Cyberpunk 2077 - artykuły, wywiady, etc.

Cyberpunk 2077 - artykuły, wywiady, etc.

Witam. Pomyślałem, że być może przyda się temat, gdzie będzie można podzielić się (i komentować) różnego rodzaju informacjami, spekulacjami i ciekawostkami, wrzucanymi przez zagraniczną i polską prasę.

Jeśli temat jest akceptowalny, pozwólcie, że zacznę z grubej rury:

"Trailer CD-Projektu kolejnym symptomem seksizmu w przemyśle growym" ;-)


Forum veteran
Cyberpunk 2077 Exclusive Interview

Ważne fragmenty:
So what is the world in 2077. What will change?

The fourth corporate war in Cyberpunk 2020 ended with the detonation of a nuke on top of the Arasaka Tower, resulting in the entire corporate district being annihilated. We have the reconstruction of the buildings somewhere else. It is the same city, but it moved a little closer to the coast. You’ll find some legendary places like Afterlife. The corporations will also remain present – Arasaka, Dynalar, KiroshI etc, be sure to find them.

When comparing the game to The Witcher series – how will you change its technology. Cyberpunk will use the REDengine. But the tool is still developing?

This is an amazing engine! This is truly one of the best tools for creating RPGs and it allows us to make every role-playing title. But some changes are necessary. In The Witcher we didn’t have guns, only crossbows, which are a completely different story. We have to change the physics and ballistics of the game. Character movement will also change – the witcher is a mutated human, but we’ll have a whole system of cyber-implants, allowing you to modify your limbs. These are the main changes in the game engine, but there are a lot of small features that have to be changed and added.

How would you describe Cyberpunk 2077 for someone who doesn’t know too much about it? A person who never heard about the genre, didn’t watch Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell etc.?

Cyberpunk 2077 will be an awesome game about a hero from the streets, from very dangerous streets. Raised from the gutter, he uses ultra-modern technology to stand against large corporations and others who exploit the underprivileged. The lonely rider takes his chopper, tech and the slaughter begins (laughter). Awesomeness in pure form with an engrossing, non-linear story – like an epic movie.
Zaczynamy takimi bredniami? :D

I can't say I'm surprised with this trailer. CD Projekt Red proved with The Witcher games that it makes some incredible games, with a very juvenile understanding of sex. Women are invariably prizes or vampire-style enemies that are to be as feared as desired in they typical CD Projekt Red game, and this new game seems to be following that tradition in style.

Jeżeli w Wiedźminie jest dziecinne podejście do seksu to ja przepraszam bardzo. To jakiś katolicki seris?
Zaczynamy takimi bredniami? :D

Jeżeli w Wiedźminie jest dziecinne podejście do seksu to ja przepraszam bardzo. To jakiś katolicki seris?

Cóż, wszystkie chwyty dozwolone - ktoś wydumał i opublikował takie rewelacje więc wstawiam ;) pośmiejmy się razem. Podobała mi się ta odpowiedź pod wpisem:

As a female I find this article both offensive and presumptuous.

Stop trying to discredit actual female gamers who value a developers creative decisions, this is just generating more discontent across the internet. Also, to assume a game is automatically sexist based on a short teaser trailer with little context is incredibly presumptuous.

In either case you are not supporting women, gamers, or developers by making these articles.

Atak z całkiem niespodziewanej strony, prawda? :D


Forum veteran
Jeżeli w Wiedźminie jest dziecinne podejście do seksu to ja przepraszam bardzo. To jakiś katolicki seris?
W W1 jest, jeżeli zaś chodzi o W2, to jak na grę, seks jest tam przedstawiony w bardzo "dorosły" sposób. Kompletnie nietrafiony argument wg mnie. I pierwsze słyszę o tym serwisie.
I pierwsze słyszę o tym serwisie.

I to jest chyba powód wypuszczania podobnych rewelacji - byś usłyszał :)

This is an amazing engine!

Hell yeah - jeśli ostatnie pare sekund z trailera było faktycznie tym, co ma być zbliżone jakością do gameplayu... to mamy miszcza :D
To jakiś katolicki seris?

Tak mi sie zdaje, ze katolicki serwis nie zwracal by uwagi na rzekome niedojrzale przedstawianie sfery seksualnej.

Z drugiej strony z katolicyzmem mam ostatnio malo wspolnego, wiec nie wiem jak to tam teraz jest z akceptacja prezentacji seksualnosci w mediach.
Artykuł idealny aby się pośmiać z głupoty autora a także aby zobaczyć do czego prowadzi takie postrzeganie świata.

Pod artykułem świetny komentarz

Thank you CD Projekt for existing and thank you Eastern Europe for existing. You are the last bastions of a close to "civilized" world where people aren't oversensitive sissies and easily offended.

Please keep making games as you wish without bowing down to these oversensitive spoiled "pseudo politically correct" children that are trying to politicize a medium of entertainment that should NEVER EVER be politicized. Football has been ruined by politics enough, the movie industry has contrary to the words of this article, not bowed down to the control freak traits of radical feminism, the third wave of feminism, control freak nazism.

You may be a poor world Eastern Europe, but that is what makes you mentally sane, it makes you hardened.

Yes, there is sexism that matters in this world, it finds itself in the midst of the Middle East and Africa and India for example. The places where feminism is needed. Sexism in form of women having no opportunities and females being physically harassed.

And then there is "sexism" in the 1st world. I like to call it a part of "1st world problems" because only in the midst of the spoiled, spoon fed and easy going "1st world" can you find individuals who live such a good life that the vastness of their "problems" are reduced to crying about irrelevant, pointless and weak details like this one here, "sexism" in an imaginary world. Or "mommy didn't buy me an iPhone for Christmas, i hate her".

Even the definition of "sexism", as people throw that word so eagerly at every possible whim, is now scrambled and reduced to a buzzword.

Yes, this is the level of silliness of people who label a naked woman in a video game "sexist" and seek sexist interpretations in games.

I bet the women with actual problems in the problematic areas of the world are laughing at this bunch of people crying about supposed "sexism" in imaginary entertainment,
laughing at how insignificant and weak this is. I bet they don't even consider anything like this as "sexist" because of how insignificant it is.

Devs, you have no obligation towards these people or the writer of this article. You have no obligation to pander towards a "wider audience". No.

You should make games the way you love to make them, make the characters and stories the way you love and imagine, this is the definition of entertainment. So it is said and so it should be.
Niech ktoś rzuci czymś w szypka, coby zabrał się za F.A.Q. albo zdeklarował się, że nie robi, coby ktoś mógł przejąc po nim schedę.
Tak, coś słabo idzie nam zgranie tych informacji...

Niestety do wyboru mamy niemal tylko informacje o teaserze, więc na dobrą sprawę można jednego linka wkleić w 10 tematów, ale to się zmieni w miarę odkrywania nowych kart przez CDP.
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