2.0: Sold clothes to vendors remain in Wardrobe memory, but removed from Stash/Inventory and I can’t get rid of them. Radio controls and stations

PS5 2.0 from PS4 disk: Clothes sold to a Drop Off Kiosk or a Clothes Vendor are removed from Stash/Inventory memory, but remain in the Wardrobe memory cache. The clothes anren’t eliminated them and like ghosts, they are haunt my Wardrobe for ever. There is a problem Vendors program is not deleting it.

RADIOS: Any radio standalone or in cars, cannot turn on/off. Nor controls to change channels.
Hum... not sure what do you mean :(
Every piece of clothes which you add once in your inventory is added to your wardrobe "for ever". That's pretty much the goal, being able to "wear" every piece of clothes you ever looted/bought/crafted.
Heh, yeah, took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that the Wardrobe is purely aesthetic whilst the Inventory slots are what govern bonuses to your stats.

TBF, it's not exactly intuitive.
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