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  1. S

    What if artifacts got armor instead?

    I love the idea of artifacts and that items are no longer special cards but have their own category. But what bugs me is that there's no difference whether you play a bronze or gold artifact, it's equally easy to remove them. On the other hand, when you don't play any artifact removal you are in...
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    Premium cards aren't animated while on the board

    Premium cards aren't animated while on the board Hello! I just wanted to share it with you: I can't see premium cards animation while they are on the board. They are animated while I check card collections + they are animated in game while I'm zooming them and in last played card box, but not...
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    You are not the one who controls your play

    You are not the one who controls your play Ok let me explain the topic of this thread. Gwent has introduced a really original and interesting rewarding mechanics. That's the GG bonus which is the only bonus you can get after achieving 3 levels per day. I really enjoyed it because at the...
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    [SUGGESTION] Add scraps prize for playing a match

    [SUGGESTION] Add scraps prize for playing a match Hello! To improve game experience I would reward every match with small amount of scraps. Why? As you can see, the scraps we get from GG is same to gold, while gold is much more important. Also, scraps we get from destroying cards are really...
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    Lost connection = Lost a match

    Lost connection = Lost a match I'm 15 level already so I played lots of many different games. To be honest I love Gwent and the only simple thing that makes me not wanna play the game anymore (for a while of course) is losing a connection for like 1 second. When it happens, I immediately lose a...
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    Bugs I've encountered so far

    Bugs I've encountered so far Hello. I've played so many NR matches already and Reaver Scout usually works well, but sometimes he got broken and although he summoned a card, I couldn't use cards' ability. If I remember correctly I used Reinforcement on one Reaver Scout to get next 2, then I...
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    Show-off your deck!

    Show-off your deck! The topic says everything - since there's a new deck builder on GwentDB ( Let me start with my deck!
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    KTS: My Impressions

    KTS: My Impressions So as you can read in the topic name, I would like to share with you my feelings about the new features in Gwent. First of all, I simply love changing troop/character/special/hero cards to bronze/silver/gold. Why? It gives lots of new possibilities and is easier to...
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    GWENT: KTS Discussion Thread

    GWENT: KTS Discussion Thread Hello everyone! There was a quesion if we are allowed to discuss things which we have seen during the tests today (Tarathelion asked about it) and the answer was: That's why I'm starting this thread. There are 5 more hours till the tests start so soon you will be...
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    Shikate Card Proposals

    Shikate Card Proposals Hello guys! I've created this topic to occasionally share with you some of my ideas for new cards! I think about them quite often during my free time, but here I will post only my most solid ideas :) Let's start with the simple legend: Scoia'tael Faction Northern...
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    Nilfgaard - zbiór pomysłów na nową talię

    Nilfgaard - zbiór pomysłów na nową talię Witam, w związku z dużym zainteresowaniem talią Nilfgaardu i potwierdzeniem, że z całą pewnością znajdzie się ona w grze, postanowiłem założyć ten temat. Jak wiadomo CDP słucha głosu swoich fanów i myślę, że zdecydowanie jest ich tutaj nie mało. Kto...
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    Gwint jako starcie dwóch armii

    Gwint jako starcie dwóch armii Witam, ostatnio zacząłem zastanawiać się nad przyszłością Gwinta. Z jednej strony jesteśmy podekscytowani, ale z drugiej - w grze po czasie może faktycznie zabraknąć emocji - większość kart jest statyczna i pomimo fajnie brzmiących określeń Gwinta jako starcia...
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    Oficjalna baza kart Gwinta

    Oficjalna baza kart Gwinta Na oficjalnym (prawdopodobnie) datebase Gwinta zostały dodane karty, z których wiele nie mieliśmy okazji zobaczyć nigdzie indziej!:
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    Spy Cards Description

    Spy Cards Description I have been looking at spy cards and I haven't noticed a very important thing in the description: we have a really detailed text about what happens after we play that card, but there is no info that the spy is going to fight for our enemy (adds points to his value, not...
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    Character voices

    Character voices Hi! I definitely love every aspect of Gwent Online and this idea is just a little suggestion which in my opinion might make the game even more climatic and enjoyable. So: It would be amazing to see more character voices implemented. This idea would require few more lines of...
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