Flying Wild Hog remaking 'Shadow Warrior'.

Ran into a bug that has killed my game progress. Ran into a few bugs, really. None of this shit happened with Hard Reset. I've enjoyed the hell out of Shadow Warrior but it's clearly been rushed. Then I see some teaser on their page for something that looks like it's out of fucking Mario Brothers...ugh, sorry, just ranting here. They need to get back to Hard Reset, make a sequel. it's a huge mistake on their part if they don't. Meanwhile, I need to fix some stupid fucking bug so I can finish the game.
I also had gamebreaking bug that stopped my progress, had to reload previous save and it gone away.
I've reinstalled the game. Didn't work. Tried a previous save, that didn't do it. Maybe I'll try one that's a considerable ways back. I e-mailed the Hogs as well, hopefully they get back to me on Monday. This is the one thing that sucks about PC gaming. You're bound to run into more bugs.So what upgrades do you guys like the best?


Forum veteran

Finally finished it. And wow, I was not expecting such a dramatic ending.


-balanced gameplay. Fair but tough. I completely fucked myself over with upgrades and finally relented and set it to casual for the last arena battle before confronting Zilla. My fault. I had little ammo and few upgrades installed.

-wonderful particle effects/explosions/etc.

-good level design. Fairly large and convoluted, hard to find all the secrets.

-visceral weapons. Everything just feels impactful.

-quite a few upgrades and powers

-sharp dialog and humor. This game has it's own style. With few exceptions, they pulled off having a more engaging story than most action games. And it's not your typical Hollywood fare. Thank fucking god...

-some of the best melee in a FP game yet. On par with Dishonored.


-mediocre graphics and art design. I hate to say this after Hard Reset, which looked so bloody glorious, but visuals in this game are erratic. Sometimes good, other times generic and uninspired. Especially monster designs.

-engine not as well optimized as it could be..or was, actually. Not sure how that happened.

-repetitive. Same criticism was leveled at Hard Rest and it's a fair one. I understand its an old school shooter, but if FWH does another one of these, they need to add more variety to the mix.

-standard weapon upgrades. In Hard Reset, many upgrades meant an optional function that affected gameplay drastically. Here, almost every weapon upgrade is a simple a power up.

-every boss fight was in the same type of arena format. I would have loved to fight Enra or Zing in downtown Toyko or something, would have been great.

Ending: and here is where some called it melodramatic. In fact, it was solid drama during the last moments of a largely campy game, so it seemed slightly out of place. But damn, it was surprisingly effective on it's own. Jan Bartkowitzc wanted to pack more story into a game of this nature can carry. I can't blame his ambition knowing he was a writer for TW2. He needs to be put on a more serious project, or learn to reign things in for titles like this.

...loved that music at the end.

* I have carefully constructed this post. If these damn forums jam everything together when I hit submit, Lo Wang will seek his revenge.
Glad you liked it Slim and I agree with your evaluation of the game.

Sadly, I cannot finish it, I get a crash when I load my last save in Chapter 17 :(
I solved my bug by reloading past save - waaaay back. Wasn't happy. E-mailed the Hogs about it anyway, no response. Not good form. I understand they may be busy, but releasing a buggy game like this kills your rep. They are patching like mad, with Steam getting mini patches and GOG getting larger (I think) and fewer patches. Latest GOG patch was today. It's 12:00 AM, and I'm staring another game, despite the fact I have to be to work by 7:00 AM. Fuck. I missed almost 40% of the secrets. No wonder I was broke.
So, as of patch 1.0.5 (
is the game bug free or would you guys recommend waiting a bit longer?
Shadow Warrior, like Hard Reset, has a unique scoring system. Basically, your score is currency, and that's how you buy your upgrades. And upgrades are vital to staying alive in harder settings. To truly excel, you have to be effective and stylish in your kills. I bugged the devs on the Steam forums, and they finally released a summery of the scoring system. A vague one but better than nothing. Also, if you have no intentions of playing, check out this ending. It's grown on me. Skip to 18:15.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif]Losing hp by Lo Wang doesn't influence the final score.
The higher score you get the more skills/weapons you will use during a fight.
The number of different monster types doesn't influence the score.
Evironmental damage also counts to the final score (barrels, air conditioners, vending machines etc.)
Example: you will get a better score if you first use Flux on an enemy, then cut off his arm, then you will blow up an explosive barrel near the enemy killing him.

On the level summary screen:
Karma earned - this is the total amount of karma you have earned.
Karma bonus - this is the amount of karma you have earned for being more creative while killing enemies
Honestly I can't remember if I played Hard Reset. I remember the game, know the studio, think I own it, but don't remember freaking playing it. Ah!
You no mess with Lo Wang!
I just finished the game, despite the shitty level design I thought it was a brilliant game.
A lot of people complained about the game being tough, but with Katana Mastery skills all maxed the game becomes incredibly easy... If you treat it like a hack 'n slash this is exactly what it becomes. Chapter 16 Arena though, that Manticore in addition to all the spawning enemies, it was really over the top. I died more times in that area than on the entire fucking game.

The story was interesting, the drama was great but sometimes contrived, the dialogue was mostly snarky and whacky. Overall the plot lacked clarity, but it was a million times better than vanilla Hard Reset.

Gameplay was very brutal, much more than Hard Reset. It was fair for the most part though. The sword combat was very addicting, and is easily, the best I've ever seen in any game.
The bosses were one big 'meh'. Same mechanics over and over again, they were not as challenging as the mini bosses were. The fights against the manticores were much much more challenging.
Wow, you thought it was harder than Hard Reset? I'm playing on hard now and I'd wager medium is more difficult in HR because your crowd control options are not as powerful as the Katana and demon powers in SW. Until you hit that chap. 16 arena fight, that was where I put it on easy. Huge difficulty spike there. Kinda agree about the boss fights. They are basically endurance runs, very epic and cool but not much strategy. On this run I'm using Katana a lot more and it's the best in any FP game I've played. So brutal and responsive. Mixing up powers with combos is crazy fun.
slimgrin said:
Wow, you thought it was harder than Hard Reset? I'm playing on hard now and I'd wager medium is more difficult in HR because your crowd control options are not as powerful as the Katana and demon powers in SW. Until you hit that chap. 16 arena fight, that was where I put it on easy. Huge difficulty spike there. Kinda agree about the boss fights. They are basically endurance runs, very epic and cool but not much strategy. On this run I'm using Katana a lot more and it's the best in any FP game I've played. So brutal and responsive. Mixing up powers with combos is crazy fun.

The Katana kinda makes things easy, if you're going guns only and ignoring environmental damage you're going to get your ass kicked. First thing I did was max the Katana skill tree, the skill that allows you to steal Health with every Ki blow is amazingly OP.
As to why it was harder, the enemies in this game are of a bigger variety, and they are very responsive too. They can be bullet spongy If you don't hit them in the right parts, Hard Reset didn't have that. Like that giant, you want to take his arms first, or that undead summoning enemy, you also want to take his arms... More so, they've got special abilities like shield, and that fire wave. Hard Reset only had rockets. And precisely because you can inflict a lot of environmental damage, you need to be careful not to be caught in it too, so you need to plan it a little. A lot of things explode, I didn't notice all of them until Chapter 4, in Hard Reset they are very noticeable because there isn't such variety.

And Chapter 16 arena last stage would be fine without the Manticore. This guy is fast, and hits like a truck - plus, you already got all those teleporting withces so it's hard to get the backstab at the Manticore. I think you need some luck there.

As to my build:
Katana Mastery all the way.
Health - all three upgrades.
Drain Soul - turns out to be a waste but I also think it's bugged because I wasn't able to move.
Health Kit upgrade - only one.
Enemey ghosts appear 20% more, and more clearly - two upgrades.
Stamina regen - two upgrades.
Stamina upgrade - one upgrade.
Lesser demon damage upgrade - two upgrades.
Higher demon damage upgrade - two upgrades.
RAGE - only one upgrade, turns out to be a waste because I barely fell to 30 Health.
Fire resistant - dunno how useful it was, took it near the end.

Demons powers:
Protection all the way. This power is almost as OP as Quen.
Restoration all the way.
Flux - half way, turns out to be a waste. The power that knocks enemies down is much more powerful, I think it's called Shockwave.

Uzi all the way.
Revolver all the way.
Rocket Launcher - secondary fire mode, three rockets at once.
I thought the rest of the guns were too slow. I wasted a lot of money on the first boss battle, I didn't know the things that fell from the sky were ammo halfway through the battle. Sticky Bombs on the crossbow might be worth it If you've got enough.

Must agree about the artstyle on the levels, but I thought the flashbacks and weapon design was fucking badass.
The final boss was probably the easiest of them all though because the full sword actually heals you with each hit.
Also, the voice acting was great. Lo Wang VA sounds like he had a fun time.
"Make peace before I cut you to pieces!" - Lo Wang.

BTW, you should check out Mark of the Ninja. Excellent plot.
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