam Smasher can now be spawned while V is in the air or in water.
  • Fixed the Facial Expression option for Adam Smasher.
  • Fixed an issue where Adam Smasher's glowing chest cyberware was missing.
  • Fixed an issue where, if Johnny's Alternate Appearance was enabled, both options to spawn him (default and alternate) resulted in the alternate look.
  • Characters spawned while V is in the air or in water will no longer snap to the ground.
  • Characters will now be properly saved in presets.
  • Spawned characters will now be visible after adding a background.
  • V's rotation and position will now be properly saved in presets.
  • Fixed an issue where adjusting the Up/Down slider for V wouldn't change their position between certain values.
  • NPCs that turn invisible after disabling the Surrounding NPCs option will no longer have collision.
  • Fixed an issue where loading a preset could cause additional light sources to appear even when disabled, or spawn them in incorrect positions.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck on walls after setting Full Collision to ON.
  • Fixed an issue where camera settings would only apply after loading a saved preset twice.
  • Enabling a background will no longer change camera position.
  • Rotating the camera will now work properly with a background enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the prompts for Move Camera and Rotate Camera would appear when the camera cannot be moved (e.g. when using the First-Person Perspective camera).
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to move the camera after spawning a character while highlighting the Edit Character option.
  • Disabling Chromatic Aberration in the Graphics settings will no longer affect the ability to adjust it.
  • Fixed an issue where some items in scenes disappeared after setting the Surrounding NPCs option to OFF.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling PhysX Cloth would unfreeze NCPD vehicles.
  • The rule of thirds grid will now properly adapt to the selected aspect ratio.
  • Fixed an issue where the image in a SmartFrame wouldn't be visible if accessed while V was not facing it.
  • Fixed an issue where opening Photo Mode simultaneously with Wardrobe or Stash caused the game to become unresponsive.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to access Photo Mode before a save file fully loaded, causing it to open without UI and block any further action.
  • Fixed other minor Photo Mode issues related to spawned characters, camera movement, controls, and more.
  • Fixed various UI issues in Photo Mode, SmartFrames and Gallery menus, including slider inconsistencies, localization errors, missing sound effects, incorrect behavior when interacting with certain features, and more.
Vehicle Color Customization
  • Fixed several texture and color inconsistencies for vehicles that have CrystalCoat applied.
  • Fixed an issue where the explanation of the spray paint icon was missing in the Autofixer tutorial pop-up after a vehicle contract was completed.
  • Fixed several minor UI issues in the CrystalCoat and TwinTone menus.
Character Creation
  • Randomizer settings in Character Creation will now be preserved after advancing to the Customize Attributes step.
  • Fixed an issue where the Piercing Color option would not be available in Character Creation after enabling piercings if V initially had none.
  • Fixed other minor issues in Character Creation, including appearance options not applying correctly, visual clipping, inconsistent UI behavior, functionality issues after using the randomizer, and more.
  • Run This Town - Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, it wasn't possible to deactivate the Aguilar imprint after meeting with Bennett.
  • Fixed several instances where Johnny could appear duplicated in the passenger seat during some quests when he was already present in the scene.
  • Fixed an issue where Johnny did not appear as a passenger often enough.
  • Introduced several fixes to NPC and vehicle behavior for various small events throughout Night City.
  • Fixed an issue where some vendors were not interactable as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where voiceovers on TV news channels could be missing or too quiet.
  • Fixed an issue where the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech used a description of Quadra Turbo-R 740 instead of its own unique one.
  • Fixed the missing 2.2 "check what's new" pop-up in the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where screenshots appeared as blank in the Gallery on Xbox if they were taken with HDR10 enabled.
  • Added a pop-up in the Gallery to notify players when access to screenshots is blocked by the console's privacy settings on Xbox.
  • Screenshots deleted on Xbox outside the Gallery UI will now be correctly marked in the Gallery and will disappear from occupied slots after reopening the Gallery.
  • Fixed an issue where the Graphics Mode on Xbox Series S could be set to Quality instead of Performance by default.
  • Added support for DLSS 4 with Multi Frame Generation for GeForce RTX 50 Series graphics cards, which boosts FPS by using AI to generate up to three times per traditionally rendered frame – enabled with GeForce RTX 50 Series on January 30th. DLSS 4 also introduces faster single Frame Generation with reduced memory usage for RTX 50 and 40 Series. Additionally, you can now choose between the CNN model or the new Transformer model for DLSS Ray Reconstruction, DLSS Super Resolution, and DLAA on all GeForce RTX graphics cards today. The new Transformer model enhances stability, lighting, and detail in motion.
  • Fixed artifacts and smudging on in-game screens when using DLSS Ray Reconstruction.
  • The Frame Generation field in Graphics settings will now properly reset after switching Resolution Scaling to OFF.
I signed up for the newsletter yesterday evening (23:00 local time) when I read the news post but I did not receive a presale code yet. Did I sign up too late?
Yes. Sadly, we sent the codes around 6 PM CET and there won't be any additional waves for that.
I received the presale code but I am unable to buy any tickets. The newsletter says to select one of the venues but none of it is clickable.
Pre-sale starts today, make sure to check the website later today :)

Os primeiros ingressos para The Witcher - O Concerto estão prestes a ficar disponíveis.

Prepare-se para garantir seus ingressos, pois esta semana começaremos as vendas para os primeiros shows da turnê!

Estamos animados em anunciar que nos uniremos à gamescom para o show oficial de lançamento da turnê de The Witcher - O Concerto. Este show único acontecerá em Colônia, Alemanha, em 20 de agosto de 2025, enquanto os demais shows europeus que anunciamos hoje acontecerão em novembro de 2025.

A partir de sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro, às 8h BRT (12h CET), você poderá garantir ingressos para os primeiros shows na Europa: Alemanha, Áustria, Holanda, França, Bélgica, Reino Unido e Suécia! Mais detalhes estão disponíveis em

Paradas adicionais serão anunciadas posteriormente, incluindo shows na América do Norte e na Polônia.

Não se esqueça de que você pode furar a fila e comprar ingressos em uma pré-venda que ocorrerá nos dias 22 e 23 de janeiro. Para isso, basta inscrever-se na newsletter em Um código de pré-venda exclusivo será enviado a todos os assinantes em breve, então certifique-se de verificar sua caixa de entrada!

The Witcher - O Concerto, uma celebração do 10º aniversário de The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, dará vida à trilha sonora atemporal do RPG de mundo aberto com uma apresentação de orquestra ao vivo. Faixas selecionadas do jogo e suas expansões serão acompanhadas por visuais e cenas de jogabilidade, bem como convidados especiais, como a banda Percival — co-compositores da trilha sonora do jogo que são conhecidos por suas contribuições icônicas para faixas amadas.

The Witcher in Concert ツアー初回公演のチケット販売は今週開始予定です。

The Witcher in Concert ツアーは、gamescomと共同で初回公演を行うことになりました。2025年8月20日にドイツのケルンで開催予定です。

1月24日(金)12:00(中央ヨーロッパ標準時)より、ヨーロッパ公演のチケットをお求めいただけます。開催場所: ドイツ、オーストリア、オランダ、フランス、ベルギー、イギリス、スウェーデン





『ウィッチャー3 ワイルドハント』発売10周年を記念して開催されるThe Witcher in Concert では、オープンワールドRPG『ウィッチャー3 ワイルドハント』の音楽がオーケストラの生演奏で蘇ります。ゲームと拡張パックからの選りすぐりの楽曲が、最先端のビジュアルとゲームプレイ、そして特別ゲストとして、本作サウンドトラックの共同作曲家であり、愛すべき楽曲への貢献で知られるPercivalを迎えて演奏予定です。
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Get ready to grab your tickets, as this week, we will commence sales for the first concerts of The Witcher in Concert tour!

We’re excited to announce that we’re teaming up with gamescom for the official kickoff concert of The Witcher in Concert tour. This unique concert will take place in Cologne, Germany on August 20th, 2025 while other European concerts we announce today will happen in November 2025.

Starting Friday, January 24th at 12:00 CET you’ll be able to secure tickets for first concerts in Europe: Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Sweden! More details can be found at

Additional stops will be announced at a later date, including concerts in North America and Poland.

Don’t forget that you can jump the queue and grab tickets in a pre-sale running January 22nd and January 23rd by signing up for the newsletter at An exclusive pre-sale code will be sent out to all subscribers soon, so make sure to check your inbox!

The Witcher in Concert, a celebration of the 10th anniversary of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, will bring to life the open-world RPG’s timeless score with a live orchestra performance. Select tracks from the game and its expansions will be accompanied by cutting-edge visuals and gameplay, as well as special guests Percival — co-composers of the game’s soundtrack who are known for their iconic contributions to beloved tracks.
Holiday season is a time of traditions - traditional food, ornaments and... our contests!

This September marked the 20th anniversary of our community. We've spent countless hours together, discussing trailers, sneak peaks, quests and more. In Night City, we'd be called a gang. On the Continent, a band, or order.

What we need is a crest, a logo. And this is your task: design one representing our community and create a holiday ornament based on it. Then take a photo of your creation and show us what you came up with!

  • The contest starts today and ends on January 7th, 2025 23:59 CET.
  • To participate in the contest, please submit photos of your entries as replies in designated threads on Forums (that means this one, right here) or as messages in designated Discord channels.
  • Only the first entry will qualify for the prize.
  • We will reward a total of 5 winners.
  • The prize pool for the contest is shared between Forums and Discord, so it doesn't matter where you participate.
  • Winners will be announced by end of January, 2025
  • Full contest rules are in the PDF attachment.

Happy holidays!


  • RED Holidays 2024 rules.pdf
    132.1 KB · Views: 237
If you're worried about us breaking the lore, or ignoring canon, or making some contrived decisions just because we want to, then I can tell you that we have worked on this for years, every member of our narrative leadership teams - from story to quests - has been working on the previous Witcher games as well, and we take our work and passion very seriously. What I can't revfeal are the specifics of what we do in this story and why we do it, because that would be spoiling stories that are central to the Witcher 4.

So basically, we wouldn't take such story decisions lightly, not just because that would be us doing a bad job by definition, but also because we ourselves care about the Witcher a lot. All of us started as fans of Andrzej Sapkowski's work. And when we make calls for our stories, this care and love for the Witcher is always at the forefront.
Hey everyone,

making the the game in a way that is a continuation of stories and characters of the previous games, but at the same time understandable and enjoyable for a new audience is nothing new. It's exactly the way we made The Witcher 3 as well, and essentially that's the same thing we're doing for the Witcher 4 now. So if that worked for you in The Witcher 3, then I think you shouldn't have to worry!
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