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Reminder for 2015.

Apart from Weejmin
As the Cosmos doesn't like perfection, the January 30 will have ONE second more therefore they will make that the most precise watch in the wold, the atomic watch, mark for first time the hour with 61 seconds:

midnight January 30, 2015 23:59:60

Life is Great!
As the Cosmos doesn't like perfection, the January 30 will have ONE second more therefore they will make that the most precise watch in the wold, the atomic watch, mark for first time the hour with 61 seconds:

midnight January 30, 2015 23:59:60

Life is Great!

June 30, actually, but who's counting? And this is actually the 26th declared leap second since 1972.

(Seriously, timekeepers take these things personally. Leap seconds are hugely controversial among the people who care about them. Dealing with them in navigation, astronomy, and computing is a massive headache. There's a proposal to abolish them, to be taken up later this year. The implications of the proposal are, as is usual when international standards bodies get involved, political and involve deeply seated national pride rather than science and engineering.)
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June 30, actually, but who's counting? And this is actually the 26th declared leap second since 1972.

(Seriously, timekeepers take these things personally. Leap seconds are hugely controversial among the people who care about them. Dealing with them in navigation, astronomy, and computing is a massive headache. There's a proposal to abolish them, to be taken up later this year. The implications of the proposal are, as is usual when international standards bodies get involved, political and involve deeply seated national pride rather than science and engineering.)

Who cares? I do care!

One second can change a life! The Cosmos is mocking about humanity!

But I thank you the fact you have given peace to my soul rectifying the date: I was terrified just thinking I could lose one second of playing TW3...
no one touch my tw3 pre-order!!! Or i'll scream.

you have been visited by le meme witch!! Post "thank you meme witch" in this thread and epic meme conuring will come to you!
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